Chapter 71 Bobby Vs Bert

The aura emitted by Bert has a brown color, that's because the Foundation Skill he learned is of the Earth element. Bert is a Strength type Warrior who uses a large hammer as his weapon. I guess his fighting style and Strength will be more or less the same as Adel's.

After I was enveloped by both of my auras and what was visible from the outside was my silver-colored aura of the Metal element. I immediately took my sword out of its scabbard. After that, I immediately approached Bert by using 'Rush' to get closer to him faster to attack when he wasn't quite ready.

Bert who saw me approaching him quickly took the big hammer that was on his back and took the position of putting the hammer on the ground. I don't know what kind of Skill he will use, but I continue to approach him.

I activated 'Slash' on my sword and made the aura on my blade thicker than that on my body. Bert seemed to be about to activate his Skill too soon, as most of his Aura was starting to gather in his hammer.

But I didn't expect Bert to jump up after the Aura on his hammer gathered, then he launched his attack on me by swinging his hammer at me from above while jumping. Turns out that's how he uses his Skill, the weight of the hammer and the speed at which he falls will make his attacks even stronger.

"Leaping Smash!"

He used his Skill while screaming the name of his Skill, seeing him attack with all his might I didn't even want to take the risk of blocking his attack by just using 'Slash'. I immediately activated my 'Punch' to make my 'Slash' stronger. After that, I blocked his attack from above with my attack.

Bert who saw me trying to block his attack with just aura control smiled slightly. 'I think Bobby doesn't know how strong my Skill is, so he tries to hold it back just by using aura control' He still launches his attacks with all his might, because this is his chance to beat Bobby.

Finally, both of our attacks collided with each other.


'What?! How could his aura control be this strong? it's even stronger than my attacks using Skills. Not only that he is a Speed-type Warrior while I am a Strength-type Warrior, could he be...' Bert was very surprised when our attacks collided and it turned out that my attacks were much stronger than he expected. Even stronger than his attacks.

As I thought Bert was more or less on the same level as Adel. So from the clash of our attacks earlier, Bert bounced up because the attack I launched was stronger than him. Not long after he fell to the ground after I threw it up.


Looks like Bert was unable to keep his balance when he fell to the ground he was not in a position ready to land and fell with his body first. And it looks like he was injured from the fall just now.

Everyone was very surprised when they saw Bobby able to blow Bert away when the two of them collided with each other. Of course except for Nanda, Roony, and Adel. Teacher Ryan, who already knew that Bobby was now a Warrior Uncommon category, was very surprised because of the attack that Bobby used to block Bert's Skill.

'He countered the Attack Skill of a Warrior type Strength using only aura control and even made him win the power battle to blow his enemy into the air. It means that there is quite a difference in strength between the two of them' Teacher Ryan was surprised to see what happened on the field and spoke to himself.

"Bobby, he's really strong" Hans who was resting was very surprised when he saw Bobby was able to blow Bert who was using his skill just by using aura control. 'If I was in that position I guess I'd be blown away too' then he thought to himself if he was the one fighting Bobby.

Meanwhile, Roony and Adel saw that this was with their expectations because they both already knew how strong Bobby was right now. They looked at each other then shook their heads and smiled.

Bert who was lying on the ground started to stand up again, "I never thought you were this strong Bobby" he stood up again while wiping a little blood from his mouth. "To think that I am a Strength-type Warrior could lose in a power battle with a Speed-type Warrior. That means you're not a Normal Warrior category Bobby, but a Warrior Uncommon category right?" he immediately knew that I was not a Normal Warrior category from our exchange of attacks earlier.

"Yeah, you're right. I just became a Warrior Uncommon category a few days ago." Hearing his guess I answered the question honestly.

"Hahaha, to think I could be in the same class as a Warrior Uncommon category in the first year and directly fight him. This is a rare opportunity. Bert looked very happy when he found out that I was an Uncommon category Warrior. I thought he would feel that this was unfair.

"Then Bobby, my chance to beat you right now is very small or even impossible. What if you attack me using your Skill, after I receive your attack with Skill I will immediately give up. How?" then he asked me to attack him using my Attack Skill, and after receiving my attack he would immediately give up.

But right now I didn't have any Attack Skills and said, "It's not that I don't want to attack you with my Attack Skill Bert, but I haven't learned any Attack Skills right now. So I won't be able to attack you with the current Skill and can only attack you using aura control" I explained to him that I haven't learned a single Skill at the moment.

"Are you serious Bobby? You don't have a single Skill right now?" Bert asked me with a very surprised expression. "Yeah that's right" I answered while scratching the back of my head.

"Hahaha, then I'll give up right now, I admit my defeat to you. Without even using Skills you can blow me away just by using aura control. I think this fight is in vain if it continues because I will only be your punching bag, hahaha" then he raised his right hand and gave up.

Teacher Ryan, who heard that Bert had given up, spoke, "Because Bert has given up, that means the winner of the second match is Bobby, so he will advance to the next round." Teacher Ryan also announced that I was the winner of the second match and everyone who was there applauded.

After that, I shook hands with Bert and went off the field, and headed to where our classmates were.

I went to where Nanda, Roony, and Adel were. "Congratulations Bobby on your win, although I could have guessed it. Hahaha" Adel congratulated me. After that Roony and Nanda said it too.

"Thank you" I also thanked them.

"Okay, the next match, the third match of the first round, is Eric Vs Jane! Both of you, please step forward into the field and stand 5 meters away from each other." Teacher Ryan called Eric and Jane to immediately go to the stone field and stand 5 meters apart before starting their fight.