Chapter 79 James Join The Group

We all returned to our classroom after the field earlier. After we arrived at the room we saw Nanda and Jane who were already sitting on their respective benches and were waiting for us.

I, Roony, and Adel approached Nanda to ask how she was at the moment. Luckily the teachers here have quite high Healing skills, so they both can recover quickly from the wounds they received from the previous match.

While we were chatting, teacher Ryan entered the classroom. "Once again I congratulate Bobby who has become class president for the next 1 month. For those of you who haven't been able to become class president this month, don't be sad because there are still opportunities next month." He congratulated me and encouraged the others that they could still get the opportunity to become class president the following month.

Seeing the expressions of the other students getting excited again, teacher Ryan looked at me and asked me to come to his place. "Bobby, since you are currently the class president this class. Then you must wear this badge until the next month. Besides this, it is useful as a sign that you are the class president of the Genius class. This badge also functions as a tool to exchange the benefits of being a class president that I mentioned earlier." Teacher Ryan gave me a gold badge that had Class President Genius Class First Year written on it.

I received the badge and put it on the left breast on my uniform. "Good, looks good on you. You can return to your seat" After giving me my teacher badge Ryan asked me to return to my seat.

"Class for today I declare has ended, and you will have another class on Wednesday. So tomorrow you don't have class and can do whatever you want. But don't forget to come back to class on Wednesday. Understand?" Teacher Ryan told us that tomorrow we won't have class, so we can be free to do whatever we want.

"Okay, teacher!" we all talk that we understand. "Good, you can return to your dormitory now." Then he dismissed our class and left this classroom.

Those of us who saw him had left the classroom and immediately packed up to return to our dormitory. "So we just fought today without learning anything" Roony spoke after we were packing our things.

"Yes, and he said we can do whatever we want tomorrow. So what do you think we should do tomorrow?" Adel asked us what we would do tomorrow. "What do you think Bobby? What shall we do tomorrow?" Nanda asked me what we will do tomorrow.

"Hmm... since we've been training inside the academy these few days, I guess we should try training outside and hunting beasts to get resources for our training," I suggested hunting beasts the next day.

"I think it's a good idea, because I also happen to run out of Beast Core to train at the moment" Roony agreed with my idea to hunt tomorrow. "Okay, then our agenda for tomorrow is beast hunting. Let's go after breakfast. How?" Adel also agreed and suggested leaving after breakfast.

While we were discussing about tomorrow's hunt, someone approached us. "Excuse me, guys, can I join your hunt tomorrow?" The person who asked us that was the Light Element user James Warrior. "Hmm? You want to hunt with us? Why?" Adel asked James what his reason was for joining our hunt tomorrow.

"Th-that's because you know. I am a Healing Warrior, so it is impossible for me to do hunting alone so I need a fighting Warrior who wants to go with me to hunt" James explained the reason why he wanted to join our hunt tomorrow.

"Yeah, you're right. But our group currently consists of four people, so I don't think there will be a quota for you" Adel told him that currently our group numbered four people and didn't need any additional people.

"Yeah, you're right. Then I'll look for another group. Thanks" James looked sad when he couldn't join our group.

I saw him looking desperate and called him, "Hey James, you can join our group." James, who heard my voice, immediately turned around and held my hand, "Really Bobby? Can I join your hunting group?" he was so happy that his eyes lit up with stars.

"Yeah, you can join this team for hunting tomorrow" I nodded my head and answered his question. "But Bobby, there are four of us already. It's not a problem to add one person to this team. But later on, we will have difficulty in distributing the Beast Cores." Nanda said that a team of five people would find it difficult to distribute the Beast Cores that were hunted later.

"Yup, you're right. But you guys will still be going with four people." I told them that they would still be a 4 person team. "You guys? You're not coming with us, Bobby?" Nanda who understood what I meant and asked.

"Yes" I nodded my head. "Why?" all four of them asked me including James. "You should still remember what the benefits of being a class president are, right?" I asked them what I would get when I became class president.

"Oh... I see" James realized what I meant. "Yeah, I'll get one skill and 10 Beast Cores so I guess I won't have to hunt tomorrow. That would leave you short on manpower, so James would be the perfect team member since none of you have healing skills, right?" I also explained to them that I would be training to learn skills tomorrow and couldn't go hunting with them.

"But, you were the first to give advice on hunting, but you didn't participate yourself." Adel looked a little annoyed with me. "Sorry Adel, but I also pity James who won't be able to hunt alone which will make him left behind by our other friends" I apologized to my friends because I can't join the hunt tomorrow.

Then Adel looked James up and down. "Okay then, I hope you will join the next hunt" Nanda asked me to join the next hunt.

I nodded my head at him and said, "Oh yeah guys, can you guys wait for me at the school building gate later? Because I have to meet the principal first." I asked them to wait for me because I had to return the Foundation Skill I got that time.

"Okay, we will wait for you in front of the gate" the four of them went together to wait in front of the school gate and I went to the principal's room.