Chapter 83 Fight The Bandit

I'm confused why using Slash + Moonlight Slash doesn't reduce my HP. Because when I use Slash + Punch I get damage from the side effects of using the two skills simultaneously. Whereas Slash + Moonlight Slash doesn't reduce my HP even though Moonlight Slash is stronger than Punch.

Could it be because Slash and Moonlight Slash are similar skills because they both use weapons to activate them so that it keeps me from losing my HP due to the compatibility of the two skills?

Whereas Punch is a skill that is used using my hands, so if used with Slash there will be an incompatibility between the two skills that will cause me to get side effects?

But because right now I still don't really understand about this skill, it's better for me to forget about it for a moment and continue my hunt.

I started running without using my Rush, just running casually to save energy. Because now my running speed is fast because my Agi stat is getting higher. After a few minutes of running I heard footsteps approaching behind me, I looked back to see what was running behind me.

After I looked back, I saw a Goat Beast that was running towards me. "Damn" since I was seen by him I won't able to hide to launch a surprise attack on him.

So I stopped and would face him head-on, because the opponent I was facing right now was just a Goat Beast. I decided not to use Moonlight Slash since it would use up a lot of my energy. Because to kill the Goat Beast I only need Slash like I did before in the village.

After activating both of my Auras, I immediately approached the Goat Beast to finish him off. The beast tried to attack me, but unfortunately, I was much faster than it so I easily dodged its attack and slashed its neck with my 'Slash'.


I took the Core that was on the Goat Beast. But after I took the Beast Core, there was a sound of movement in the bushes from the direction the Goat Beast was running.

"Srek, srek, srek"

From behind the bushes appeared three humans who didn't seem to be from the academy. because they weren't wearing academy uniforms and didn't look like good people, and they looked like bandits because their faces didn't look like good people.

The three of them were middle-aged men with clothes made of brown beast hides. Two of them had short black hair, while the third had brown hair, it seemed he was an Earth element user.

"Hoo... someone stole our prey boss" one of the black-haired men spoke to the brown-haired man, from the way the black-haired man spoke, I guessed that the brown-haired man was the leader of their group.

"Yes, I can see that" the brown-haired man saw me and spoke, "A student of Balaraja Academy apparently, what a coincidence I'm looking for a Warrior right now, for something" then he smiled while looking at me.

"Hehehe" the other two men laughed as their boss finished speaking and looked at me with prey gazes. "As I thought, the first day after entering the academy there will be a boy who goes out on his own to hunt around the academy. Thanks kid, because of you our hunt today was not in vain" From what the brown-haired man said it seemed they were currently looking for students who were hunting alone outside the academy. What are their goals? I don't know.

I didn't talk to them and focused on watching the moves they made while activating both of my Auras back. "Oh, you seem pretty strong brat. No wonder you dare to hunt yourself." He looked at me with a slightly interested face while licking his lips with his tongue.

"You two capture that brat alive! We need it to try out this skill we got" the brown-haired man ordered the two black-haired men to attack me. The two men used the same weapon with each other, namely an ax, and their Aura was transparent white which meant they were Non-element Warriors.

Luckily their speed was much slower than mine, so I was able to easily dodge their attacks and back away using Avoid Step to get away. Since this is a one-against-three fight, then I can't linger in this fight. So that later I will not be surrounded by them.

Because right now the brown-haired man hasn't joined the fight, so this fight hasn't been too difficult for me and this is my chance to finish them both off first. I immediately activated Slash + Moonlight Slash to finish off these two black-haired men at once.

After the energy in my sword accumulated for 2 seconds. I swung my sword at the two of them, luckily the two of them were standing close to each other so I was able to attack both of them at once with the Moonlight Slash.


They looked completely shocked when they saw the attack I launched towards them. Unfortunately, the two black-haired men didn't have any faster speed than my Moonlight Slash.

The two of them tried to block my attack with their weapons, but my current skill was already being used together with Slash. So that their weapons would not be able to withstand attacks that could split the Bull Beast's body in two.



Both of their weapons couldn't withstand the Moonlight Slash and were cut by my Skill and it didn't stop my Moonlight Slash and caused both of their bodies to be cut in half. After that, the two bandits' bodies fell to the ground with their eyes open and breathless.



The notification that I had killed them both appeared in my eyes. I see another notification, but right now I still have one more enemy. I didn't see the notification at first.

Unfortunately, the brown-haired bandit was quite far away from the other two bandits, so my Moonlight Slash had weakened and slowed down after cutting the two bandits apart. And it didn't get to where the brown-haired bandit was and then disappeared because its energy had run out.

"You!" the brown-haired bandit was very surprised because I could finish off both of his men at once with one strike. Then he immediately picked up the large ax that was on his back. From the weapon, I could predict this person was a Strength-type Warrior because the type of weapon was the same as the one used by Adel.

The bandit's body was currently covered in a brown Aura and he was looking at me carefully. Because right now I can't use my Moonlight Slash because it's on Cooldown, and I won't fight him close-range because I don't know how strong this guy is.

The bandit boss was trying to chase after me to attack me, as I thought this bandit was a Strength type Warrior so he couldn't get close to me to launch his attack because I was faster than him.

"Damn, apparently you are a Speed-type Warrior. But how could a Speed-type Warrior possibly produce a skill with such power? That can only be done by a Strength-type Warrior." He knew I was a Speed-type Warrior because I easily got away and kept my distance from him.

After staying away from him continuously, 10 seconds had passed and my Moonlight Slash was able to be used again. It didn't take long for me to immediately activate 'Slash + Moonlight Slash' and wait for 2 seconds to cast this skill.

It seems he realized that I would use the skill I used to kill his two men again. So he currently stopped chasing me and tried to run away from me, but unfortunately, my casting time skill was finished and I immediately swung my sword at him to cast my skill.


Because he knew that he couldn't escape from my attack, he also tried to block my attack with his weapon like his two men did. Unfortunately, he didn't use a skill to block my attack that had used a skill, so he met the same fate as his two men and was split in two.
