Chapter 51 Why Do We Only Eat 1 Kg Of Meat Per Portion?

The man who was not wearing the same uniform as we had had full brown hair like Nanda's green hair, unlike the other students whose hair was only a few strands. When I saw him, he looked at me and smiled at me. I smiled back at him and nodded my head at him.

After that he continued eating his breakfast, seeing him starting to continue his breakfast I started eating mine too. While I was eating my food, I realized that the breakfast I received was about 1 kg of Beast meat, and this was the same portion when I ate with my uncle. I also thought why they always serve a 1 kg portion of Beast meat.

Seeing that I was staring at my food like I was thinking about something, Nanda asked me, "Hey! Why are you looking at your food with such a confused look? Have you never eaten beast meat like this before?" she asked me why I was looking at my food like so confused.

It dawned on me when she called out to me and answered her question, "No, it's not that I've never eaten beast meat before, it's just that this portion of food is the same as what I normally eat. Is there something about every time you eat meat it's 1 kg per portion?" I also asked Nanda about this 1 kg portion of meat.

"Oh, you don't know?" Nanda looked at me with a confused and suspicious expression on her face. "Yeah, I don't know" I nodded my head.

"Don't you know about this? You want to test my knowledge huh?" Nanda also made a face that seemed to be angry, seeing her facial expression change I immediately calmed her down, "Really Nanda, I-I don't know why every time you eat beast meat you have to eat 1 kg, not less or more. I'm not testing you really" I explained to her that I really didn't know about it.

"Seriously? You don't know why we have to eat 1 kg of meat every meal?" Nanda seemed to have calmed down a bit and asked me again if I really didn't know. "That's true Nanda I don't know" I answered honestly with the expression that I really wasn't lying to her.

"Okay, if you really don't know that, I will tell you why we are only allowed to eat 1 kg of meat per portion." After that Nanda started explaining to me why we are only allowed to eat 1 kg of beast meat per portion.

The human body has a limit to be able to accept the energy contained in beast meat, so humans cannot directly eat beast meat as much as they want. Because if he eats Beast meat beyond the limits that his body can accept, then his body will not be strong enough to accommodate the energy from the Beast meat and this energy will not strengthen the human body but will cause damage.

And the energy limit that can be accommodated by humans for Warrior Level 1 and below from Beast meat is only 1 kg of meat, but the higher your Warrior level the stronger your body is so that you can eat more meat from Beast at the previous level.

"So the reason we can't eat more than 1 kg of meat, is because our bodies won't be strong enough to accommodate the energy that is in the Beast's flesh apparently" I listened to her explanation while eating my food. "Yes, that's about it" Nanda also explained to me while eating.

It didn't take long for my food to run out before her.

As usual, I get a notification because I have eaten 1 kg of Beast meat. If I could eat more portions of meat then the experience I would get would definitely be more, and I would grow stronger faster.

But I think it's more effective at absorbing Beast Cores than eating Beast flesh. Because once absorbing a Beast Core I can get 100 Exp while eating Beast meat only gets 10 Exp. Then I remembered that I still had the Beast Core that I hadn't absorbed from killing the Rabbit Beast last night.

I also felt very excited to absorb the Beast Core and waited for Nanda to finish her food before starting to Absorb the Beast Core in my room later.

After Nanda finished her food, I asked her what she was going to do today. because lessons haven't started yet so we don't have any activities we can do today and I don't think we are allowed to go outside the academy yet either.

Nanda also said that he would practice in her room today and would go out to eat only. Hearing that, I will also follow her because instead of not doing anything, it's better for me to practice in my room too. Luckily my room has enough space to practice my skills in the room, so I don't have to bother leaving the room looking for a place to practice.

We both returned to our respective rooms. Arriving at my room I checked my Status and Skill first.



Host Name: Bobby

Race: Human

Class: Warrior Level 1 (Normal).

Level: 97 (30/100)

HP: 980/980

Energy: 490/490

Str: 61

Agi: 48

Vit: 39

Total Attribute: 148

Free attribute point: 0

Battle Exp Point: 400

My current status is strong enough but I still don't know how to become a Warrior Uncommon category or become a Level 2 Warrior. But I think I'll find out here at the academy, and for Battle Exp I still need another 200 Battle Exp to be able to increase my Skill Level. For now, I will look at my Skills.


Right now the Skill that I can practice is Slash because the other Skills Exp bar is already full. The Exp Bar only requires enough Battle Exp to level it up. And right now I don't know when I'll be allowed out to be able to hunt my own Beast.

"Huh..." I sighed because I didn't know when I would be able to hunt beasts to get beast cores and battle experience because without those two things, I wouldn't be able to get stronger quickly.