Chapter 70 Nanda Vs Hans

Since the two of them didn't move to attack first, it was like a staring fight against each other. "Why are they staring at each other and not attacking each other?" Adel asked me and Rony.

"I think they are trying to analyze their respective opponents because this is a battle for 120,000 Dollars a month. So they don't want to make mistakes and make them lose" Roony answered Adel's question.

"So that's why neither of them wanted to attack first" I understood after hearing Rony's answer.

Hans was currently looking at Nanda 'Nanda is a Speed-type Wind Warrior. It will make her movement faster than me, so if I attack her first she will easily run away or avoid my attack. I better wait for her to approach and attack me first" Hans was currently thinking about making Nanda attack him first.

Nanda, who was watching Hans not move until now, thought 'I don't think he will attack me first because I am faster than him. Then I will attack him first' Nanda decided to attack him first.

Nanda began to collect Aura on her sword, when the Aura on her sword was thick enough she launched her attack towards Hans. "Azure Edge!"

Hans who saw a green Aura that looked quite dangerous headed toward him. He immediately gathered Aura into his right hand, "Fist Strike!" he replied to the Skill issued by Nanda with his Skill too.


Nanda's attack can be neutralized by him. Knowing that Nanda used a ranged attack skill, Hans immediately approached Nanda because he knew that Nanda would not have a close-range attack skill at this time.

That will make him more profitable because his Skill is close range and Nanda will have difficulty using that Skill if it is used for melee attacks. So that made Hans not waste time and ran towards Nanda.

"Why did Hans, when he managed to withstand Nanda's attack, go straight to her right away?" I asked Rony and Adel. "That's because right now we just became Warriors a few months ago and among us, I'm sure there won't be a Warrior for more than a year," Rony explained that all the students here had just become Warriors a few months ago.

"Then what does it have to do with Hans who immediately approached Nanda when he managed to withstand Nanda's long-range attack with how long you have been a Warrior?" I continued my question.

"Of course, it's related, because learning one Skill is not easy you need several months to be able to use it. For example me and Roony, both of us only learned one Skill each. That's because learning Skills is not easy and you can only learn Skills when you become a Warrior. So you only started learning the Skill after becoming a Warrior." Adel explained how difficult it was to learn a Skill.

"So that's why when Hans found out that Nanda learned a ranged attack skill he immediately approached her because he knew that Nanda wouldn't have a melee attack skill. So it will benefit him since he has melee attack skills" now I understand why Hans immediately ran towards Nanda when he knew that Nanda wouldn't have melee attack skills this time.

Seeing Hans approaching her, Nanda did not remain silent. She immediately activated her Wind Step to get away from Hans, she was currently running away from Hans while waiting for her Azure Edge to become usable again. Because right now she was gathering Aura on her sword while running away from Hans.

Because Hans is a Strength-type Warrior, of course, his speed will be below that of Nanda who is a Speed-type Warrior and also has the wind element which will make her movements faster and leave Hans far behind her.

Especially after Nanda used her Wind Step Skill. Hans couldn't get close to her at all, but he still tried to chase Nanda even though he couldn't get close to her.

Since the only way to beat Nanda was to get close to her, it was because Hans didn't have any ranged attack skills at all. So if he didn't approach Nanda and attack her at close range then he would only become an easy target for Nanda's Azure Edge Skill.

This is like what happened when Nanda fought against Adel at that time. Nanda kept away from Hans and when her Skill was ready to be used she would launch it toward Hans. Hans also couldn't help but endure all the attacks launched by Nanda toward him.

Hans really couldn't approach Nanda at all because of the difference in speed between the two of them. So Hans could not even launch an attack on Nanda. After they fought for about 10 minutes, or should I say chase for 10 minutes.

Finally, the two of them looked very tired because they were out of breath and Hans' condition seemed worse than Nanda's because he was constantly holding back every attack launched by Nanda.

So in addition to running out of energy to use Skills to withstand Nanda's attacks, he also received several injuries to his body, fortunately, the uniform we used was made of the Uncommon Beast category so that attacks from Nanda could be blocked by the uniform and not cause serious injuries.

Meanwhile, Nanda was currently just exhausted, because none of Hans' attacks could hit her. "I give up" Hans then gave up because it looked like he was no longer able to fight.

"Because Hans gave up, it means that the winner of the first match is Nanda, so she will advance to the next round." Teacher Ryan announced that Nanda was the winner of the first match and we all clapped.

"Prok!" "Prok!" "Prok!"

Then they both shook hands and came out of the stone field and headed to our place.

"Congratulations Nanda on your victory" Adel congratulated Nanda who was in front of us. "Congratulations Nanda" me and Roony also congratulated her too.

"Thank you, guys" after that she immediately rested to recover her energy because later she will fight again after the first round is over. We who saw her resting did not want to disturb her.

"Okay, the next fight, which is the second match of the first round is Bert Vs Bobby! Both of you, please step forward into the field and stand 5 meters away from each other" Teacher Ryan called me and Bert to immediately go to the field made of stone and stand 5 meters between us.

Bert and I headed for the field and stood 5 meters between us. After seeing that we had stood 5 meters away, teacher Ryan said "The rules are still the same as before, whoever admits defeat, leaves the field, or is unconscious will be declared lost this fight. Do you two understand?" Hearing teacher Ryan's words, we both nodded our heads toward him.

Seeing both of us nod our heads at him as a sign we have understood. He also said "Okay, then the second match of the first round to fight for the position of class leader between Bert Vs Bobby. Started!" hearing teacher Ryan had started the fight both of us immediately activated our Aura.