Chapter 62 Fire Ax Skill

I'm currently teaching Roony how to make his Aura do what I do. It turns out that Roony has a lot of trouble to try controlling his aura like me, yes that's because I have this strange system that can make me easily control my aura.

Because this practice was quite time-consuming, Rony couldn't learn it in such a short time. Roony also asked me to attack him like when we fought yesterday to train his defense.

I agreed with his suggestion because he couldn't make me withstand his current attacks and there definitely wouldn't be any progress in the process of learning my Parry Skill. So I'll just make it into my stake while collecting Exp to increase my Slash Skill.

I attack him using Slash continuously and Roony seems to be talented as a Warrior-type defense. Because the longer I attacked him the stronger his defense became, so I started attacking with all my might.

While Roony and I were practicing offense and defense, the two women arrived at this place as well. "Hey you two, why are you practicing alone without inviting us?" Adel asked why we didn't take them to practice together.

"Ah, that's because the two of you didn't come to the cafeteria for breakfast, so the two of us didn't want to disturb your rest and go to practice first" Roony answered Adel's question with what actually happened.

"Hemp, next time you can knock on our door if you want to go practice. Both of us won't mind" this time it was Nanda who spoke and asked us to call them if we wanted to practice. "Okay, in the future we will inform you by knocking on your door if we are going to practice," I said and nodded my head.

"Very well then, it's time for us to practice. So what exercise were you two doing just now? It seems interesting" Adel asked about the exercise we were doing before. "Both of us are practicing attack and defense because Roony doesn't have the skills to attack so I keep attacking him and he continues to defend," I tell her that we are doing attack and defense practice.

"Oh, you guys are doing offensive and defensive training? I liked this exercise. Let's do it again, this time I want you to be my training opponent Bobby" Adel's eyes looked like stars, I also had a bad feeling about this.

"Okay then, Adel you will practice with Bobby. Meanwhile, I will train with Roony" Nanda agrees that I will practice with Adel, and he trains with Roony.

After that, they both looked at me with a smile and a look that was quite strange. 'Shit, what the heck is wrong with those two? Why are the two of them looking at me like that' I said in my heart when I saw the expressions of the two of them.

"Okay Bobby, we will start our practice, hehe. So who will strike first? Me or you?" Adel asked me who would attack first, as I needed someone to attack me in order to learn my Parry Skill. "You go first Adel attack me and I will block your attack," I asked her to attack me first.

"Okay then" then she started to use her Aura to envelop her entire body. "I start!" he immediately ran up to me, seeing her moving closer I immediately activated my 'Metal Sparrow Aura' and 'Slash' to block her attack.


His attacks are very strong, luckily my Str and vit stats are high enough, so I can survive his attacks. It seemed that taking a direct hit from a Strength-type Warrior was not a good move. I wouldn't try to block an attack from a Strength-type Warrior head-on in a real fight.

"Wow, you are great Bobby. Even though your body is so thin, but you have strong strength and defense. Even though you are a Speed-type Warrior." she looked at me with amazed eyes because I was able to withstand her attacks, even though I was a Speed-type Warrior. She didn't know before that I was a Strength-type Warrior.

"Thanks for your compliment" even though the attack didn't do any damage to my Hp, but I can feel the difference between Nanda's and Adel's attack power is very different. She's really scary, it's no wonder Roony yesterday looked so tormented because he endured her every attack continuously.

"Bobby! This time I will use my Skill to attack you, so you better be careful." Does she want to use her Skill this time to attack me? 'Damn'. Hearing that I immediately activated my 'Punch'.

"Fire Axes!" Her Attack Skill is different from Nanda's because Nanda's Skill is a long-range Skill so her attacks will decrease in strength the farther away she is. Meanwhile, Adel's Skill is a melee Attack Skill so that her strength doesn't decrease at all.

So I have to receive the attack with full power, I don't know if I can withstand the attack or not. "Hah!" I pitted her 'Fire Ax' attack against the 'Slash' I had used together with my 'Punch'.


<-20 Hp>

The attack is completely different from before using the Skill, I also didn't lose my HP from the attack but I lost my HP from the side effect of using my Skill simultaneously. I couldn't imagine what would happen if I didn't use 'Punch' together with 'Slash' to block his attacks.

The Attack Skill launched by a Strength-type Warrior is completely different from the Attack Skill launched by a Speed-type Warrior like Nanda. I can still easily block Nanda's attack when using her skill just by using 'Slash', while Adel's attack if I use my 'Slash' is enough to block it. I would receive damage from his attack just now.

"WOW!, Bobby, you can even block my 'Fire Ax' without using any skills? Just using your Aura control? It seems what Nanda said was right, you are almost in the uncommon category. No, I think your current strength is on par with the Warrior Uncommon category." Adel was very surprised this time when he saw me in good condition when receiving her attack without using any Skill.

Roony and Nanda, who heard loud noises from the direction we were practicing, came over to us to see how we were doing. "You two, do you have to come to this just to train?" Roony who saw the effect caused by both of our attacks hitting each other couldn't hold his breath and ask.

Because where Adel and I stood, the ground was in ruins. "Bobby you're crazy holding Adel's full power attack without using any defensive skills and only using Aura control is a very reckless act" Nanda also talked to me about how careless I was in resisting Adel's attacks.

"What did you say? Did Bobby block Adel's attack without using any skills? Using only Aura control?" Roony was even more surprised when he heard that I was blocking Adel's attack without using a skill and looked at me like I was looking at a monster.

"Yes, and he can even make me back half a meter by just blocking my attack with Aura control" then Adel spoke while looking at the trail he left when he collided with me earlier.