Chapter 81 Moonlight Slash

I nodded my head because his suggestion was true. "Wait a moment, I'll get the Beast Core you want" then he went backward to get the Beast Core I asked for.

It wasn't long before he came back with a wooden box, then he opened it in front of my eyes. "Let's see first, whether the number and type of Beast Core are according to your request." He asked me to check the Beast Core first.

"Okay, uncle" I then checked that the number of cores was correct, but I didn't really understand how to distinguish between these types of beast cores. so I looked at the shopkeeper and asked, "Uncle, how do I differentiate between these types of beast cores? to me, they all look the same"

"Oh yeah, you haven't learned that skill since yesterday was just your first day. Then you trust me right?" then he seemed to remember something and asked me if I believed him or not.

"Yes" because I don't know how to confirm it. I choose to believe him for now. "Good, then. Everything I gave you was as requested, so you don't need to worry. And give me your badge." He told me that all the different types of Beast Cores he gave me were suitable. Since I couldn't do anything right now, I just went along with what he said and gave him my badge.

"Okay then, uncle" I was scratching my head in confusion. "Good then, is there anything else you need from me?" He asked about my other needs here while returning my badge back.

"Currently there is no uncle. By the way, where is the place where I got Skill? Uncle?" I asked him where to get my skill. "You can get it in the gray building next to this building," He tells me to go to the gray building next door. After that, I thanked him and went to the gray building next to this building.

I entered the gray building and talked to the guard. "Excuse me, I want to take my prize when I become class president please?" after that the guard looked at me like the shopkeeper did at Beast hall.

"Hmm... You're a first-year?" He then asked me if I was a first-year in this academy. "Yes uncle, I'm a first-year student," I told him I was my first year at the academy.

"The first year has become the Uncommon category? You're so talented. No wonder you can become class president, so what skills do you want? Attack skills, Movement skills, or Defense skills?" then he asked me what kind of skill I want.

I've been thinking about what skill I want last night, "I want Attack skill uncle" Yes I chose to learn Attack skill because I was really curious how different a real skill would be from my Aura control.

"Attack skills, okay. Are you a sword user?" Then he asked me about the weapon I used. "Yes, I'm a sword user"

"Okay then, instead of you being confused about choosing the skill. I will recommend you some Attack skills that Warriors who use their swords as weapons can use. By the way, what's your type and element?" then he asked about my Warrior type and element. "I'm a speed type and metal element"

"Oh, a type of element that I rarely encounter in this academy. ok wait a moment" then he went backward to pick up the skill I asked for it seems. It wasn't long before he brought three scrolls and showed them to me.

The three skill scrolls are Blade Flash, Moonlight Slash, and Crosh Slash. All three are Attack skills that can be used when you use a sword. But unfortunately, I was not allowed to open the scroll to read it.

So the shopkeeper explained the use of each skill. First Blade Flash is a melee attack skill by slashing with a sword quickly toward the enemy.

Moonlight Slash is a ranged attack skill by slashing in the direction you want and the energy that comes out of your attack will advance toward your target. Crosh Slash is a melee attack by slashing twice in an X shape towards the enemy.

Because I couldn't read the scroll and didn't know how much damage those skills would do, I was confused. Finally, since I currently don't have ranged attacks, I decided to choose Moonlight Slash as my first skill.

"Uncle, I chose Moonlight Slash to learn," I asked him about the skill. "Moonlight Slashes? Good choice, all right. You move a little here" I obeyed his order to move closer to him.

Then he touched my forehead while holding a crystal ball and it seemed like he was transferring his aura into my body. I seem to be getting information going into my head, the longer I know that this information about the skill Moonlight Slash is getting into my head.


I can even learn this skill right away without reading it again because the information of this skill is already in my brain. Of course, I will choose to learn this skill.

I looked at the attack information of my skill and felt that this skill wasn't much stronger than my Aura control. But I noticed that my Aura control had leveled up several times which caused its strength to increase, whereas this skill I just got and I think the skill will be very strong when I level up later.

In the skill explanation, Cooldown and Casting time appear on my skill, maybe this is what caused Nanda and the others to be unable to launch their attacks continuously and had to wait a while, before being able to attack again. It's quite troublesome.

After that, the shopkeeper no longer touched my forehead, after I regained consciousness and he was looking at me who previously closed my eyes to understand the skill information.

"How? Can you understand it?" the shopkeeper asked me. "Yes, I can understand it"

"Then my task is done, give me your badge" he also asked for my badge and did something to it like the previous shopkeeper did.

"Here you are, I have indicated that you have learned this month's Skill and if you wish to learn another skill. Keep being class president next month. Even though I'm pretty sure no one will be able to beat you in the class you're in right now" then he told me if I want to learn other skills, I have to still be class president in the next month.