A cunning fox

A member of the Takhiri camp mistakenly discovered this place while out hunting around this region, chasing a silver frost bear the beast entered a narrow pathway along the snowy mountain he suddenly fell into a hole in the ground that seemed to have been covered by the snow all along and that's when he noticed this treasure trove but there was something in there that seemed to be sleeping and upon sensing it was a beast beyond his capability he found a way out of the hole and headed back to camp abandoning his hunt for the day, he went to the Takhiri castle to share the information obtained in hopes of receiving some benefit for himself.

Although they already knew the info couldn't have been false as there wasn't anyone crazy enough to try to trick them having someone confirm wouldn't hurt, the reason why the gale clan was even allowed to join was to cut on the losses of the frost clan in the first place while also trying to show a form of goodwill to them.

Trying to regain control of the situation, Guinevere gathered the whole team together, while sending a scout ahead to confirm the location of the Treasure trove.

The scout came back a few moments later confirming the location to be true to the joy of the expedition team.

Those that were injured could only stay outside so as not to burden the team, although injured they weren't crippled, since there wasn't any more General ranked silver frost beast here staying outside to wait was not a bad idea.

Seeing as the team was at the maximum strength possible Guinevere nodded and decided to give a speech to boost the morale of the team for the final battle as she said "The battle against the Silver frost bears ended in an unfortunate situation because we were too overconfident in our abilities and forgot the most important rule in the process when facing any opponent which is to never underestimate them, our pairs have fallen in battle but we won't let their deaths be in vain as right before us is something that could potentially lead to an increase in strength of both our clans so hold nothing back as we prepare for the showdown that awaits us".

The team roared as if responding to the call of the call of their leader, raising their swords into the air while shouting "for the honor of our brethren!"

Seeing the positive response from the team she smiled and said "Luoyang let's quickly finish this shall we"

The only thing on her mind at the moment was the complete and utter domination of the opponent they were going to face, not wanting to leave a chance for any unexpected development.

Marching through the path while being led by the

Scout, they soon arrived at their destination as the scout dove down into the hole, and seeing this the team followed suit.

What lay before their eyes was a beautiful ice crystal cavern that was lit up by some weird colorful crystals, emitting a bright light. It was truly a magnificent sight to behold as the team was in awe at the magnificence of the Treasure cavern but quickly regained composure after being reminded of the reason for being there.

Walking further into the cavern they soon came to an intersection, two parts laid before them, not knowing which to take, they sent two scouts ahead and got the info they wanted. on the left lay the road to the sleeping beast where the treasure was said to be, while the right only had some weird crystals and was said to be empty to the bafflement of the team.

Of course, finding the info odd Guinevere didn't believe there would be such a place in here that was devoid of anything other than glowing crystals so she lead the team to the right path wanting to confirm for herself and what laid before her eyes was a harsh truth, even after having the team carefully examine the room, checking if there was some sort of secret door or exit she found nothing to her utter disappointment.

Upon having a clearer path to embark on, the team went to the other path and advanced deep along the path as they eventually came towards the exit and then they saw the sleeping beast. A gigantic crystal white snake, its body as big as a whale and scales having a glittering glow.

"Such a monstrous creature, can our weapons even hurt that thing?" someone exclaimed.

Even Guinevere was finding it hard to believe a creature could be as massive at that, slashing it with a sword might feel like it's being tickled at this point, a huge disaster this could be if not carefully planned.

Turning her back to look at the team feeling demoralized by the sight of the creature before them, she noticed Kelvin not having any expression on his face whatsoever and became suspicious but then an idea popped up.

"Do you have a plan to deal with this situation?" She asked in a hushed tone while staring at kelvin.

Kelvin just stared back at her without saying any words but had a smug look on his face.

"Such an annoying brat" she cursed at him silently before saying "if you can get rid of that beast without us suffering casualties then the first pick is yours".

"Not interested" a single word was all he said.

Fine then, she turned to face the team having had enough of seeing the smug look on his face, before saying "Luoyang prepare to leave together with the frost clan members, we're heading back to base".

Although the members of the frost clan were confused about the situation, some still had relieved looks on their faces knowing they wouldn't have to fight such a monstrous beast head-on, seeing Guinevere already walking out of the cavern they followed suit.

"Such a cunning fox" Kelvin seeing the situation spiraling out of control cursed her silently in his heart, he knew what this meant, he wasn't stupid, if he allowed the frost clan to leave, they would come back with reinforcements and he might forfeit his chance to gain any of the treasure while suffering losses in the process which would be an embarrassment to him.

At the moment he could only swallow his pride while silently swearing to get his revenge as he yelled " Wait, Guinevere I have something that can solve the current situation"

"Oh really, Care to show me?" Guinevere said while turning back trying to act shocked, but was smiling after seeing her plan work.

Kelvin gritted his teeth and brought out something that looked like a fiery spear.

"Is that what I think it is?" Guinevere stared wide-eyed at the summoned weapon.