
After the discussion he had with the Frost clan leader Marcus, where he learned about there being a 5th leader he didn't expect to find info about the mysterious leader here. Timeless felt like he had gained some valuable info this time as one would know the info on the 5th element user seems to have been wiped from all history books but looking at the info in front of him he felt things weren't so simple.

Timeless continued to read and his facial expression went through a series of weird changes, after reading through all the Info on the blackout team he went into thought for a while, from the info he's gotten the blackout team was branded a terrorist team by the Federation and if found would be killed without hesitation, all attempts to eradicate them had failed so far as they lay in the shadow and caused havoc all over the federation.

The leader of the black-out squad known as Tempus along with his 6 generals each welding the power of death, at the moment all known black-out members was said to be in the second layer of God's domain but it is said they had spies all over the Sanctuary and First domain giving them valuable information. Their reach and influence could be said to be terrifying even Timeless felt it was a tough not to crack, Death element user and the strongest among the 5 members.

Feeling it was all too much for him to handle at the moment he decided to focus on himself. "it seems the epic stage is where the fun begins and the first domain is just a training zone" he mumbled while feeling eager to head back to the domain.

Walking out of the Deva hall he decided to go back to the orphanage he spent 6 years in, after the death of his parent, it could be said that this was his second home although he hated the fact that he was all alone in the world it didn't change anything really a couple of people did try to adopt him but he rejected every single one of them much to the disappointment of the orphanage center so he was treated badly and ignored by every single one of the staff and agents except for one, the one he eventually formed a bond with his Godmother Also known as nanny jasmine.

Acting all badass and being a loner was cool and

all but the event that occurred troubled him greatly so he was hoping for some peace and quiet with someone he could relate with, he wasn't a robot anyways, he has feelings and sometimes you tend to think you're becoming crazy if you have no one to run to if you're ever in a situation that requires a listening hear.

Upon getting to the orphanage center some of the folks that recognized him gave him scornful looks as if he had stolen their cookies, Timeless didn't mind though as he proceeded to walk to the dorm of his Godmother, reaching the door he knocked and waited.

An elderly woman could be seen opening the door after a couple of seconds and when she saw timeless she had the brightness smile imaginable.


A guard could be seen walking towards a youth sitting in a meditation pose before saying "My lord a gift from the frost clan with a message from the esteemed Lord Marcus"

"Speak," said Kelvin feeling irritated for being disturbed while in meditation.

The youth that attacked you while in the forest my Lord has been freed and the Esteemed Lord asked that you let go of the matter from now on, he also sent this gift to you as a token of goodwill.

"Looking at the box the guard was holding wondering what it was that could be precious enough for him to let go of his hatred for such a fellow," he said with hatred in his voice "open it".

The guard did as told and opened the box for him to see and upon seeing what was inside he nearly died from anger, "isn't that the same beast core that damnable fellow was holding while in the forest?" his face wore a complicated expression. it was a depraved and confused look with a hint of abnormality.

"Seems the Frost clan leader has taken an interest in the boy, such a bad outcome," he said with his body trembling from rage while looking at the guard he ordered, "bring the members of the expedition team to me".

After watching as the guard left and the room became empty again he contemplated on his subsequent plan.

" It seems the expedition this time will be hard, although we're hunting for the ice creature, that is only on the surface our real goal is the treasure trove that was discovered there but it seems the Frost clan leader is up to something but what can a youth possibly do to change the outcome?". deep in thought he tried to think of various ways in which the youth could be helpful but found none,

" Well no matter what he's planning the gale clan will benefit the most from this expedition, I'll see to it," He said after a moment of contemplating.