Ascension I

 "What does she have up her sleeve?" Timeless furrowed his brows as he silently thought finding the whole thing strange. The way the woman spoke was always filled with confidence as if the people before her were merely ants and not worth addressing.

 Timeless could feel the tension growing in the air as pressure radiated from the woman and the Frost clan leader who were preparing to face off.

 Even the ongoing battle had come to a halt as the beast stood absent minded while the surrounding army distanced themselves from the battlefield not wanting to be caught in the midst of such colossal clash.

 "Who will come out on top?" Timeless mumbled to himself, unsure of what to expect. He knew that the stakes were high and that the fate of many lives hung in the balance. He could only watch on in trepidation, hoping that the battle would end in humanity favour for his sake as he didn't have any plans on dying yet.