Chapter 61 Fake Contract

We saw the two women shaking hands and looking at each other. "Hah... why didn't they just do this from the beginning, so we don't have to bother fighting," Roony said because of the energy he had put out when fighting earlier if in the end the two of them made peace.

"I think it's a good thing because it means we can practice together from today, and we've done the training together today," I tell Roony that this is a good thing while patting him on the shoulder. "Yeah, I guess you're right" then we both stood up to approach the two of them who were laughing together.

After the two of us approached them, the four of us decided to return to the dormitory and have dinner together. On our way to the dormitory, for some reason, these two women who were very hostile became very close friends like friends who have known each other for a long time.

The four of us arrived at the cafeteria for dinner, as before everyone got 1 kg of Beast meat without any difference. While we were chatting I learned from Adel that the entrance ceremony would be held in two days, while waiting for the students to come.

Information from Adel currently 7 people have entered the Genius class including the four of us. So there are three other people we haven't met yet, but I think I did see one this morning. The brown-haired man wasn't wearing an academy uniform, so I guess he was also a freshman from the same Genius class as us.

After we finished eating and chatting, the four of us returned to our respective rooms to rest. But before I start to rest, I do exercises first to drain my energy and improve my skills.

At the same time, in the principal's room.

"Knock, Knock"

"Come in" the principal allows someone who knocks on his door to enter his room. "Oh, what's the need for you to come here at night vice principal?" it turned out that the principal's guest this time was the vice principal from Balaraja Academy.

The vice principal's face when he entered the room was not very visible because it was covered by the shadows in the room. "I heard from teacher Tom, you made a new student learn Metal Sparrow Aura Foundation Skill principal" the vice principal turned out to be asking about Bobby who learned skills from the principal this afternoon.

"Yes, that's right, I did advise him to learn the skill, but it's up to him whether he listens to my advice or not. Is there a problem with that?" the principal answered the vice principal's question casually.

"You're right, it depends on him learning the skill or not. But, why would you give your own Skills for the students of this academy to learn? because it's not an academy's Skill but yours personally" it turns out that the Skill that Bobby learned wasn't a Skill that came from the academy, but a Skill that belonged to the principal himself.

"Why? It's because I saw the potential in that kid, I just don't want his talent to be buried within that city alone and be taken advantage of by those arrogant people. He has to get out of here to explore this world because his place is not here" the principal told the reason he wanted to use his personal skills to be learned by Bobby because he didn't want Bobby to just stay in this city forever.

"But I heard from Tom, the kid has signed the contract," the vice principal asked about the contract Bobby had signed. "Oh, you mean this contract?" The principal took out a piece of paper from somewhere, then burned the contract in front of the principal.

"You? So the contract was just your trick to protect it" the vice principal understood when he saw the principal burn the contract signed by Bobby.

"Yes, this city is not up to par with that kid's talents and if that kid doesn't sign this contract, he could become a target for the people of that city. Because the people of that city wouldn't want someone who was stronger than them and not bound by this contract" then the headmaster spoke while looking at the city of balaraja with an angry look.

"But, why Metal Sparrow Aura? It's a skill used by..." before the vice principal finished speaking. "Stop, Jim. This skill is mine so it's up to me whom I want to learn it" the principal interrupted the vice principal and asked him to stop bringing this up any longer.

"Okay then, now I'm curious as to what kind of child you like so much, to the point of letting him learn your exclusive Skill" the vice principal then left from the principal's room.

"You'll know later when you see him, how talented that kid is" the principal then smiled as he looked out the window and looked towards the students' dormitory.

"Bobby, let's see if you can master that skill to perfection. Because the Skill will appear in its original form when you are able to master it to the perfection stage. I'll be waiting for that day" the headmaster spoke to himself and smiled while looking at the students' dormitories.

The person the principal and his vice were talking about was currently asleep in his bed.

Morning arrived, I quickly washed my clothes and took a shower before going to breakfast. I ate alone this time because I didn't want to knock on the door and disturb the rest of the three of them.

While I was enjoying my breakfast, I saw a man in front of me who was not wearing a uniform and had white hair. This is the first time I've seen anyone with white hair other than the headmaster, what element does he use as his Foundation Skill?

Since I didn't know him, I ignored him and continued to finish my breakfast. Since I didn't know what to do next, I waited for the three of them in the cafeteria to practice together.

After waiting a long time, I saw Roony entering the cafeteria. I greeted him then he sat near me while eating his food. While he was eating, I asked him to practice together today.

Fortunately, he accepted my invitation to train together, because we both had been waiting for Nanda and Adel for a long time. And the two of them were nowhere to be seen either, we both decided to practice first where we fought before.

"Okay, what kind of practice do you want to do Bobby?" Roony asked me how we would train. "You know Rony, even though you're a defense-type Warrior, I think you should train your attacks as well. Because you can't possibly withstand attacks forever right?" I asked him to practice his attacks.

"Yes, you're right. But right now I don't have the Skill to attack at all." Roony who understood what I meant also wanted to practice his attack, but he didn't have the Skill to attack at the moment.

"Then you will train your Aura control like I did" I then showed him Aura who was currently cladding my sword.

"So we're going to let you do what I did how?" Of course, I made him learn how to attack to help me get my Parry Skill.

"Okay then, I'll train my Aura control until I can do it to attack as you do." Roony wanted to learn about Aura control from me because yesterday he saw I could destroy his Skill with one hit.