Chapter 54 Using Skill Continuously Is Exhausting

Both of us continued our training, Nanda kept attacking me with her Azure Edge Skill and regular attacks alternately. I also managed to withstand every attack she threw at me and I got used to defending against attacks because usually I practice with my uncles without using Aura because they are afraid of hurting me.

At this time I began to notice that Nanda seemed unable to use her skills for a certain period of time. Because every time she attacks using her Azure Edge Skill then she attacks me with normal attacks without Skill. I guess there is a condition or time for the skill to be used.

Over time, for some reason, I feel that Nanda's attacks are getting stronger and more accurate, but because of that, I am also getting better at resisting attacks. That makes us get good results from our two-to-one practice.

When Nanda had launched her Skill ten times it made her run out of energy, and she looked very tired because a lot of sweat was pouring down her face, coincidentally it was already very noon and we decided to have lunch in the cafeteria before resting in our respective rooms.

We both arrived at the cafeteria for lunch, like this morning we both got lunch in the form of 1 kg of Beast meat. After we both finished our food, we went to our respective rooms to rest and would continue our practice in the afternoon before dinner.

Arriving at the room I immediately checked my status to see how much energy I have left and if I can use it now.



Host Name: Bobby

Race: Human

Class: Warrior Level 1 (Normal).

Level: 97 (50/100)

HP: 980/980

Energy: 350/490

Str: 61

Agi: 48

Vit: 39

Total Attribute: 148

Free attribute point: 0

Battle Exp Point: 410

I gained 10 Battle Exp when training with Nanda, as I thought combat training would only give me less Battle Exp than hunting beasts. Then I still had quite a lot of energy left because earlier I only used my Slash Skill 20 times to withstand Nanda's attacks.

I'm training with my sword while using Slash every time it hits, and I'm trying to use my Slash continuously without stopping. I got inspired when I sparred with Nanda earlier, besides this skill I can use to attack, I can also use this skill to defend and when defending I think it will be difficult if I have to activate this skill repeatedly because my concentration will be divided.

Therefore I tried to activate Slash continuously and as a result, I was able to do it. But the energy consumption is much faster than just using it per slash, my Slash can last about ten seconds before its aura runs out and if I swing it will immediately consume my energy.

So that the energy consumption will be ten seconds every time it is not used, when it is used to attack or defend it will be calculated using Slash once. It makes energy consumption quicker as well, but I think this will allow me to control my energy even better.

As teacher Tom said before that the skill I used was energy control, not a real skill, and after seeing Nanda use her skill I realized that what teacher Tom said was true. I currently don't have a real skill yet.

I also continued my training by using Slash continuously until my energy runs out. I slashed forward, backward, right, left, and in other directions to get used to using this skill continuously.

Without realizing it, I suddenly felt very exhausted from training this time and after I checked my status, I found that my energy had run out. But this is the first time I feel so tired when my energy runs out before I didn't feel tired when my energy runs out.

It seems that when using energy continuously apart from making energy consumption faster it also makes my body very tired, because before I never tried to practice using my skills non-stop like this.

After knowing that I can get very tired when using my energy continuously until mine runs out, I have to be careful the next time I fight Beasts and pay attention to my energy consumption and the condition of my body. To avoid getting tired like this, because it would be very dangerous if I got tired in a place filled with enemies.

After consuming all my energy, I started absorbing the energy in the Beast Core that came from the Rabbit Beast that I hunted last night. The stronger I am the faster I absorb the Beast Core and now I can absorb all the energy from the Beast Core in just 10 minutes.

I also thought while absorbing the Beast Core, if I could absorb the Beast Core without having to be so focused like this. I wouldn't worry about my energy running out while fighting beasts. But unfortunately, I still can't do it.

After 10 minutes passed and I managed to use up all the energy in this Beast Core and the notification appeared as usual.


I allocated my free attribute points to my Vit this time.



Host Name: Bobby

Race: Human

Class: Warrior Level 1 (Normal).

Level: 98 (50/100)

HP: 990/990

Energy: 300/500

Str: 61

Agi: 49

Vit: 40

Total Attribute: 150

Free attribute point: 0

Battle Exp Point: 410

Now one Beast Core can only restore my energy by a maximum of 300 energy, it seems that is the limit of recovery that can be done by the energy of a Beast Core. Yes, of course, there must be a limit, if there is no limit with just one Beast Core I can recover as much of my energy as it is too impossible it seems.

Since today I will continue my practice with Nanda again, I will not practice alone first either. Instead of going to take a shower and recovering my exhausted body by relaxing in bed, hehe.

While I was lying on my bed, someone knocked on my door. "Oh, looks like she's ready to practice again" I immediately headed for the door to continue training with Nanda with enthusiasm because the more I practiced with her the faster I would get Parry's Skill.

But when I opened my bedroom door, what I saw was not a beautiful green-haired woman but a middle-aged man with blue hair, yes, it was teacher Tom, the person who brought me here from my village.

"Good afternoon teacher Tom" I immediately greeted him.

"Hahaha, looks like you were a little disappointed when you saw me at your door Bobby, so whom are you waiting for? Is that Nanda? your progress is fast" teacher Tom smiled while teasing me because he saw my slightly disappointed face when he saw himself."Ah, it's not like that teacher, hehe" I was scratching the back of my head in embarrassment when teacher Tom saw my slightly disappointed expression.