Chapter 97 My First Defense Skill

After exiting the Hall of Weapons I immediately headed to the dormitory for lunch and went to my usual training place afterward. Arriving at the practice site I checked my status first to see how much energy I had left, before starting to practice.



Host Name: Bobby

Race: Human

Class: Warrior Level 1 (Uncommon).

Level: 100 (1000/1000)

HP: 1010/1010

Energy: 278/510

Aura: 0/2

Str: 75

Agi: 68

Vit: 40

Total Attribute: 183/285

Free attribute point: 0

Element Affinity:

Metal: 21

Battle Exp Point: 3630

I still had enough energy left to use Moonlight Slash, and I had a lot of the Battle Experience I gained from hunting and fighting with the academy students who were targeting me earlier. After that, I checked my skills to see my progress.


It doesn't feel like I currently have 12 skills before I couldn't even get a single skill. But now I feel I have the most skills in my class, no I think in 1st and 2nd-year students I was the only student who has this many skills.

Right now I have quite a lot of Battle Experience, so I guess I'll level up my Punch. Even though I rarely use it, I can use this skill with Slash. Even though the attack won't be as strong as Slash + Moonlight Slash, but it will be useful when I can't use Moonlight due to the cooldown.

'Allocate 600 Battle Exp to Punch'


The damage increase is the same as with Slash, I guess because both skills are Aura control their power will be the same. After increasing the Punch skill, I started training Moonlight Slash in order to raise its level even higher. And increase the damage, attack distance and casting time, and cooldown Moonlight Slash.

"Moonlight Slash!"


I started to spam the skill many times to get the Exp to level it up.

I can only use Slash 13 times and my energy is not enough to use Slash again. Therefore I started to absorb the Sheep Core that I have, as I previously suspected increasing the potential would increase my speed in absorbing the energy in the Beast Core.


From the notification, I will get the Cover skill when I successfully absorb 9 more Sheep Cores. From the name, it seems to be a defense skill. Eventually, I will get my first defense skill.

Then I started using my Moonlight Slash until my energy ran out again.

"Moonlight Slash!"


After consuming 5 Sheep Cores I managed to meet the Exp needed by Moonlight Slash to level up.

'Allocate 200 Battle Exp to Moonlight Slash>


As before, the damage increases by 0.2 Str, and the attack distance increases by 1 meter, the attack speed also increases by 0.1 Agi and this time the energy required to use this skill increases by 5 energy.

This will make me less and less able to use this skill because my total energy does not increase either. At this rate, I think I'll have more trouble if the level of my skill gets higher while my energy doesn't increase.

Looks like I'll ask teacher Ryan how to increase my energy during class tomorrow. After that, I started absorbing the energy in my next Beast Core.


"Moonlight Slash!"


"Moonlight Slash!"


"Yes!" finally I got my first Defense skill even though this skill is not that strong it only increases my 10% of my Vit. But when the level goes up this skill will get stronger like my other skills.

Because I can use this skill without interfering with other skills, I will use Cover while training my Moonlight Slash to raise both of my skill levels at once.