Chapter 73 One Shot

Livy is currently walking toward the middle of the field together with Beval. Livy is a woman who has silver hair. That meant that she learned the Metal Element Foundation Skill just like me. I can't wait to see how she fights and maybe I'll get some inspiration on what skills to learn from her.

Meanwhile, Beval is a Warrior whose type and element are the same as Nanda's. But he uses a bow as a weapon. This will be a battle between a Speed-type Warrior against a Speed-type Warrior, one using ranged attacks and the other using melee attacks.

What will be the battle between the two of them, let's see...

"The rules are the same as before, do you two understand?" Teacher Ryan asked the two of them. After that, they both nodded toward teacher Ryan to sign that they understood the rules.

After teacher Ryan saw the two of them nodding their heads towards him, he immediately started the match "The battle of the first four rounds for the position of class president between Livy Vs Beval, Started!"

Livy and Beval immediately activated their respective Auras. Livy with his silver aura and Beval with his green aura, after that Beval quickly took the bow that was on his back and immediately pulled the bowstring. After that...

"Wind Arrow!"

"Swosh!" the green arrows released by Beval were so fast that Livy, who had not yet had time to draw her sword, was immediately hit by the attack and was thrown off the field.

"Bang!" "Bruak!" Livy fell outside the field, but she did not receive serious injuries from Beval's attack. Even though Livy didn't take any serious damage, she is currently outside the arena, so she lost the battle against Beval.

Teacher Ryan, who saw Livy being thrown off the field, immediately spoke "Because Livy has left the field, then Beval won the battle for the fourth fight." Teacher Ryan also announced Beval's victory.

We were all unprepared because the fight had just started, but the fight is over. So that made us a bit slow when we clapped our hands for Beval's victory.

Then Beval moved closer towards us, more precisely towards Nanda, and spoke to her "That's how a Speed Wind elemental Warrior type fights, not just running to avoid attacks" then he smiled and walked away from Nanda's place.

"What's the problem that person suddenly provoking you Nanda, have you met him before?" Adel looked annoyed when Beval came to see Nanda just to provoke her.

"No, I've never met him before. but what he said just now was true. A Speed-type warrior with the wind element has a fast speed in attacking, not just in running." Nanda also calmed Adel who was currently emotional.

"But" Adel wanted to continue talking again but was stopped by Nanda, "Don't worry, I will beat him later."

"Damn... That guy is something. He can immediately beat his opponent that quickly, his opponent hasn't even had time to draw his weapon yet." Roony also talked about how great Beval was for beating Livy so quickly.

"Yes, this person is strong. And it seems he has a lot of experience in fighting, because he can quickly use his skills and his skills are also very accurate. So that he can send his enemies flying off the field with just one attack." I also admit that Beval is a strong Warrior because he can send his enemies flying off the field with just one attack.

Livy who is currently heading here looks very frustrated because she can be defeated with just one attack. She hadn't even had time to draw her sword yet, and couldn't do anything against her attacks at all.

I saw that a bit regretful because I was curious about how Livy fought. After all, she is a Warrior with the same type and element as me. But it can't be helped, now all I have to think about is how to counter Beval's speed later.

Beval's speed in activating his Aura is almost on par with mine. But his speed in picking up his weapon and launching his attacks was slightly faster than mine. If he could attack me first, would I be able to dodge his attacks?

I'm thinking about how I can beat Beval's speed. But suddenly teacher Ryan spoke to all of us, "Attention everyone! You all must have been surprised by the match just now right?" we all nodded except for Beval and Nanda.

Seeing most of us nodding our heads he continued, "What Beval did, you should be able to do it later. Because when you are hunting a beast or fighting with a warrior, the faster you attack a beast or a warrior, the better" he then explained to us what Beval did earlier we should be able to do too later.

"Sometimes we don't realize that there are other Beasts or Warriors who are around us and stalking us, or maybe the Beast or Warrior has a Skill that you haven't seen before and can harm you. Therefore, if you can kill the Beast or Warrior faster, the better. To avoid risks that might occur" So that when you fight anyone later, if you can, you have to end the match quickly.

We also understood what teacher Ryan meant and nodded our heads to him.

Seeing that we all understood what he was saying, he continued to speak, "It's great if you all understand, then we'll continue to our last match in this first round, that is Adel Vs James! Both of you immediately stand in the middle of the field 5 meters away like your friends did before." Teacher Ryan also asked Adel and James to go to the stone field to be able to start the match.

Adel headed to the field while being cheered by the three of us. He looked really happy when his chance to fight arrived. His opponent is James a Warrior Speed-type Light-element, this is the first Element I've ever heard of. I wonder how light elemental warriors fight.

James was currently also walking towards the field in silence without making a sound and occasionally he glanced at Adel. Adel, who was currently very excited, looked at James. The two of them finally reached the middle of the field and were standing 5 meters away from each other.

Teacher Ryan who had seen the two of them standing in the middle of the field asked the two of them, "Are you ready to fight?" then they both nodded their heads toward teacher Ryan.

Seeing that they were ready teacher Ryan spoke, "The rules are the same as before, whichever one of you gives up, leaves this field or becomes unconscious will be declared the as lost. Do you two understand?" Teacher Ryan looked at both of them. They both nodded their heads.

"All right, the battle of the first five rounds for the class president position between Adel Vs James, begins!" Teacher Ryan started the match between Adel and James.