What is this??

Looking at the mangled carcass, Timeless made a mental note to check if there was anything in it. He was still in awe when receiving three stat points, but that was only for a moment. He immediately thereafter frowned deeply as he thought, "Why did it have to be for speed?! At this rate my speed will be maxed out!"

Still, he was hoping that this beast was one of those special beasts that had a core in it. If he could sell the core, then he would have enough money for a new weapon.

At the thought of this, he became excited and began searching, using his hands to rummage through the guts of the Skyflow Wolf. Sadly, he failed to spot anything inside its stomach, and the only thing left was its head.

"Oh well, why not give it a try?," said Timeless to himself, looking around himself. Since he had lost his dagger, he had nothing to open the head with.

He found a big rock to smash it. Even though it was now impossible to sell the corpse, but if he finds something valuable inside the head, then it was worth it.

The skull divided with ease after a few hits. Moving the broken pieces of skull out of the way, he looked through and saw a beautiful blue core within and couldn't contain his joy!

His struggle will ease up a bit when he gets a good weapon. He was already planning on what to buy, but his joy was short-lived.

He heard footsteps behind him and turned to see a group of five, with a boy in his teens in the middle who was smiling from ear to ear as he said, "Well done."

"Not bad! Truly not bad, but it seems your luck has run out. We've been searching for such a core for a while. My master said that if I absorbed a wind essence core, it would help my cultivation and improve my wind control."

The youth turned to Timeless, who still had a stunned look on his face and said, "Although normally I would be paying for this," he paused and lightly laughed, "Seeing as you're all alone though, you have just only one choice, Hand over the core or perish".

Timeless's whole expression changed immediately as he heard that. He worked his butt off, and now, when he felt like his luck has turned for the better, this happened. He stared at the youth as he said in a tone that felt overbearing and filled with nothing but malice, "No."

The youth felt like he was hearing the stupidest reply anyone had ever given him as he ordered the four people behind him to kill Timeless. They dashed forward with their weapons, attempting to take his life, but Timeless threw the rock in his hand at the youth with such force and precision that the youth actually felt a sense of danger.

This caused the four rushing towards Timeless to be so stunned they halted their steps and attempted to protect their young master. Unfortunately, they were too late. They didn't expect such a move and neither did the teen. He tried to use his ability to blow the rock away, but realized his hand speed was much slower than the speed of the rock that was approaching. He could only steel his body for impact.

The rock connected with his face and a scream reverberated across the forest. The teen collapsed on the floor while holding his face. With immense hate, he turned to glare at the cause of his pain, but as he raised his head to look he couldn't see the youth anymore! He was filled with so much rage that his head almost exploded from anger.

Those accompanying the youth had to carry him back to camp to receive treatment, but the youth swore in his heart that he would repay this favor a hundred fold! He deeply engraved the face of the youth he saw in the forest into his mind.

Meanwhile, running through the forest, Timeless had a smile as bright as the moon! He knew that he probably couldn't head to camp for a few days, but that was fine. At least he didn't give in.

He took a look at the beast core for this was his ticket to a slightly easier life. He moved according to the terrains, and avoided any beasts for awhile. After getting out of the woods, he saw a cave along a mountain path.

Timeless examined his surroundings before heading to the cave. Upon entering, he was as vigilant as ever. Although it was noon, the cave wasn't well illuminated, and he could hear the sound of running water when he entered, leaving him rather puzzled.

Although he felt quite thirsty, he still didn't let his guard down. After verifying that there was no creatures in sight, he felt a bit more courageous and proceeded to head deeper into the cave searching for the source of the noise he was hearing. After heading deeper, he could see a light source. The further he walked, getting to the end, he saw it a small lake being illuminated by strange glowing crystal surrounding the area.

Since he didn't bring any water with him today, it was a good sight to see so much water. He headed straight to his destination and paused. He bent down, and looking at the lake, he used his pinky finger to check if the water was strange. Seeing as nothing happened, he bent down to quench his thirst.

Lifting his head back up, he saw the strangest thing: two fish, one white and one black, were swimming in the water.

They didn't look like they could fight by looking at them, which seemed strange. Shouldn't every beast be at least strong enough to kill a normal human? With this thought, Timeless remained vigilant. Then, the strangest sight he had ever witnessed happened right before his eyes.

The two started to swim circles around each other, faster, and faster until one couldn't be distinguished from the other. They gave off a sense of a black and white whirlpool. Except, instead of the water twirling around the middle, it seemed more like a drain whirlpool in a tub. The water started to part, leaving barely damp land in the middle. The whirlpool seemed to subsided, but instead of subsiding, it shifted shape. From the open space in the middle, a large wave of crystal clear water came towards Timeless. He braced himself to get drenched and to fight, but just before the water touched him, it fell and parted a path for him to walk.

Stunned by the inexplicable scene, Timeless cried out, "What in the world is THIS?!"