Chapter 80 Five Places to Hunt

I am currently walking towards the principal's room, many are quite surprised when they see me walking towards the principal's room. But I pretended not to know they saw me and just kept walking without noticing them.

Finally, I arrived at the door of the principal's room and knocked "Knock, knock, knock" "Come in" I heard the voice of the principal allowing me to enter his room.

"Excuse me, principal" I entered his room and saw him sitting in his chair like before. "So what are you doing here Bobby? Are you having trouble learning the Foundation Skill I gave you before?" Principal asked me about the difficulty of cultivating the Foundation skill.

"No, it's not that principal. I came here to return this skill scroll because I've finished studying it" I took out the scroll that was in my bag and gave it to him.

Seeing me take out this scroll, made the principal seem very surprised because he didn't respond to my words and just looked at me. "Principal?" I called him, then he seemed to have regained consciousness.

"Oh, sorry Bobby, I was daydreaming earlier. So you have finished learning this skill?" He asked me if I had learned this skill. "Yes principal" I replied.

"Then show it to me." He asked me to show him. "Okay" I agreed to his request and used Metal Sparrow Aura to surround my whole body.

He noticed the Aura I was giving off at this moment, and he nodded his head slightly. "Yes, you've learned this even to the point of being able to activate it in an instant. Good job Bobby" It seems he approved the Metal Sparrow Aura I used and then took the scroll and put it away.

"Okay, is there anything else you need from me Bobby?" he asked what else I needed from him. "Ah... principal, I want to ask where is my place to get this Beast Core and skills from the benefits of being a class president?" I asked him where I exchanged my Beast Cores and skills.

"Oh, about that. You can exchange it at the Trade Hall, all you need to do is show the badge to the shopkeeper there." He tells me to exchange it at the Trade Hall. "Okay then, thank you principal for your help, I'll take my leave first" then I'm allowed to leave the room because my business here is done.

"Yes Bobby, be careful" then I went out and closed the door to his room. After that, I immediately went to the school gate to meet my friends.

In the principal's room, the principal took back the scroll that Bobby had given him earlier. "Hahaha, not only did he manage to learn it in a few days. But being able to activate it in an instant like that, even back then it took me about a month to successfully learn this Foundation skill." The Principal spoke while holding the scroll containing Metal Sparrow Aura and smiling looking at the school gate.

Back to where Bobby was...

"Hello Guys, sorry to keep you waiting. Let's go back to the dormitory" I greeted the four of them who were waiting for me in front of the gate and went to the dormitory together. I didn't immediately take a shower when we returned to our respective rooms. But spending all my energy adding to my almost full Slash Skill Exp before taking a break.

After I used up all my energy to practice, I checked my skill progress.

Right now it's still far enough to be able to make a full Exp bar for Slash, but after I got 10 Beast Cores from being class president. Fulfilling my skill's Exp bar will be faster because I can refill my depleted energy from the Beast Core and be able to train again.

After finishing all my energy, I went to take a shower before getting ready to have dinner with my friends in the cafeteria.

Arriving at the cafeteria. As usual, the cafeteria for ordinary students was very crowded in contrast to the cafeteria for genius students. When I entered the cafeteria and saw the badge on my uniform, everyone looked at me and they started whispering among themselves.

After that, the five of us ate at the same table while chatting with each other. "Hey guys, so tomorrow we will be hunting so where are we going?" James asked where they would be hunting tomorrow. "I haven't thought about it, you know something?" Roony asked James.

"Hehe, I already found out earlier when I was in my room. In this academy, there are five parts of the forest that we can use for hunting. First, in the eastern area of the academy, there is a habitat for Goat Beasts, so if you want to find Beast Cores or materials from Goat Beasts, you can go east. The second one..." James explained to us that in this academy there are five places to hunt.

The first east is the place used for hunting Goat Beasts, the second is West where it is used for hunting Rabbit Beasts, the third north is where it is used for hunting Bull Beasts, the fourth south is where it is used for hunting Sheep Beasts and the last is the Dungeon.

After the discussion between the four of them, they decided to hunt north where the Bull Beasts were. Because absorbing the Beast Core from the Bull Beast would increase their attack and it was also quite useful for Nanda and Roony, who still needed to grow their strength.

After finishing discussing this we returned to our room to rest.

The next day I woke up and went to breakfast after putting on my uniform. Even though it's a holiday every student is required to wear his uniform when in the academy area. As usual, I was the one who woke up the first morning among them, so I didn't see their faces until my breakfast was finished.

After getting info from James last night about where the Trade hall was, I decided to go there myself first without waiting for the four of them. After walking about 1 km from the dormitory I arrived at a place that had Trade Hall written above the gate.

Since I didn't know where to go to exchange my Beast Core and Skills, I tried asking the person who was walking nearby. Looks like he's a student too because of the uniform he's wearing, "Excuse me, do you know where my place is to exchange Beast Cores as benefits to become class president?"

Then he looked me up and down, and when he saw the badge I was wearing. His gaze immediately turned to me, "Yes, yes, you can find it in the brown building in the middle there that says Beast Hall there is where you buy and sell Beast Cores. You can get your reward there" He tells me where is the place I should go.

I thanked him and headed for the awakening he told me about earlier. When I got there I entered the brown building that said Beast Hall to talk to the shopkeeper.

"Hello uncle, I want to take my prize as a class president this month" I spoke to the shopkeeper. "Oh, so you're the first year genius class president this month?" Then he seemed to see me wearing something.

"Not bad... no wonder you can become first year class president with a body this thin. Alright, what kind of Beast Core do you want?" I scratched my head when he called me skinny, but when he asked what kind of Beast Core I was, I immediately asked him.

"I can choose the Core of any type that is here uncle?" I asked again about me being able to choose the type of Core I wanted to be sure. "Yeah, of course, but you can only choose a level 1 Beast Core. So what kind of Beast do you want? Goat Beast, Rabbit Beast, Bull Beast, or Sheep Beast?" It seemed what he said was true.

"Then I want 9 Cores from Rabbit Beast and 1 Core from Bull Beast," I asked to get 9 Rabbit Core Beasts to get Skill Kick and I want to know when I absorb Bull Core Beast's stats and what skills I will get.

"Good choice, it seems you are a Speed-type Warrior, don't focus too much on your Speed without paying attention to your strength. Because it's useless if you're very fast but don't have the power to beat or kill your opponent." He told me not to focus on just increasing my speed.