Chapter 94 15 Times Damage

The next day, "Hoam..." as usual I woke up earlier than usual and got ready to go hunting today. After I finished taking a shower and put on my academy uniform, I went to the cafeteria to have breakfast. When I arrived at the cafeteria, at this time because it was still very early so not many people had breakfast and made the atmosphere calmer.

I took my food and sat at one of the tables alone while looking around me. Today I should have breakfast with Rony and the others before going hunting together, but they chose James big brother over me to hunt.

Actually, it benefits me too because I don't have to bother accompanying them to go hunting and can absorb the souls of the beasts that I kill. But somehow their attitude towards me is a bit different now, it seems like they're avoiding me for something.

I felt it when Roony asked me to go to the city on the weekend, from his tone and expression, inviting me was just a formality. While the three of them seemed like they didn't want to talk to me much and just let Roony do the talking. Even Adel, who usually talks a lot, didn't say anything to me.

There's no use thinking about it now, I better finish my food and go hunting before running into them and making the atmosphere awkward. After finishing my breakfast, I went to the Trade Hall to exchange my 20 points into Beast Cores at the Hall of Beasts before going hunting.

Arriving at the Hall of Beast, I talked to the guard there. Because we had met before he immediately asked me what I needed here. I also asked him to exchange my 20 points for 2 Sheep Cores.

"Oh, have you used up your previous Beast Core? Until you exchange your points for the Beast Core again." He asked me about the Beast Core I exchanged here two days ago. I realized that I absorbed the energy of the Beast Core way too fast compared to other people, no wonder it surprised him a little since I exchanged the Beast Core again today.

I replied, "Not done yet uncle, I'm absorbing the energy in the Beast Core when I have free time. But I feel that it's better for me to prepare a lot of Beast Cores for supply" I couldn't help but have to lie to him.

"Oh, I thought you exchanged these Beast Cores for money to buy something else." Turns out he thought I'd exchange my Beast Cores for money. "Very well then, I'll get you the Beast Core you asked for in a moment." Then he went to the back.

Not long after he came back carrying a box like yesterday. "This is your Beast Core, now you can check it right?" He gave me the two Beast Cores I asked for and asked me to check them again.

I nodded at him and checked the two beast cores I received from him 'Analysis Eyes'.

"Yes, these two Beast Cores are Sheep Cores. Thank you, uncle." After checking that the Beast Core I received was a Sheep Core, I thanked him. "You're welcome, is there anything else I can help you with?" He asked me if there was anything else he needed from him.

"For now there is no uncle. Then I'll go first, see you later uncle" I told him there was nothing else I needed and left the Hall of Beasts. After that, I went south to hunt Sheep Beast.

I am currently in the outer area of the southern academy, this place is no different from the outer area of the northern academy. There are still trees, bushes, and green fields. I walked while enjoying the surrounding scenery as well as looking for the existence of the Beast that was here.

After walking for about 5 minutes I saw two Sheep Beasts eating grass not far from where I was. Sheep Beasts are almost the same size as Goat Beasts, the difference lies in their body and skin. The Goat Beast's skin does not have dense fur on its body, while the Sheep Beast has dense white fur. Maybe that was part of what made his defense stronger than Goat beasts.

Seeing that I immediately hid behind the bushes to pay attention to the surrounding area. Are there any other Beasts hiding, after noticing that there are no Beasts nearby. I used my Analysis Eyes on the Sheep Beast.


Name: Sheep

Class: Beast Level 1 (Normal).

Level: 43

HP: 1135/1135

Energy: 440/440

Str: 17

Agi: 23

Vit: 56

Total Attribute: 96

Sheep Beasts have high Vit like Bull Beasts, but the second highest attribute of Sheep Beasts is Agi. So that means the Sheep Beast will have a higher speed than the Bull Beast but has a weaker attack than the Bull Beast. This is a good Beast to train a beginner to hunt.

Thinking about training beginners I remembered my four friends having a hard time hunting, then I immediately forgot about that and focused on the Beast in front of me. After that, I used Analysis Eyes on the second Sheep Beast.

Name: Sheep

Class: Beast Level 1 (Normal).

Level: 50

HP: 1310/1310

Energy: 510/510

Str: 17

Agi: 25

Vit: 59

Total Attribute: 101

The status of the two of them is not much different and I think I will be able to finish them off in one hit, because the distance between the two of them is very close less than 2 meters. I used both of my Auras, then used Slash, and then Moonlight Slash.

The two Beasts still didn't notice my presence and were still eating grass casually, even though I had prepared my attack for them. After the Casting time was over, I swung my sword filled with silver energy toward the two Beasts.

"Moonlight Slash!"

They finally realized that someone was attacking them when they felt an aura approaching them. But unfortunately, my Agi attribute was much higher than theirs and they weren't activating their aura either. So there is no buff for their speed or defense.




The first Sheep Beast's body was split into two parts because my attack was very big compared to its defense, even up to 5 times bigger. So that my Moonlight Slash still has the energy to go towards the second Sheep Beast and make that Beast get hit by an attack from my Moonlight Slash.




The second Sheep Beast is still alive because I haven't got the notification that I killed it. I immediately approached the Sheep Beast who was unable to stand up to finish him using Slash towards his neck. The Sheep Beast's head was detached from its body.

The notification that I had killed the Beast appeared. I realized that when my attack hit the first Sheep Beast it would reduce the damage it did afterward. Because there is a difference in the damage that appears on the two Beasts.

And if I didn't manage to deplete my enemy's HP, it would bring my attacks to a complete halt. Seeing that the damage I did was so great actually made me really scared, because if a Beast or Warrior who had an attack as strong as mine attacked me right now. I will die right away because the Defense I have is too small even less than the two Sheep Beasts that I just killed.