Let's see how you plan to stop me.

 Timeless voice was low, but it still caught the attention of Zeno, who turned to look at him. "Didn't you say they were walking towards the light? And the creature said something about us being nutrients. I think they've been absorbed already, right? Or where else would they be? There's nothing in sight," Zeno said, his eyes scanning the surroundings.

 "Timeless hesitated, his gut feeling uneasy. "Yes, but I feel something is wrong. I just can't put my finger on it."

 "You're overthinking things boy" The Frost clan leader said as he barged in on their discussion. "You're still new to the domain and probably don't know much, but one thing's for sure: that beast will surely meet its end. All you have to do is watch silently,"

 Suddenly, the Frost clan leader raised his hand and barked out a command. "General Hilston, General Hataki please commence the eradication!"