Life choices

By a cave in a mountain, a silver-clad youth with a Golden hair was looking down at his bloodied hands as he muttered to himself; "only 1 stat point gained for speed? What is this shitty luck?".

"I almost lost my life for one stat point", Timeless complained as he felt immense disgust. This Mose Rat was a creature he had hunted for the first time, so he was expecting a decent stat point, but he got only 1 point after almost dying! And it was for speed - the one he has the most of already.

Looking down at the Mose Rat he had killed, he suddenly felt hungry and prepared to cook it. He was a terrible cook because he was an orphan; his parents died inside this very Domain, whenever he sees other families he could only curse his luck and the shitty God that made them go through all of this.

Timeless steeled his heart to succeed and maybe one day, when he meets this strange being, he'll ask God the questions he harbors deep in his heart, thinking about this he felt the urge to look at his stats.

* Name: Timeless

* Rank: Mortal

* Gene evolution: Unknown

* Speed: 10

* Strength: 6

* Constitution: 9

* Soul energy: 8

* Beast Soul: Luminous (mortal rank)

* Skills: Weakness finder

For a mortal to evolve to the next rank they had to reach 20 in all stats and then step into one of the many pools of recreation to be reborn anew.

Killing a creature in God's domain, a person had a chance to obtain the beast's soul. Beast souls come In various types, some appeared in the form of armor or weapons, while some unique ones can give the ability of flight, drilling, camouflage or a one time purpose weapon, which were usually powerful. But, so far, no one has mentioned anything about gaining any other abilities by killing beasts or if they can get any martial skills from them.

In addition, there had been multiple cases of bullying and theft because beast souls are quite hard to get. Maybe 1 in 100, so it sells for a lot of money; so many people have lost their lives after showing off some of the unique beast souls they had obtained.

His only skill, the weakness finder which he got by training himself arduously by observing prey for weak points and striking them. He always tried to kill his prey in one hit, but this isn't to be expected in all cases. These beasts are stronger, but he had hunted in such a way that the system gave him the skill itself to his amazement. He didn't know yet if any others have been granted skill by the system, but he felt they could be a high chance there was.

As he was looking at his profile, he suddenly smelled something burning and recovered from his daze, only to find his dinner being burned to a crisp. His luck was just as bad as ever. "Oh well, better than nothing I guess" he said to himself as he proceeded to stuff himself with the burnt food not minding the taste.

When he was done eating his food, he took out his flask and drank some water before standing up to head back to his camp. There were already human camps in God's Domain built around the castles which were protected by the military, and were compromised of some of the best fighters.

When someone entered the Domain for the first time, they were usually spawned to a random location. Timeless, fortunately, spawned in an area where humans were hunting upon arrival and was directed to the nearest human settlement, which was the Takhiri camp.

After completing the necessary procedures at the camp, Timeless has been out hunting alone and rarely ever went back as he spent his time getting familiar with this strange domain he was in.

Since the first level is already conquered, the danger level had significantly reduced as there were many strong humans now on the first level. The ancestors before had already paved the way for them. One should know that this was a path paved by blood and should be thankful regardless of the fact they weren't alive in such an era.

Still, the creatures never seemed to decrease as they seemed to have been blessed with astonishing birth rates, which is a good thing for the human race on the first level. As the human population continues to rise, it's best for the creatures not to dwindle so as to have enough for everyone.

Upon reaching camp he took out his token to show he was a member of the Takhiri camp and was allowed in. He could see all types of building as soon as he entered the castle region.

One should never underestimate the capability of humans to utilize the resources they find in any place for their advancement. Several buildings could be seen constructed from the various resources gathered in God's Domain.

There were Martial halls that one can enter after paying the required fee to learn some decent martial skill; the higher the rank of martial skill the more money required. That's why only the rich and powerful at the moment have access to these sorts of powerful arts at the moment. Timeless could also see buildings for trade and the auction house near it.

There are four such castles In the first domain and each is ruled by a particular clan, but the military seen as the 5th most powerful has a base in all camps, as they serve as the law enforcer. They are seen as a better option than the other four top clans, as with enough contribution points one could easily get a good martial skill, so many people joined the military each year.

Timeless moved around for a while doing some sightseeing until it got very late before deciding to head towards his bunk.

Upon arriving at his bunk which contained the basic necessities, Timeless felt the strength drain from him and his body become weak. He laid down on the bed, staring at the ceiling for a while and thinking about the various ways he could make it to the very top.

First, he needed money and lots of it, but he knew it wasn't so easy to get money. Unless he had a stroke of insane luck and tumbled across something of mass fortune, he'll probably remain broke for a while. However, those are thoughts for later; for now, he was just happy to be alive for one more second. He thought for a while before closing his eyes and falling into the darkness of the eternal night.