Chapter 99 My Target Is Epic Category

My classmates started to leave the room and went to the cafeteria for lunch, I also stood up and left the room. Roony and the others left together and left me alone, seeing that I tried to catch up and talk to them.

"Hey Roony, let's go to the canteen together" I asked him to go to the canteen together. "Sorry Bobby, I think I want to go to the toilet first before going to the canteen" then he went towards the toilet and left me alone.

Since Roony was trying to avoid me, I tried to talk to James, Adel, and Nanda. But they all did not look at me and were immediately away from me. Seeing their attitude like that, I went to the cafeteria myself.

When they got there, the three of them sat down together and started chatting. While I sat alone at a table quite far from them. 'It seems they don't want to be friends with me anymore, so I feel like going back to the village to live with uncle Jason' I felt very sad to see the attitude of my friends like that.

Whereas previously their attitude toward me was fine. I also finished my lunch alone and went to the classroom to rest while waiting for class to start again.


The bell that signaled the end of lunchtime rang, and my classmates started to return to our classroom. Not long after, teacher Ryan entered the class and continued our lesson earlier.

This time he explained the categories that exist in Warrior and Beast. The categories in Warrior and Beast are Normal, Uncommon, Elite, Master, Grandmaster, and Epic. Teacher Ryan also explained that there was a significant difference between the categories.

The higher the category, the stronger the Warrior or Beast will be. Most or almost all of the Normal category Beasts do not have a skill, so the (Normal) Beast is not too dangerous for a level 1 Warrior who can use the skill.

Beast (Uncommon) some of them can use a skill, so this Beast is the biggest contributor to the death of students in this academy. Because they already have a higher attribute than Warrior (Normal) and can use a skill. The students of this academy would have no chance against them.

While the Beast (Elite) can all use a skill, and even their strength is almost the same as Warrior level 2 (Normal). Luckily this beast is very rare to appear near the academy area, but it is possible that this beast can appear at any time. Because a few years before the Beast (Elite) appeared near the academy and caused the death of 30 academy students at once.

So if you meet a Beast (Elite) don't ever try to fight with him, but run as fast as you can. Even though it won't necessarily make you safe, at least you have a chance to survive.

While the category Master, Grandmaster, and Epic. It was never found near the academy or near the city. They were very powerful Beasts, so they would only be in places Warriors seldom stepped on. Even this academy's principal had only met a Beast (Master) once in his life.

And the Beast is slightly stronger than Warrior level 2 (Normal), the higher the category of Warrior or Beast the higher their potential to reach a higher level. If you level up while you are still a level 1 (Normal) Warrior, you will only be a level 2 (Normal) Warrior for the rest of your life and will not be able to become a level 3 Warrior.

That's why the academy asks its students to reach Warrior (Elite) before becoming a Level 2 Warrior. Because the higher the category you reach, then that means the higher your potential to become a Level 3 Warrior. Teacher Ryan also mentioned that before advancing to level 2 he has become a level 1 (Elite) Warrior.

That's why now he has reached Warrior level 2 (Uncommon) and currently he is still trying to raise his level to Warrior level 3 or Warrior level 2 (Elite). I feel lucky that I wasn't in a rush when the evolving menu opened and didn't decide to evolve right away.

Because the higher your category, the higher the potential you will get later. It will allow you to reach a higher level than other people, I asked him.

"Teacher, what happens when a warrior reaches the Epic category?" Teacher Ryan who heard my question looked at me and smiled. "According to the books in the academy, if a Warrior or Beast reaches the Epic category. Then he will get a special ability and that makes them as strong as a Warrior or Beast level 2 (Elite)"

Hearing that the Epic category could make him as strong as a level 2 Warrior (Elite) made me think. 'With the Absorb Soul skill, I will be able to continuously increase my potential. So my potential will be unlimited. Is it possible that I will be able to reach the Epic category? Apart from Absorb Soul, I can also increase my potential by raising the level of Foundation skills and currently I have 2 Foundation skills.'

After knowing that I have the possibility to reach the Epic category. I was aiming to become a level 1 (Epic) Warrior before using Evolve. I didn't forget my question about how to increase the amount of my energy to teacher Ryan.

He replied, "To increase your amount of energy all you need to do is raise your level, reach an advanced level in Foundation skills, or absorb a Plant Beast Core. And those Plant Beast Cores are extremely rare even rarer than Beasts (Elite)." He told me that in order to increase the amount of my energy I had to raise my Warrior level, advance my Foundation skills, or absorb energy from the Plant Beast Core.

I can't do the first and third choices, because I want to reach the Epic category before leveling up. The third choice would be very difficult because I don't know where they will appear. All I can do is the second option which is to raise my skill level to the advanced stage. Currently, Metal Sparrow Aura is almost at level 3 and I think it's equivalent to the Advance level.

Right now I only need to absorb 23 Goat Cores or Rabbit Cores and that will level up my Metal Sparrow Aura. That means tomorrow I will hunt Goat Beast to get the Horn to make my new weapon and the Beast Core to increase my Agi.

"Teng! Teng! Teng!"

The bell that indicated that class was over rang and teacher Ryan spoke, "Alright, today's class is over and your job is to get points during the next lesson if you bring material from your hunt alone or with a team. And if you bring material from Beast (Normal) it will give you 5 points and if you bring material from Beast (Uncommon) it will give you 20 points. So, happy hunting on your weekend. see you later"

He gave us the task of hunting and bringing the materials we hunted to class on Monday. Hearing that made me think, 'How about I make my weapon out of Beast (Uncommon) materials? That would make the weapon I make stronger than the weapon made from Beast (Normal) right?'