Chapter 72 Eric Vs Jane

Eric headed to the middle of the field while carrying a large shield on his back. Meanwhile, Jane carried a whip that was at her waist. This is a battle of a Defense-type Warrior with a Fire element Vs a Speed-type Warrior with a Water element.

The elements of the two of them are already against each other and I think this will be a very interesting fight because Jane is a Speed type and a whip user. That would make it difficult for him to break through the defense of Eric who was wielding a large shield. So I want to see how she penetrates Eric's defense.

I'm no less curious about how Eric can attack using such a large shield to win this match. Instead of thinking hard and not finding the answer, I'd rather just watch their fight.

The two of them were currently staring at each other in the middle of the stone field. Teacher Ryan, who saw that they were in their respective positions, said "The rules are still the same as before, whoever admits defeat, leaves the field, or is unconscious will be declared lost this fight. Do you two understand?" Hearing teacher Ryan's words, both of them nodded their heads toward him.

Seeing that they both understood, he said "Okay, then the third match of the first round to fight for the position of class president between Eric Vs Jane. started!"

The two of them immediately activated their respective auras when they heard that the match had started. The aura emitted by Eric is similar to Adel but not the same. If Adel has a fiery and explosive red aura, Eric's red aura is calmer but still burning.

Meanwhile, Jane's blue aura flowed very quickly, in contrast to Rony's calm aura. Looks like the Warrior type also affects the Aura of each Warrior. Eric took the large shield on his back using both hands and placed it for his whole body, so that if you looked from Jane's position you would only see the large shield.

Meanwhile, Jane took her whip in her right hand and slashed the court made of it with her whip, making a "Ctar!" sound. when his whip hit the field.

Since Eric is a Defense type Warrior I think Jane who is a Speed type Warrior will attack first. And my guess was right, Jane immediately ran towards Eric to approach him without using any Movement Skills at all, just running normally.

Even though Jane doesn't use Movement Skills she still moves fast because she is a Speed-type Warrior. When she got close to Eric, Jane immediately launched an attack using her whip toward Eric without using a Skill. "Ctar!" Jane's attacks did not make Eric back down or shake in the slightest.

Of course, it was because Jane was a Speed type, and attacking someone with a Defense type without using a Skill, it would mean that her attacks would have no effect on Eric.

Eric who received an attack from Jane and didn't feel any effect, said "You better attack me with your Skill. otherwise, you won't be able to make me move an inch from where I stand. Hoam…" he mocked Jane for her weak attacks when not using Skills.

"You! All right, if that's what you want. Water Whips!" Jane activated her Skill and made her current whip covered in water and became longer than before. After his whip turned into a splash of water, he attacked Eric who was behind his large shield.

"Dang!, Dang!, Dang!"

The sound generated from Jane's attack this time made a different sound when Jane attacked Eric's shield without using a skill. Jane attacks Eric continuously until his water whip reverts back to his regular whip. After Jane stopped attacking Eric she looked very exhausted as it seemed like she was wasting a lot of energy to carry out such a barrage of attacks.

Eric, who had just received the attack launched by Jane, was currently silent, not moving or speaking at all. It caused silence between the two of them and us who were watching their fight.

Suddenly an overflowing Aura appeared from where Eric was. The aura caused the large shield to burst into flames and then the shield moved toward Jane very quickly. Yes, Eric was currently running while carrying his large shield to attack Jane. Unfortunately, at this time Jane was close enough to Eric that makes Jane did not have time to avoid his attack.

"Counter Attacking!" Eric attacked Jane by crashing his large shield into Jane's body while shouting the name of his skill.


Jane, who was hit by an attack from Eric, was thrown 5 meters away. As she was thrown he coughed a few times which had a bit of blood coming out of her mouth. It didn't take long for Jane to lay there not moving.

Seeing Jane who didn't wake up either, teacher Ryan moved closer to Jane quickly. "Swosh!" then he checked the condition of her body, after that he breathed a sigh of relief and spoke "Jane is unconscious and unable to fight anymore, therefore the winner of the third match in the first round is Eric!" he announces that Eric won the fight this time because Jane was unconscious.

We all applauded Eric's victory.

"Prok!, Prok!, Prok!"

"So that's one way to attack using a shield." Rony seemed to get inspired after seeing Eric who fought using a shield and managed to beat Jane. "But I don't think the attack is as simple as it looks, just look at Eric's current state," Adel said that the Skill that Eric used was not as easy as it looks because of Eric's current state of exhaustion.

"Yes, I think Adel is right. The Skill's name is Counter Attacking, which means that Skill can only be used when the user receives an attack from the enemy and then attacks back." Nanda also analyzed the skill Eric used in the battle earlier.

"So that's why Eric looks so tired because he has to take attacks from Jane continuously before he can use that skill." I realized from what Adel and Nanda said about what kind of skill Eric used.

Counter Attacking is a Double Edge Skill that causes the user to be able to withstand his opponent's attacks before being able to attack them. If the user of this skill is not strong enough to withstand the attacks launched by his opponent, it will make him lose before launching an attack.

"But I think it's still a great skill for Defense-type Warriors like us because basically we Defense-type Warriors are required to have a stronger defense than other Warrior types. I guess I'll learn this skill later just in case" Roony who heard that this skill has quite dangerous side effects, but he is still interested in learning this skill.

"Yes that's true, but if you meet an enemy like Bobby. I think you will lose before using the skill. Hahaha," Adel said that if Rony met an enemy like me. The skill would be useless because he wouldn't be able to withstand all of my attacks.

"Of course, no matter how great your skill is, if you meet an enemy that is much stronger than you, it will make all your skills useless." Roony also said that no matter how great your skill is, if you fight against an enemy that is stronger than you, it will you will be wasted.

I realized something from what Rony said just now. 'In front of the power of the Absolute, all tricks are useless'

Then appeared people in black clothes similar to teacher Ryan's, I think they are other teachers in this academy. Then they took Jane on a stretcher then went out of this area.

"Don't worry everyone, Jane is currently receiving treatment from the Warrior Healer at the academy." Those of us who heard that could breathe a sigh of relief because we thought Jane would be fine after being treated by the academy.

"Okay then, let's continue the match, the fourth match of the first round is Livy Vs Beval! Both of you, please step forward into the field and stand 5 meters away between you" Teacher Ryan started calling Livy and Eric to immediately head to the field to start their fight.