Chapter 60 Draw

The destruction of the blue-haired man's shield shocked him. "What? You can destroy my shield with just one strike?" the blue-haired man was very surprised because he had renewed this shield. So the crack I made earlier is gone.

Seeing that her friend's shield could be broken so easily the red-haired woman wanted to go where I and that man were fighting. But Nanda stopped her, "Where are you going? Your opponent is me" Nanda intercepted her and then launched an attack on her.

"Damn you, I will defeat you quickly." The woman then had her aura gathered on the head of the ax she used. Thus making her current ax head become fiery and bigger than before, after that she swung her ax towards Nanda.

Fortunately, she is a Strength-type Warrior who is very focused on strength, so she is slower than Nanda and allows Nanda to dodge her attacks. "hem, it's useless if your attack is strong but can't hit your enemy" Nanda, who had avoided her attack, mocked her.

"YOU!!!" The woman looked angry at Nanda's words. 'Damn, if that skinny guy wasn't this strong, Roony and I would have been able to get them stuck on Ronny's Skill and he wouldn't be able to move this freely' the woman thought of her miscalculation in measuring our strength.

Nanda did not remain silent and began to attack her from a distance. because she realized, once hit by an attack from that woman. She would lose instantly, so right now she was keeping her distance and looking for an opening to attack her.

After destroying his water shield, I continued my attack on him. This time I only attacked him using my Slash without using Punch, it seems that the Warrior-type defense does have a very good defense. Because this guy can still block all my attacks with his shield without using any previous skills.

But each of my attacks caused damage to him because every time I attacked him he moved backward, that was due to the difference in strength between the two of us. If he wasn't a defense-type Warrior then he wouldn't be able to withstand my attacks all this time.

The man didn't seem like he would be able to survive my attack any longer because he was already starting to sweat profusely. He occasionally glanced at the red-haired woman and Nanda who were fighting.

'Adel, can you beat that woman faster, I'm too weak to withstand his current attacks.' The blue-haired man spoke in his heart while enduring every attack I threw at him.

'This guy, he's been able to survive all this time from my attacks. Fortunately, Nanda was not rash enough to attack the woman directly and prevented her attack from hitting Nanda, who was of the Speed type.' I jumped up using my Avoid Step, then slashed at him from above.

"Shit" saw myself jump up to launch an attack at him. The man was also surprised and seemed to be trying to use the Water Shield Skill like before. Luckily I was faster than him, before he finished his skill, I already hit him with "Slash".

"Booms!" "AH..." the man's voice screamed. After the dust was gone I saw him lying on the ground with a heavy breath. I approached him to make him surrender by thrusting my sword toward his face.

"I give up" then the blue-haired man gave up because he couldn't fight me anymore. Because the man had given up, I raised the sword pointed at him, and looked at Nanda and the red-haired woman fighting.

"Looks like their fight won't be finished anytime soon" then I sat next to the man and asked him to talk "Hey, by the way, what's your name?" I asked his name. Hearing me talk to him he replied "My name is Roony, your name?" then he asked my name.

"My name is Bobby" then we both shook hands, yes we both don't have grudges or something because we fought because of the dispute between the two women. While waiting for the two of them to fight, we chatted with each other.

After I talked to him I found out that they both came from the Genius class just like me and Nanda. Roony had just arrived one day ago, whereas the red-haired female Adel arrived here one day before Roony.

While the two of us were chatting, the fight between Nanda and Adel continued.

"Azure Edge" Nanda launched his attack toward Adel, but Adel was able to block the attack using her ax which was covered with fire. Nanda at this time could not get closer, because she was afraid that it would allow Adel to launch an attack on her.

Adel had tried several times to approach Nanda, but Nanda always kept her distance when Adel approached. So that their fight depends on whose energy will run out first.

Unknowingly their fight lasted long enough, to the point that the sky was getting dark but their fight was not over yet. Seeing that it was already getting dark the two women stared at each other while panting.

"Let's just end our fight this time because it's getting dark, how about that?" Adel, who saw that the sky was dark, asked Nanda to end their fight. "Yeah, let's just finish this fight. then what about the result?" Nanda agrees to end their fight and asks Adel how the outcome will be decided.

"Since my teammates have been defeated I guess this is our loss" Adel admits defeat as I managed to beat Roony.

Nanda shook her head and then said "No, this battle was unfair from the start, because Bobby, my teammate, was almost as strong as the Warrior Uncommon category. How about we consider this fight a draw?" Nanda also wanted to consider this fight a draw.

"If this fight is a draw, how about this training ground? who will be entitled to use it?" Adel also asked about who had the right to practice in this place. "Since our battle was a draw, of course, the four of us have the right to use this place together. after all, if we practice together it will be great right?" Nanda said that we would be able to use this place together.

"Then, okay, I agree with your idea." Adel agreed with Nanda's words and invited her to shake hands. Nanda took her hand and said "By the way, my name is Nanda. What's your name?" Nanda asked her name. "Adel, nice to meet you Nanda" then she smiled at Nanda, and Nanda smiled back at her.