Chapter 57 Metal Sparrow Aura (Normal)

The fourth Foundation Skill is kong Aura (Normal), which is a Strength Non-element type Foundation Skill. If you learn this skill you will become a Strength-type Warrior without an element, so the color of your Aura and hair will not change. And if you can master this Skill to the Perfection level, the Aura you emit can form a Kong Beast.

And the last one is Metal Sparrow Aura (Normal), which is Foundation Skill Type Speed with the metal element. If you learn this skill you will become a speed-type iron warrior, so the color of your aura and hair will become silver. And if you can master this Skill to the Perfection level, the Aura you emit can form a Metal Sparrow Beast.

The five Foundation Skills are Skills in the (Normal) category, four of them are of the Strength type and one is of the Speed type.

Because at the end of each Skill explanation, there is a sentence that says if you can master this Skill to the level of perfection, then you will be able to form your Aura into the form of a Beast. I also asked them about the meaning of the word perfection to teacher Tom and the principal.

Teacher Tom also explained to me that each skill has five levels of mastery, namely, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Master, and Perfection. Each level will make the Skill stronger and easier for the user to use.

How to increase the mastery of this skill? Of course, you have to keep honing your skills, except for Foundation Skills which require energy from the Beast Core to increase mastery of these Skills.

I also thought whether the level referred to by teacher Tom meant the same as the level in my system. If it's the same then I think the maximum level of my skill is Level 5, if it's according to Warrior standards according to teacher Tom then it has reached the perfection level. I can't wait for what happens when my Skills become Level 5 or perfection.

But I will think about that later, because now what I have to do is very important because it will change the color of my aura, hair, and eyes. Seeing me who was confused about choosing from the five Foundation Skills in front of me, the principal spoke to me.

"It seems you are very confused about choosing this Foundation Skill Bobby?" The principal also asked me to talk and I looked at him and answered his question. "Yes principal, I don't know which Foundation Skill suits me right now, can you help me to choose a principal?" I asked him for advice on which Foundation Skill I should choose better.

"Okay then, from what I've observed about you is that you are a Strength-type Warrior and use a sword as a weapon. Isn't that right?" he said that I was a Strength-type Warrior and a sword user. "Yes principal, that's true" I nodded because what he said to me was true.

"Then I suggest you learn Metal Sparrow Aura (Normal) because sword users don't really rely on their physical strength, instead they will rely on the speed and sharpness of their swords to carry out their attacks." The principal suggested I learn Metal Sparrow Aura's Foundation Skill since I'm a sword user.

"That means I will change from a Strength-type Warrior to a Speed-type Warrior principal?" if I follow the principal's advice, then I will change my Warrior type to Speed type from Strength type.

"Yes, but if you still want to keep your Warrior-type Strength, you can choose the other four that you like. But my suggestion is you better take Metal Sparrow Aura. And I think you are more suited to be a Speed-type Warrior than a Strength-type Warrior." The principal seems to want me to learn Metal Sparrow Aura compared to the other Skills he showed me, is there anything special about this Skill compared to the other Skills? Okay, I've decided.

"Okay then principal, I will learn Metal Sparrow Aura as you suggest" I also followed the principal's advice to take the Skill of his choice. "Okay, take this scroll and if you have successfully learned it returns this scroll to me here" the principal gave me a scroll containing the Skill Metal Sparrow Aura, I accepted and put the scroll in my bag.

Then I went out of his room together with teacher Tom. "Teacher Tom, is there something special about this Skill? to the extent that the principal suggested this skill to me?" I asked teacher Tom on our way out of the school building.

"To be honest Bobby, this is the first time I've heard the name of this Skill exists in the academy. So I don't even know why the principal advised you to learn this skill." Teacher Tom also doesn't know why the principal suggested me to learn this skill and he also heard about this skill for the first time in the academy.

"You haven't even heard of this skill teacher?" I was surprised to hear that teacher Tom didn't know about this skill even just heard about it earlier.

"But I don't think Skill is a bad thing because the Foundation Skill I'm currently using is also the advice from the principal to learn it and look at me now. I'm already a Level 2 Uncommon Warrior category" Teacher Tom told me that the Foundation Skill he used was a suggestion from the principal. So he thinks that the principal's advice is the best for me.

Hearing that the current skill was a suggestion from the principal also made me worry less and more confident to learn this skill, up to the level of perfection.

Finally, I arrived at my dormitory, after teacher Tom walked me to the front of the dormitory door he immediately left because he had other business to do. Before he left I thanked him for bothering to walk me back to the dorms.

When I got to my room, I immediately opened this scroll and read all of its contents, after I read this scroll to the end. A notification sound popped up in my ear.


'Oh, I can instantly learn a Skill just by reading it through? This is so convenient, I should have asked permission to read the five Skills just now. So that I can get all the Foundation Skills earlier. Huh...' I also thought about getting all the Foundation Skills from the principal earlier.

Of course, I will choose 'Yes' to learn this skill.

"This? When using Metal Sparrow Aura now I will get an additional 5% Buff on Agi Attributes and there is an indication that this skill can be increased, unlike my previous Aura Skill which cannot be increased anymore" I was very surprised because of the additional 5% buff on my attributes, even though it uses more energy.

Besides that I also get the element effect, now I know why the principal advised me to learn this skill because my main weapon is a sword, and swords are used because of their sharpness. With the added effect of Metal Element, it will make my attacks sharper than usual.

Time to check my status when using 'Metal Sparrow Aura'.



Host Name: Bobby

Race: Human

Class: Warrior Level 1 (Normal).

Level: 98 (50/100)

HP: 990/990

Energy: 360/500

Str: 67 (61+6)

Agi: 56 (49+7)

Vit: 44 (40+4)

Total Attribute: 150

Free attribute point: 0

Element Affinity:

Metal: 1

Battle Exp Point: 410

A new panel appeared on my status, namely element affinity, and only Metal was there. 'I wonder if I can use more than one Foundation Skill and gain another Element affinity?' I thought about trying to learn more than one Foundation Skill the next time I had the chance, whether it would be possible or not.