An unranked artifact

"That is the weapon the first ancestor of the Gale clan discovered on his Treasure hunting days, Nebula a weapon of an unknown status, the Clan leader gave something like that to you?" Guinevere was stunned at this discovery.

As one would know there were beasts of the General rank that refuse to rise to the next level but were said to be maxed in stats, so these creatures were given the name Guardians instead, some of them were easier to kill while others were very difficult but the ancestors of the Gale clan discovered a weapon on one of his Treasure hunting expedition and it was said to be so strong that it could easily shatter a general ranked weapon after a couple of hits.

The strength of the Gale clan increased after that but soon enough more of these weapons were discovered, a total of 5 were said to have been found to date each insanely strong and possessing special properties, the light element clan possessing two of such weapons while the Frost clan had one and the other one in the hands of the Flame clan.

These weapons could be said to be the strength of the 4 clans and crucial to each of them in maintaining their strength over the others, seeing one of such weapons here today was indeed a shock to her as not even the Frost clan leader handed her something like this for the mission.

"Could the gale clan leader know what treasures are inside here by chance why to go to such an extent? " she thought silently feeling confused by this but didn't let her thoughts linger on the matter for long as she regained composure.

"Well if it's indeed that weapon then we have a chance," said Guinevere while looking at Kelvin.

Although she knew for a fact that the gale clan would have something up their sleeve she didn't know it was something of immense value as this, feeling great pride in herself she said "well let's prepare the plans for attack shall we"

The team became confused by this, as a min ago they were already prepared to leave now there's a chance and they were going to battle? not understanding what's going on the frost clan group broke into chatters among themselves.

"That is enough murmurs from you guys, ready for battle didn't you hear" Luoyang said aloud in a high pitched tone.

The team reformed quickly and went over the battle plans, the snake looked like it was in hibernation but that could be a trick, learning from their past experience and not planning to let their guards down, especially over a supposed Guardian beast.

Kelvin reluctantly gave insight into the special property of the unranked weapon Nebula causing the team to regain some lost courage.

It was said to be a power drain item, when stabbed into a beast it drains them of their energy leaving them vulnerable but that's just the boon of the weapon other than it being durable, it also had its cons as it takes a couple of minutes to completely drain a creature of its energy.

"Having such a weapon is indeed a massive benefit to the team, along with some of our unique beast souls we might actually pull this off?" Luoyang asked with a bit of excitement.

"Well, now that everything is settled can we commence the battle" kelvin impatiently answered, feeling the need to get this over with.

Nodding Guinevere said, "Summon the beast soul Luoyang, the rest of you fall back and get ready to attack".

The team fell back as instructed while Luoyang got in range of the mammoth snake and summoned a beast soul that looked like a pitch black liquid, launching it at the giant snake before retreating back, a sizzling sound was heard as the liquid connected with the beast whom soon awakened due to this.

"Attack" yelled Guinevere as the team rushed towards the giant snake a weapon soon connected with the beast.

The team was already given a quick cap on the use of the strange black liquid, it was said to be a unique one time use general ranked beast soul capable of depriving the 5 senses of anyone it comes in contact with.


"What the hell is this, my weapon can't go through" a member of the team exclaimed while others also experienced similar things.

Kelvin and Guinevere had a shocked looks on their faces as did the rest of the team which soon turned to panic.

"Kelvin use that now" Guinevere hurriedly said

Not even wasting a single moment to think about it, he brought out nebula and stabbed the snake with it before retreating a safe distance as did the rest of the team as they watched on anxiously.

Less than a minute passed and the giant snake regained its senses, turning to look at the ant-like creatures in front of it, it suddenly felt something off and with an angry look it said "what did you do to me you vile things"

"It's a talking beast! we are doomed" someone screamed causing panic to spread.

They knew the consequence of fighting a talking beast, these beasts were said to have huge potential and are more cunning than the rest of the creatures not even the frost bears could compete with a creature with such intellect.

Kelvin edged closer to Guinevere and whispered "In less than a minute it will lose its strength, we need to delay it by any means"

Understanding what he meant by that, she thought for a while and gritted her teeth before ordering the team to spread out and use elemental attacks on it, maintain a safe distance at least that way the losses would be less.

Seeing the Tiny creatures spread out in front of it and still feeling its energy draining by each second it went on a rampage, moving quickly across the cavern tanking everything thrown at it and crushing everything in its path.

"Less than 5 ants remain now, any last words?" asked the giant snake in a taunting voice.

"Damnable creature, I didn't want to use this but you've left me no choice" said Guinevere with hate in her eyes, while Summoning a bow and arrow.

Seeing this the snake laughed feeling it was the worst joke it's ever heard and said "you're gonna hit me with a toothpick?"

Guinevere only looked at it for a while before smiling as she said in a shrill voice while launching her arrow "Know despair".
