Creature in the Crystal

"Dammit I'm lost, where is this place and why is it so empty" Timeless cursed out loud regretting his decision for coming back.

"Hopefully the princess isn't dead yet or that would be regrettable" he silently thought while pacing.

Of course, when he left it wasn't without reason, he knew he wouldn't be of much help in the battle against the beast in the cavern anyways if he had followed the team into the Treasure cavern, but so as to enable himself have a slight chance at saving the princess without any eyes on him, he decided to pretend he was leaving, he knew his job wasn't done until the princess arrived safely at the Frost clan base.

Having watched the proceedings of the expedition team for a while from a distance, he noticed them heading into the cave while leaving the injured ones outside, knowing that he couldn't pass through the front he made a round trip through the mountain and ended up entering the path to the treasure trove undetected via coming in from the back.

Carefully looking at the empty room filled with strange glowing crystals, he found it odd. although when coming he saw the intersection he didn't think much of it and just chose a path, seeing as the place he was in was deserted he knew he had taken the wrong path but as he thought more about it he found it extremely bizarre for there to be a room as wide as this in the Treasure trove without it holding any benefit.

After a couple minutes of observation, Timeless finally noticed something, there were a total number of 100 crystals in the cavern some in clumps while others were lone, all brightly lit except one which had a dimmer glow sticking throw a wall hidden underneath layers of brightly lit crystals if one didn't pay close enough attention they wouldn't have been able to spot it.

Walking towards the crystal he silently observed a bit more before grabbing at it with his hands and upon contact, it shone brighter than all crystal in the cavern which left Timeless a bit dazed as he wasn't expecting something like that to happen.

The part of the wall where the crystal was inlaid parted giving rise to a narrow pathway that left

Timeless feeling alarmed and delighted upon seeing this.

"Haha I'm so lucky, fortunes truly do shine on me," he said while feeling elated but frowned as he recalled he's been lucky a couple of times which usually didn't end well.

"Fortune and Misfortune" Timeless recalled the statement the entity that spoke with him said.

"Hopefully this doesn't turn out the same" he sighed at the thought, not willing to think about a possible impending disaster.

Moving down the path that appeared before him, he walked a while before seeing light appearing in the distance and closing in with each step he took

making him feel overly excited as he felt his heart racing and blood pumping faster. After walking the distance which felt like a thousand-year journey he finally reached the end and what lay before his eyes left him speechless for a while.

"Is that a creature stuck in a crystal" he scowled deep in thought, this was the only thing here nothing else could be seen even after carefully observing.

"Damn, I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up, am I bound to live a destitute life?" Timeless heart sank at the thought, the only thing he's ever gotten was the beast core that he sold for some money although that seemed like a good deal he's already it up to get some decent gears, he hoped he could restock quickly but it seems it wasn't to be as he keeps getting into one unfortunate event or the other.

Shifting his focus back to the strange creature stuck in a crystal shard that was hovering around a platform he examined it carefully not understanding what sort of creature it was, most of the creatures on the first domain have been recorded by humans and even though some creatures remained undiscovered he thought it was strange for one to be stuck here.

Feeling depressed he walked up to the crystal and touched it but nothing happened, not he felt even more terrible he was expecting something to happen at least but not seeing anything made his face sink. Now he felt like crying "what a waste of time" he cursed aloud while looking at the crystal more closely now he could see what lay within.

A tiny creature was within the crystal in a sleeping posture, with black wings and white hairs wearing what seemed to be a tiny armor that was shrouded in darkness.

"Such a strange creature, how did it even get here" he silently thought, although he knew that nothing in the domain made sense, that didn't stop him from expressing his dissatisfaction. "well it is cute looking though maybe I'll keep it or probably sell it who knows," Timeless said while turning back planning to hurry to the other path but then he saw the walls at the other end parting.

Timeless hurriedly hid the crystal within his clothes as he watched the other end intently wanting to see what caused the change, a few seconds later he heard footsteps coming from the path not having anywhere to hide he could only watch on as a group of 5 appeared in front of him.

" Why are you here?" a voice he was all too familiar with asked.

Well so much for stealth!