Chapter 59 Double Team Fight

"Okay then, let's fight now. If I win then you can't practice here anymore, and if you win then Both of you can't practice here" Nanda agreed to fight over this training ground.

"Okay, oh yeah, don't misunderstand because two people are practicing in this place. then this battle will be two on two, how about it?" The woman also told Nanda that this was not just a one-on-one fight between them, but two on two.

"Hah? You want me to fight too Adel?" The man beside me was very surprised when he heard the woman's words. And thanks to it Nanda and I know this woman's name is Adel.

"Yes, of course, since we both use this place as training. Of course, you also have to fight with me" Adel told the man that he also had to fight with her.

"But? All right then" the man agreed to Adel's words with a resigned face. Seeing that the man agreed to do a two on two fight, I went to Nanda's side to fight with her.

"Hmm, what a fool she wants to fight us both. She doesn't know that you are a Warrior who will reach the Uncommon category soon." Nanda smiled at the woman's request to fight two on two.

"Ah, but I guess there are reasons why she wants a two-on-two Nanda fight, and we don't know how strong they are. So I guess we better be careful" I told Nanda to be careful because our enemy this time is a Warrior, and this is my first time fighting a Warrior really isn't just training.

"I understand, I'll be careful later" after hearing what I said she immediately took out a sword from its scabbard. Seeing that she was ready to fight, I took my sword from its scabbard as well and took a fighting stance.

The two of them also held their weapons, the woman called Adel used a two-handed ax as her weapon, while the blue-haired man used a shield and a short sword. From their weapons, we realized that they were Strength-type Warriors and Defense-type Warriors.

Whereas we are both Speed-type Warriors, even though I just became a Speed-type. "Are you ready?" the woman asked us while driving her ax into the ground.

"Yes" Nanda answered the woman's question. "Okay then, let's start" the woman after stopping talking immediately let out her aura to cover her body. This woman's red aura is completely different from my aura and Nanda's. If my Aura and Nanda are calm, his Aura is very blazing like a burning fire. The aura of a fire elemental Strength-type Warrior was a terrifying combination.

Meanwhile, the blue-haired man's Aura was calmer and more fluid, a manifestation of the water-element defense-type Aura. They both have auras that are complete opposites of each other, but somehow it makes them seem like they have a good combination.

Nanda and I also released our Aura, Nanda with her calm but fast green Aura, the embodiment of the Wind element Speed-type Aura. This time I used my new Skill, 'Metal Sparrow Aura'. "Fowsh" my aura is very calm, but it feels heavy and I feel that there is power hidden in it.

Nanda, who saw my aura that was different from before, was surprised, "since when did your aura turn into a Speed type with Metal element Bobby?" he also asked me about the change in my aura. "I just learned a Foundation Skill from the academy this afternoon after lunch," I told her that I just learned this skill this afternoon.

"Monster" Nanda immediately looked at me with a gaze like seeing something strange. Then she looked at the red-haired woman again. "To think that both of you are Speed-type Warriors and each has the Wind element which is renowned for its speed, and the other has the Metal element which is renowned for its sharpness. It will be an interesting fight" then the lady smiled after seeing the Aura of both of us.

"That's enough talk, let's start our battle immediately" Nanda immediately advanced towards her using her Wind Step. I, who haven't had time to set up a strategy with her, can't help but follow her by using Rush.

Currently, my speed is faster than before due to the effect of 5% more Agi Buff from Metal Sparrow Aura which makes me faster than Nanda. When the two of us advanced toward them, the blue-haired man seemed to be using a Skill as his aura formed something like a large shield made of water and protected the two of them.

Because I had already approached them, I immediately launched an attack with my sword using Slash to check how strong the man's Skill was. "Bang!" "Creak!" the shield cracked from my attack, but it didn't break the shield.

"Damn, Adel this guy isn't an ordinary warrior, just one hit can crack my shield. I think this man is an Uncommon warrior category because my Water Shield can't possibly be cracked by a Normal Warrior category with one strike" the man spoke to the woman that the enemy they were facing this time was strong enough to break their shield with just one strike. The woman looked at me, then she looked at Nanda.

"Good Work Bobby" Nanda, who saw the crack, immediately attacked the crack I made. "Bang" unfortunately Nanda's strength was not enough to destroy the shield or widen the crack.

"Phew... fortunately the other one isn't as strong as the first one, if so, then we have no hope of winning this battle." The blue-haired man kept talking to the red-haired woman while analyzing our strengths.

"Yes I know, if facing that black-haired man, I'm also not sure I can win one on one. But against that green-haired woman, I'm sure I can beat her." The red-haired woman admitted that my strength was stronger than hers and she felt that Nanda would be beaten by her in a one-on-one fight.

"So what should we do now? should we separate them?" The blue-haired man asked about their plans. "Yes, what we need to do is separate the two of them, you hold off the thin man's attacks as long as possible, while I will defeat the green-haired woman as soon as possible." The red-haired woman made a plan to restrain me using her friend, and she will fight with Nanda one against one.

"Fine, but you have to quickly beat the green-haired woman because I'm not sure I can hold off long enough from the thin man's attack." The blue-haired man asked the red-haired woman to finish the fight against the woman as quickly as possible.

"Okay, I understand" the red-haired woman came out of the energy shield made by the blue-haired man and headed towards Nanda. I immediately headed towards Nanda to help her, but when I got closer Nanda stopped me and said "You just take care of that blue-haired man, leave this woman to me. Don't worry, I won't lose to someone like her." Nanda seemed to want to fight one on one with this woman. Since she said that, I headed for the blue-haired man to attack him.

Seeing me heading towards him, the blue-haired man sighed and then used his skill again to defend against my attack. Because previously my attacks could only crack his shield without breaking it, this time I used Punch and Slash simultaneously to destroy his Shield.

'Punch' unfortunately I can't control my Punch skill as well as my Slash right now so I have to use it at the right time before attacking. After I bandaged my hand with Punch, then I used Slash on my sword and attacked the man's energy shield by jumping using Avoid Step and slashing him from above.

"Booms!" a loud crashing sound was heard, followed by a sound like broken glass falling to the ground. "Clank, Clank, Clank" as I expected my attack this time managed to destroy his shield with one strike.

Because my two Skills have gotten stronger, the effect of the two Skills used together is different from before including the side effects I received.

<-20 Hp>

Even though my Vit is much bigger than before, the side effects are still very big on my body.