We are surrounded

"I've been waiting for you," said Timeless with a blank look on his face.

"The balls on this one" Kelvin stared at Timeless coldly while veins could be seen popping out of his head.

"Not only did he feel the youth in front of him shouldn't be breathing, he felt was a nuisance as well that didn't know the vast difference between heaven and earth".

"Let's head out" Guinevere ordered, trying to control the situation not wanting to waste any second more.

Turning around to a member of the frost clan she said "Luoyang walk him through the details and make sure he can be of use, Give him some beast soul if required".

Nodding Luoyang approached Timeless and said "Please walk with me".

Timeless found it reasonable and walked alongside her while listening to her give info on the team's plan as they marched on to the frost valley.

After listening for a while he found it excessive to carry out a hunt for some frost beast with such a large team as he found the team of 50 to be too over-powered for such a task but when he heard about there being a treasure trove that hadn't been

Plundered before, his eyes widened.

The world of God's domain can be said to be large and it was no surprise for one to encounter some huge fortune while adventuring, but apart from those weird plant life that birth strange things or give stats if their fruits were eaten, the next best things are treasure troves.

Although wanting to know more about it he knew he wasn't going to get anything anyways, his being here was due to someone deciding to play God over his life.

After getting all the info he thanked Luoyang sincerely and then was lost in thought until he heard her speak again.

"Why do you think father allowed you to come on this mission Timeless, I find it quite strange as you're only a mortal rank," she asked feeling quite puzzled.

"Beats me! I should be hunting beasts to build my stats but here I am," he said sighing.

"Well whatever the case try not to get on the bad side of those two else you die without knowing why," Luoyang said while chuckling.

" Yeah yeah, princess" he already knew the info on the various members of the four clans. Luoyang can be said to be Guinevere's sister but of a different mother, she tends to not be in the limelight much as info about her was rather minute.

They walked In silence only taking a short rest on the way, beast attacked them but was brutally massacred, After an entire day of journeying looking as the team slashed down various creatures on their march as if they were ants, Timeless had a strange expression but what could he do. Soon enough they arrived at their destination frost valley.

Due to the cold wind blowing, it was hard to see clearly in such a place, knowing the journey this time was dangerous most of the team summoned their armor and weapons ready to battle.

Timeless brandished his dagger and summoned his mortal ranked beast soul as that was the only thing he could make use of at the moment.

Seeing as Timeless was only holding some crude weapon Luoyang frowned and asked "don't you have any protective gear?"

"I don't need them," he said trying to act calm but deep down he wished he had one though.

"Fine then what are your stats like? As I recall this is a dangerous region if you're not at the peak of mortal rank yet then it would be hard " she said with a look filled with worry

"Seeing the sincerity from her he was grateful" so said my stats for strength is at 18 at the moment, two are maxed while my speed stat is at 15. I assume the beast here gives strength stats?

"That's good to hear," she said with a smile but she was feeling quite surprised, from the info she got she knew timeless was a lone hunter so seeing he was almost maxed out was quite shocking for her.

"Commence the hunt, stay in formation, and attack as one" Guinevere ordered

The group acting like the trained unit they were quickly got into formation to the puzzlement of Timeless who was dragged by Luoyang to the center. They marched on into the territory of the silver frost bears and soon enough they encountered some frost bears as soon as they stepped on their territory.

The beasts that came at them though didn't put up much of a fight before being cut down, those at the edge seem to only consist of mortal-ranked beasts, Timeless even got to cut down a few of them maxing his strength stat.

But as they marched further into the territory of the silver frost bears, a huge pressure descended upon them, and soon 10 gigantic bears could be seen on top of a hill looking down on them as they growled and soon frost bears could be seen popping out of the snow completely encircling down.

'We are surrounded" someone exclaimed