Chapter 98 Goat Aura

Practicing two skills at the same time is very effective but really drains my energy, and I'm starting to think about getting exp at once from each of my skills that I can use without reducing my HP. Finally, I decided to use Slash and cover continuously while using Moonlight Slash.

In the end, I spent another 10 Beast Cores on training like this. My consumption of Beast Core was much faster than before because Moonlight Slash leveled up and required more energy. This made the Beast Core that I got today able to be consumed in an instant.

But that also makes my Skill get a lot of Exp, so this is the result of absorbing the 10 Beast cores to my skills.

My three skills still require a lot of Exp to be able to level up. I'm currently absorbing my 21st Beast Core today, which is the Goat Core. Previously I had spent 19 Sheep Core and 1 Rabbit Core. So all that's left in my bag is the Goat Core.

Setelah beberapa menit kuhabiskan untuk menyerap energi yang ada pada Goat Core ini, notifikasi bahwa energi dari Goat Core itu telah habis terserap oleh ku pun muncul.


I couldn't believe it when I saw the notification that I managed to learn the Aura skill from absorbing this Goat Core. but when I saw that the skill information was in front of my eyes, then I believed that I had obtained the Goat Aura skill.

I really didn't expect that I would get another skill let alone a Foundation skill from absorbing Goat Core and it was a Foundation Skill that cost up to 100,000 dollars in the Hall of Skills. Looks like I have to reach the Elite category soon to be able to use my three Auras at once.

Knowing that I would still get other skills from absorbing the Beast Core made me even more excited to practice and couldn't wait to hunt more Beasts. I'm also looking forward to what the next skill will be when I have absorbed more Beast Cores of this kind and what kind of skills I will get in the future.

I trained until all of the Beast Cores I had were used up. Today I absorbed a lot more beasts than before, and have used up all the beast cores in my bag of 28 cores. I went back to the dormitory for dinner and rest.

The next day...

I had arrived at my class alone, not coming together with Rony and the others. Because this morning I tried knocking on his door and asking him to leave together, but he didn't answer. So I went to breakfast and went to class alone.

Because I left alone it caused me to leave too early than usual, so there was no one else in my class besides myself. Then the other students started arriving and sat in their seats as usual. Except for Roony who usually sits next to me this time, he sits with James.

Looks like my previous guess was right, they're avoiding me for something. I also thought what the reason they stay away from me at this time. because two days ago after lunch they were still fine and willing to accept my invitation to hunt together.

But that night they suddenly refused my invitation and preferred to go hunting with James big brother. Should I ask them later after lunch?

"Teng! Teng! Teng!"

The bell sounded indicating that class was about to start. Not long after, teacher Ryan came into our class.

"Morning everyone!" he greeted us when entering the class.

"Morning teacher!" we greeted him back together.

"Today we will learn about what is the level of Warrior and Beast and their categories. So prepare your notes, because we're going to be really learning theory today." He said that today we'd be learning about the levels and categories of Warriors and Beasts.

Hearing that we were going to hear a lecture from him made all of us very disheartened including myself. Teacher Ryan started to explain to us what level is on Warrior and Beast.

He explained that when a Warrior had advanced to a higher level he would gain something from the Foundation Skills he had learned. Like teacher Ryan, he is currently able to control elemental thunder without using his skills. Of course, he can only control a bit of thunder that is not from his skills.

As for Warrior level 1, they will not be able to do that. They had to use skills to control an element, they would not be able to control an element that did not come from their energy. And if you reach Warrior level 3, you can make your energy into the element you learn from the Foundation skill.

So it's not just controlling, but you can transform your energy into an element. Then what happens if one uses a non-element Foundation skill? That will make his energy remain Non-element, he can still use his energy freely for the purposes he needs.

Like forming a large hand or making armor that protects the body from its energy. Whereas Warriors who use other elements can still do what Non-element Warriors do. However, any energy they form will turn into the elements they learn, not non-elements.

So when you reach level 3 it will make each of your attacks like using a skill. Even though you don't use skills, and of course reaching level 3 is a very difficult thing.

Even according to teacher Ryan Warrior level 3 in this academy and the Balaraja city, if combined, the number is not up to 5 people. That means that even if you reach Warrior level 2, you will be highly respected by other people in the city.

This special ability also applies to Beasts of the same level. That's why when the Beast reaches level 2 they will get the name of an element in the name. Such as Wind Goat Beast, Earth Bull Beast, and Wind Rabbit Beast.

That's because they can already control the element in their names. So level 1 Warriors are no match for level 2 beasts. Besides that, they also have more body and energy than ordinary Warriors.


The sound of the bell indicating lunch time had started rang, teacher Ryan also stopped our lesson today and will continue it after lunch. this is my chance to ask what is going on with Rony and the others.