Chapter 52 Got A Chance To Learn New Skill Again

Right now, I'm going to focus on filling up the Exp bar from my Slash Skill. And use up all my energy before I start absorbing the Beast Core from the Rabbit Beast to fill up the energy that runs out after practice. And right now I only have one Beast Core so I can only increase my Level by one level.

"Huh... if I knew like this I would hunt beasts first when I was in that forest before for my training needs at the academy." I sighed because right now I don't have anything to increase my strength.

"Okay, let's think about it later, it's time to practice." I started practicing my Slash Skill which had reached Level 4 and the bar was still not full. Right now when I was swinging my sword along with my Slash Skill which had leveled up to level 4 it became completely different from when this Skill was still Level 1.

Previously I couldn't feel the difference in power when swinging a sword with Skill Slash and without using Skill Slash. At this time, the difference is felt, especially with every use of Skill Slash, my strength will increase by 60%, which makes my attack power increase by more than half.

It made a huge difference when swinging my sword using Slash or not. When I swing my sword it also becomes faster than before because my Agi stat has increased, so besides my attack power increasing drastically, my movement speed has also gotten faster.

When I was practicing suddenly someone knocked on my door "Duk! Duk! Duk!" hearing this I stopped my practice and saw who was knocking on my door. After I opened my door it turned out that the one who knocked on my door was Nanda.

"Hey, Nanda, what's wrong?" I asked him why she was knocking on my door. "Hey Bobby, I want to invite you to practice together, do you want?" apparently she wanted to invite me to practice together.

"That's fine, but I don't think our room will fit if it's used to practice for two people. Do you know of a practice area that can fit both of us?" I asked where we could practice together since mine and her room wouldn't fit two people's practice.

Yes, I know that, but I think we can use the vacant lands around the academy to practice. She tells me that we can just use the vacant lands around the academy. "Hmm... all right then, let's find that empty land to practice together today" I immediately brought my armor and weapon to practice with Nanda.

Luckily my energy is not exhausted and there is still enough left, so I can practice with Nanda now. I walked with Nanda who was wearing his green armor with a sword beside her. I also wondered what Nanda's armor was made of so that her armor could have a green color.

As far as I remember around the village there are no beasts that have green skin. Nanda saw me staring at her armor "Why are you looking at my armor like that?" Nanda also asked why I was paying attention to her armor.

"Oh nothing, I was just thinking what your armor is made of because I never saw a beast with green skin around the village," I asked her what material the armor was made of.

"Oh, this Armor? it is made from the Wind Rabbit Beast that my father hunted and the Wind Rabbit Beast has green skin. Normally, you haven't seen them since they are very rare in Adiyasa Forest." Nanda told me that the armor she was wearing was made of Wind Rabbit Beast.

"Wind Rabbit Beasts? Isn't that a Level 2 Beast? Wow, your father is very good at being able to give you armor made of Level 2 Beasts." I was very impressed with Nanda's father, who was a Level 2 Warrior.

"Of course he is great, but I will be much greater than him later, hehe" Nanda looked very proud of her father. Seeing how happy she was, I smiled at her.

After quite a long time we were looking for a place to practice around the academy we finally found it too. This place was an empty lot filled with green grass below and it was quite far from the buildings of the academy, so it was a suitable place for training as there was nothing to disturb us.

"What do you think? We can use this place as a training ground right now?" Nanda also asked me if I agreed to make this place our training ground. "Yeah, I think this is quite ideal because it's rare for other people to pass through this place and disturb our practice" I also agreed to this practice place.

"Okay then, let's start our fighting practice together." Nanda also took the distance between me and her, she took out a sword from its scabbard. Seeing that she was getting ready to fight, I also took out my sword from its scabbard.

"Okay, since you're stronger than me, I'll attack you first and you'll block mine, how about that?" She wanted to attack me and I blocked her attack because I was stronger than her.

"Okay, I have no problem with that" I agreed with her suggestion. Hearing me agree to her suggestion, she started using Aura on her whole body. I also use my Aura.

Nanda's Aura is different from mine, Nanda's Aura is green while I am transparent white. Her aura is the same color as her hair and eyes, I think her hair and eyes have something to do with her aura.

After Nanda activated his Aura, it seemed like she was taking steps to attack me, because her Aura began to collect on her sword and she raised her sword and...

"Azure Edge!" she swung her sword up and down.


She used a Skill apparently and saw an attack that took the form of green colored energy towards me. I also used the Slash Skill on my sword and took damage from her using my sword while using Slash.


It seems I managed to hold off her attack just fine because right now I didn't back away from where I was standing. Nanda who saw me seemed quite surprised because I could withstand her attack without flinching.

Her Skills are very different from the Skills I have whether it's appearance or effects, even though the power of her Skills is still below mine. But I think it's because I and her have quite a difference in strength, if our strength is the same I guess I won't be able to withstand her attacks like before.

While I was admiring the Skill released by him I also received a notification.


I was very surprised because I managed to learn a Skill from resisting her attack, it's been a long time since I got a new Skill.