He that made Time pause.

A father and son pair could be seen sneaking into a rundown building under the cover of the night. A light bulb turned on, making them halt their steps. As they felt an intense gaze directed at them, they turned to look in that direction.

"What took you guys so long!?" Elena asked with a frown as the two walked in.

"Timeless insisted on staying a bit longer to play with the kids at the park, so we got here a bit late," said Ren, quickly shifting all blame to his son without batting an eye.


 Timeless stood still as his face contorted due to the sudden betrayal.

 "Well, you're done with him, aren't you?" Elena asked with a glare.

"Ahem! What a nice weather we have today," Ren said looking out the window into the darkness. After an awkward moment, he said, "I'll be out of your way then. It seems there's a lack of food, so I'll go get some supplies."

 "Tell me sincerely, did you have fun?" Elena asked with a smile as she proceeded to take her seat.

 Timeless nodded as he took a seat beside her and proceeded to narrate every detail of the event that occurred while Elena listened attentively. The next hour was spent in this way.

 "So that's how it is," Elena gave an acknowledging nod and smiled as Timeless ended his narration.

 "Your father did well to show you these things. In the long run, it will be of benefit, even if you don't see it as such now," Elena said calmly. "Since he's told you about us ascending to the second domain, I think I need to expound on that. I'll just add a little bit more detail. We found a treasure trove on one of our adventures, and we have slowly taken our time to clear the surrounding area of the creatures that lurked within. We've almost approached our goal, and when we succeed, it will be an exciting period for the family!"

 "A treasure trove?" asked Timeless, confused by the term.

 "Oh, we haven't really told you much about the Domain, but that's because we want you to experience things yourself. I'm sure that in time they will teach you about these things in camp, but let me tell you a bit about it, too," Elena said as she leaned back slightly on the chair. "A treasure trove is a hidden area, or chamber, created by a beast of the Domain that has scavenged for treasures over the years and stockpiled them in a secret area. There are also others that are naturally formed with a Guardian Beast protecting them."

These places are filled with opportunities, and when I say that, I mean it literally. A good treasure trove could lead to the rise of a new clan. If they are opportuned enough to get something of great value from it. Although the threat of the 4 great clans looms over anyone wanting power, it still doesn't stop the rise of a new clan as long as the show of strength is sufficient enough to be deemed a threat to them. 

Power determines the rule of the current age. With sufficient power, you can control your own destiny, trample over any mortal foe, and earn the respect you deserve.

 "The aristocratic title your father talked about—that's just a contingency plan if the treasure trove turns out to be lacking any quality items, but unlike your father, I have faith," Elena said with a low sounding laughter.

"How do you know all this Mother?" asked Timeless, both hope and worry in his voice.

 "I'm back! And I got some good stuff, too," said Ren walking in on the pair, effectively cutting their discussion short.

"Well enough of that. It's pretty late at the moment, but I'll tell you a little story before you go to sleep," said Elena, ruffling his hair.

"Ren, I hope you got some medium grade nutrient solution for Timeless, as his is almost gone" Elena asked calmly.

"Yeah, Honey, I got enough to last a month. I also got a bunch of cool looking fruit—and I saved the best for last..." Ren said teasingly as he walked out of the house and came right back holding a flower bouquet.

"These are called lilies. When walking along the market area, I saw a stall where they sold these and couldn't take my eyes of it. I thought you would love it," Ren said shyly as he presented the bouquet to Elena.

"They are lovely, Dear," Elena said lovingly as she held the flowers and sniffed its strong, but sweet fragrance.

 Timeless shuddered slightly at the scene and promptly turned to head towards his room.

 Elena chuckled at this as she said, "He's such a well-behaved boy. Hopefully, we can soon make his life a bit better than it currently is, and he wouldn't have to suffer the constant bullying from those so-called nobles."

 "He reminds me a little bit of you, Elena. His ignorance to the cruel nature of the world is surely admirable; even when bullied he never complained and just kept on smiling. He always endures anything life throws way" Ren said with a hint of pity.

 "He's a child with a cruel fate. Remember what happened when he was born? And why we gave him his name?" Elena asked in a tensed voice.

 "I remember like it was yesterday," Ren said as he walked towards the window and gazed at the full moon hanging high in the sky.

 "The day he was born the world stopped for a bit, as if time slowed down for a moment at the arrival of a king," Ren said in a heavy tone, his gaze firm. After a while, he sighed and turned to look at Elena with a calm smile. "Perhaps it was just a natural phenomenon and we are overthinking things, but one thing is for sure: as long as he doesn't lose his sense of self, he'll surely live a good life, and that's all we can wish for him."

 Timeless watched on from a corner as the pair talked late into the night, a smile forming unwittingly, his thoughts unknown.