Chapter 58 Fight Over The Training Ground

While I was contemplating whether I could learn more than one Foundation Skill. The sound of knocking on my door was heard, I immediately opened the door to see who was knocking on my door this time.

After I opened it, it turned out to be Nanda who was already wearing green armor and her sword. I think it's time for us to practice again. "Okay, wait a minute I'll take my armor and sword" I immediately entered the room to put on the armor and bring my sword.

After that the two of us went to where we practiced the morning, when we got there we saw two people men and a woman who were practicing where we practiced earlier. The two of us approached them, the two of them were currently not wearing academy uniforms but were wearing the same armor and weapons as us.

The man wearing blue armor, he had blue hair and eyes just like the armor. looks like this guy has the Water element as his Foundation Skill, somehow I feel sorry to see him like he's being tortured. Right now he could only withstand extremely violent attacks from his opponent.

The man's opponent was a girl in red armor and had red hair and eyes as well, I guess she was a user of a Fire element Foundation Skill and a Strength type because the weapon she used was an ax which was quite large so she used both hands to hold the axe. Whereas the blue-haired man used a shield made of scales and a short sword, he seemed to be a Defense-type Warrior.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" the sound of the ax hitting the shield was heard from where we were standing.

"Come on, you can still hold it can't you? and I will keep attacking you until you can't stand up" the woman kept attacking the man with her ax as hard as she could.

"Adel, how about we take a short break because my hands are weak and shaking," the man asked the woman to temporarily stop her attacks. "Did you say stop for a moment? I told you I would stop when you can't stand up anymore" the woman kept attacking him mercilessly.

We both saw this and looked at each other and I said "what if we just find another place to practice Nanda? This place is being used by other people, I don't think it's good to disturb them while practicing" I asked Nanda to find another place to practice.

"Yes, but it's already very late, I don't know if we will be able to find another practice site before it becomes night" Nanda actually wanted to find another place, but because it was already very late, she didn't think we would find a practice site. another today and will be missing practice this afternoon.

"Okay then, let's try asking them to share the practice site with us because I think this place is still enough if used by four people at once," I said trying to talk to them and Nanda nodded her head in agreement with me sharing the practice site with them.

We both approached them to talk about the division of the training ground. Seeing the two of us approaching them, the woman stopped attacking the man and looked at us then asked "What are you two doing here? Want to interrupt our practice, Huh?" the woman immediately asked with a scary face.

Before I started speaking, Nanda immediately answered the woman's question. "Both of us don't want to disturb your practice, we just want to ask your permission to practice together in this place and we will take a considerable distance, so we don't interfere with each other's practice. How?" Nanda seemed like she didn't want to be outdone this time because the other person she was talking to was a woman.

Because Nanda had spoken to the woman, I looked at the man who was lying on the ground exhausted. "Hey, are you okay?" I approached him and asked how he was.

"Hah? Oh, I'm fine, just a little tired. Huh…" the man was now sitting on the ground not sleeping anymore. "You two have known each other a long time before?" I asked him how long he had known the woman.

"Me and her? No, I only knew him yesterday when I arrived at the dormitory, we happen to both live on the same floor, so she asked me to train with her today" he tells me that they've only known each other for a day and he was made like this by that woman, really terrible woman.

"Then you're okay with that? You look like you're in a lot of torment" I asked him if it was okay for him to be treated like that. "Relax, I'm fine, actually I'm happy because there is someone who wants to be friends with me" he looked at the red-haired girl.

'What a strange person' I was scratching my head because I saw his strange behavior.

While the two of us were talking, it seemed like the debate between the two of them still hadn't finished yet.

"What are you saying? Would you like us to share this training ground with you? No way" that woman doesn't want to share this practice site with us it seems.

"Why don't you want? I don't think either of you would be able to use all of this land even if you wanted to." Nanda asked why this woman did not want to share the practice site with us.

"If I say I don't want to, I don't want to. It's better for you to go and find another place because from now on, this place is a special practice place for me" the woman now asked Nanda to find another place and said this place is special for her now.

"You! Before you practice here I already found this place this morning, you should go find another place. Not me" Nanda's emotions started to rise when she heard her words.

"Oh, this morning? I've been finding this place since yesterday. So this is my place because I found it first, hahaha" The woman still didn't want to give in and started laughing while smiling slyly.

"YOU!!!" In Nanda's head, smoke was starting to be seen coming out of his anger.

Seeing Nanda's angry expression, made the woman smile and said "Okay if you really want to practice in this place, how about we fight, the winner will have the right to practice in this place. how?" and now the woman invites Nanda to fight for this place.

Seeing the two of them who were just arguing about sharing a place to practice turned into a battlefield between the two of them. The incident made me look at the man beside me and he could only shake his head.

Seeing that he couldn't do anything about it, I also shook my head, because I also didn't know what to do with the two of them.