
Back in the domain, still having two days to go before the expedition commenced he decided to hunt to build up more stats, picking 4 spots on the map that were known to be home to the mortal beast. using the map as a guide he avoided the more dangerous spot along the way as he marched towards his destination the glazier lake picking the easiest of prey the snapping turtle for his first hunt.

These creatures can be said to be utterly slow on land but they had great strength and a strong enough biting force to crush mortal-ranked human bones, it's impossible to fight them in water as they were extremely fast but they had the habit of coming to shore to lay their eggs while some just come out to sunbathe.

Arriving at the Glazier lake, it didn't take him long to spot a couple of these beasts, he quickly found a spot to hide while observing the creatures, looking at the dagger in hand, dazzling as ever he was eager to try it out.

He observed a bit more and quickly found a couple of the creatures miles away from the water, some digging sand, some just laying still without a care in the world. He edges closer while calculating the distance between them and when he felt he was close enough he made a full sprint.

The creatures spotting something running at them at full speed panicked and were soon rushing to head back into the water, but it was too late as they could see the creature already beside them smiling, one after the other they lost consciousness as heads could be seen rolling on the floor.

Timeless felt it funny that these creatures could be so stupid as to venture far away from water knowing how slow they were but he soon found out the reason why as the water soon churned.

"Of course, something had to happen" he muttered feeling he was extremely unlucky, one sort of event or the other just keeps unfolding before his eyes.

Moving further away from the lake, he watched as something rose from it radiating an oppressive aura while looking at him with a vicious look.

Timeless had a frightened look on his face, "a general rank beast, that's a general rank beast but what is it doing here?", he wondered "didn't the map say it's nothing special mapping it as a mortal zone".

"Human you have angered me greatly," said the turtle


"A talking beast?" now he was sure things weren't so simple, creatures with high intelligence and capable of speech in the first domain were said to have immense potential.

He wasn't afraid though, as he could easily escape from the beast if he wanted or so he thought, to his astonishment he saw a water projectile come at him at such speed that he was almost sliced in half, only dodging it by a hair breath while rolling on the floor like a complete idiot he could already see another projectile coming at him.

"Escape", was the only thing he could think of at the moment, without hesitation he ran without stopping until he was sure he was out of the territory of the Snapping turtles.

"What a terrible nightmare," he said while envisioning the damn creature that almost sent him straight to the afterlife, he made a promise to himself to come back when he was stronger to settle his debt with the freak of nature he just saw.

Looking at the map in hand he moved forward with his plan to hunt each of the beasts he had marked to get as strong as he could before the deadline.

*The path of strength*


Kelvin, Guinevere, and the expedition team were gathered in a separate hall in the castle discussing some last-minute tactics awaiting the arrival of Timeless before heading out much to Kelvin's protest which was enjoyed.

The hunt is being carried out for the silver frost bears, the territory of these frost beasts is said to be extremely dangerous as the silver frost bears are used to the terrains and could pose a bit of a threat if one doesn't pay attention to detail.

Getting impatient about having to wait for a puny mortal before heading out, Kelvin was starting to get a little irritated at this development.

"How long do we have to wait for him" kelvin yelled his voice booming while looking at Guinevere.

"Looking at the members of the expedition team, seeing some of them with expressions that showed they were in support of Kelvin's decision" she could only sigh not understanding why her father made such a decision.

"Trying to take charge of the situation and calm the mood of the team," she said, "we marched out in an hour with or without him".

Seeing as no one protested she felt relief and they proceeded to wait for the time to run down.

"Time passed quickly and the person in question was nowhere to be seen" much to Kelvin's delight seeing as the time was almost up.

"Okay princess let's move out, it's a minute left won't make much difference anyways," kelvin said with a huge grin.

Nodding as she found it reasonable she turned to the expedition team and said "proceed as planned"

They marched out of the castle leaving the camp but soon spotted someone blocking their way wearing a silver robe with Golden hair.

"I've been waiting for you guys for a while"

