Chapter 82 Slash + Moonlight Slash

Hearing that if I still became class president next month I would be able to learn other skills from this place made me even more excited not to be beaten by my other classmates.

I thanked the skill shopkeeper and headed out to return to the dormitory. The skill I learned I couldn't practice in my room, because it would cause damage to my room since the attack range of this skill is 5 meters.

On the way to the dormitory, I thought of hunting beasts to get the Battle Exp that I really needed right now. I can also practice my new skills outside of the academy as well.

After that, I decided to hunt beasts outside the academy until lunch. "Okay, it's hunting time today. the four of them were planning to go Bull Beast hunting yesterday, I guess I'll be heading there as well" after deciding to go Bull Beast hunting I headed towards the north gate of the academy.

When I got there I asked permission from the gatekeepers to leave the academy, they let me out after writing my name in their book. That means I've become a member of this academy, and after that, I started looking for their whereabouts while hunting beasts on the way.

Even though this place is said to be a Bull Beast hunting ground, there are still other Beasts roaming around here. Like now I'm dealing with the Beast that I usually fight in my village, Goat Beast.

We were staring at each other, but because teacher Ryan said to end the fight as soon as possible. I didn't linger and immediately used the skill I just got "Moonlight Slash!" My energy turned into a silver crescent-shaped attack that was currently charging toward the Goat Beast.

The speed of the Moonlight Slash that I released was faster than I expected and caused the Goat Beast to have no time to dodge and was finally split into two.


The notification that I had killed the Beast appeared. After that, I immediately approached the Goat Beast's corpse and took its Core. I just realized that even though I had sliced its head in the middle, this Beast Core was still intact. How strange.

I continued my beast hunt while searching for the whereabouts of the four of them. Not long from where I killed the Goat Beast, I found the Bull Beast. It seems there are more beasts in this place than in my village, maybe that's the reason why the growth of warriors in the academy is so fast. Because they had many places to hunt and increased their strength by absorbing beast cores.

This is my first time dealing with Bull Beasts, from what I heard they have tougher skin than Goat Beasts and their strength is also above Goat Beasts. However, the Goat Beast's speed is still far above the Bull Beast, so I'm not worried that this Beast will be able to approach me.

I immediately activated 'Moonlight Slash' and took the cue to launch my attack. When I felt that enough energy had accumulated, then I swung my sword toward the Bull Beast. I'm not used to using skills with Casting time.


Still with the same speed. Fortunately, the Bull Beast is slower than the Goat Beast. If Goat Beasts can't avoid my attacks, let alone Bull Beasts.


Looks like I'm pretty strong right now, because even though I can't kill a Bull Beast with one hit. But my attack had made a very fatal wound on its body, so even if I let this Bull Beast go, it won't be long before it will die from the wounds it received.

But I didn't want to wait too long and immediately approached it to finish its life. 'Slash' this time I used my Slash because my Moonlight Slash was on Cooldown and couldn't be used.


I also got Battle Exp from the Bull Beast, and currently, my Battle Exp is enough to level up one of my three Skills which have full Exp bars. This time I chose Rush to upgrade because Rush will make my run faster and it will be very useful when hunting outside like this.

'Allocation 600 Battle Exp to Rush'


My Rush's mileage increased by half a meter like when I leveled up before. I used my Rush to feel the difference, I currently have 12 Beast Cores in my bag. Actually, this is enough for me to practice for a few days, but right now I really need Battle Experience. So I will continue hunting until lunch, even though later I don't meet the four of them.

After running normally for about 15 minutes I saw 2 Bull Beasts in front of me, I immediately hid in the bushes near me. I'm in a dilemma right now whether I should fight with the two Bull Beasts or avoid and find another target. Because this is my first time fighting with 2 beasts at once.

After a moment's dilemma, I decided to fight both of them at once, because later when I will enter the Dungeon I will encounter more Beast than here.

Because my opponent is 2 beasts at once, so I'm thinking of defeating one with one strike. How can I defeat one of the beasts with one strike?

Of course by using my two skills simultaneously, this time I will try using Slash together with Moonlight Slash.

I have currently activated 'Slash' on my sword and am waiting for the energy to build up for 2 seconds. After the energy was collected I directed it toward the Bull Beast which was closer to me. Luckily I was behind a bush at this point so they didn't notice I was here.

I feel like my Moonlight Slash is moving a bit faster than before.



I was very surprised by the damage dealt by my Slash + Moonlight Slash. Because right now that Bull Beast had been split into two and the energy from my Moonlight Slash was still moving toward the other Bull Beast.


Even though the effect was not as strong as when attacking the first Bull Beast, the attack still made that Bull Beast seriously injured and currently the second Bull Beast was unable to stand up anymore.

I immediately ran towards the second Bull Beast to end its life. 'Slash' I hit its neck with Slash, and after that, the second Bull Beast died.


I received two notifications that I had killed the two Bull Beasts. For some reason right now I feel like something is lacking in me, not as usual.

After I took both Beast Cores on that Bull Beast. I also checked the battle experience I got.


Host Name: Bobby

Race: Human

Class: Warrior Level 1 (Uncommon).

Level: 99 (60/100)

HP: 1000/1000

Energy: 427/510

Aura: 0/2

Str: 62

Agi: 49

Vit: 40

Total Attribute: 151

Free attribute point: 0

Element Affinity:

Metal: 1

Battle Exp Point: 230

After checking my status I realized that I didn't lose my Hp after using Slash + Moonlight Slash together.