Chapter 55 Meet The Academy Principal

"So, what's wrong teacher Tom you looking for me here? Oh, is it because my uniform is finished?" I also asked about what he was doing here and I thought that he wanted to tell me about my academy uniform.

"Hmm, that's not it, I came here because the principal wants to meet you now, so I'm here to pick you up to meet him," teacher Tom told me that the principal wants to meet me now.

"Ah, did I hear right teacher? Does the principal want to see me? Why would he want to meet someone like me?" I was also surprised when I heard that the principal wanted to meet me at this time, and I wondered why he wanted to see me.

"Oh, then you will know later when you meet him" teacher Tom smiled and didn't tell me the reason the principal wanted to meet me. "I didn't make any mistakes right teacher?" I also thought what mistake did I make today that the principal wanted to meet me.

'Wait a minute, I got into a fight this morning and slammed two students because they attacked me. Could it be that because of that, the principal wanted to meet me?' I also remembered the fight this morning. "Gulp" I also saw teacher Tom with a guilty and resigned expression.

"Why are you making your face like that?" teacher Tom who saw my guilty expression, made him wonder. "Ah, I'm sorry teacher, this morning I let slip and couldn't hold back my strength when I threw those two people. Will I be punished for what I did this morning teacher?" I also asked if I would be punished for what I did this morning.

"Oh, you threw two people this morning? I just heard about it" hearing that I threw two people this morning confused teacher Tom. "Oh, you mean the principal wanted to see me not because he wanted to punish me for throwing two people this morning?" I breathed a little relieved because it seems I was called by the principal not because of the problem this morning.

"Yes, the principal called you not for that, but for something else. And you will get benefit from it not punishment. Come on, let's go to his office now because he's been waiting for you, and tell me about the incident you threw two people at the academy this morning" teacher Tom asked me to follow him to meet with the principal and tell me what happened this morning.

"Okay teacher I will tell you what happened on the way" I started to follow Tom's teacher and told him about what happened this morning.

The two of us walked towards the magnificent white building, grander than the dormitory I was currently living in and I think this was the largest building in the academy right now. Teacher Tom told me that this is the place where I and other students will study later, and the principal is currently in his office which is in one of the rooms in the building.

When Tom's teacher heard my story he laughed and said "They are both stupid to challenge you to a fight even though they haven't become Warriors yet, don't worry Bobby you won't have a problem with that, because you two have different statuses in the academy" he also told me to not worry about the problem this morning.

"Okay, uncle" I also understood what he meant and no longer worried about it. The building I'm going to right now is the place where I'll be studying later. So I can't wait to see what it's like inside. This place has quite a lot of floors and on each floor, many windows are facing out, I think that's where our classroom is.

This place had a gate at the front and just like the entrance gate to the academy, this place also had two guards. When we both wanted to enter the school, the guard asked what business I had to come to this place now, because the lesson had not started yet.

Teacher Tom also told them that I came here because the principal called me after they both heard that I came here because the principal called me. They immediately invited me to enter the school building.

After entering the school building I was very surprised because this building has very nice buildings and it seems that the cost to build this building was very expensive judging from its appearance. But unfortunately, I didn't have time to see my classroom, because we went straight to the principal's office.

I followed teacher Tom while looking around me, we started climbing the stairs to the ninth floor. After that, we headed to the room in front of which was written the principal's room, and teacher Tom knocked on the door.

"Knock! Knock!"

"Please come in" not long after the uncle knocked on the door, there was a male voice who allowed us to enter his room.

We both entered the principal's office. There I saw an old man with white hair sitting on a chair and his desk was the principal's sign.

"Bobby greets the principal" "Tom greets the principal" we both greeted him by slightly bowing our heads. "raise your heads" then he told us to raise our heads. We both lifted our heads and looked at him.

"So you're named Bobby? Looks like what teacher Tom said was right, you've almost reached the Warrior Uncommon category without even having a single Foundation Skill" he looked at me and talked to me about me almost reaching the Warrior category Uncommon while holding his white beard.

I, who was confused by what he said, looked at teacher Tom, teacher Tom, who noticed my confused look and looked at the principal. "Yes, teacher Tom, please explain to him what Foundation Skill is." The headmaster asked Teacher Tom to tell me something.

"Listen carefully Bobby, you know about Skills right? Skills are divided into several categories, namely..." teacher Tom started to explain to me about the skills that exist in this world.

Skills in this world are divided into several categories, namely Foundation Skills, Offensive Skills, Movement Skills, Defensive Skills, Healing Skills, and so on. Each of these skills has the same level category as the Beast and Warrior categories, namely Normal, Uncommon, Elite, Master, Grandmaster, and Epic. The higher the category, the stronger the Skill.

From teacher Tom's explanation, I now know that there are categories above Elite, it turns out that there are three more categories that are even higher than the elite category. It also made my mind open even wider, going to the academy was not the wrong choice. Because if I didn't come here I wouldn't know about it like the people in the village.

Most of the skill levels used by the people in towns and academies were of the Normal category and it was rare to find someone here possessing Skills of the Uncommon category level.

From teacher Tom's explanation, I know what causes the hair and eyes of the people in this academy to have different colors, that's because the Foundation Skills they learn cause mutations in their bodies and auras which make their hair and eye colors change according to the Foundation skills they learn.