HP 15

I was right, not only was the night a living hell, but also the morning as well. When the castle shook yesterday, it notified all of its residents about a death in its confines. Most were unable to fathom what that shaking was about, but the teaching staff knew.

A search party was organized, and the floors were investigated. Up until a Cerberus was found running through the school halls, no one had found any leads, well except for the fact that Quirrell was nowhere to be found. The dog was stunned, then, those who knew what, and where he was placed to guard it, quickly rushed to the location. Only to find a displaced door, an open hatch, and a bloody floor.

The information spread like wildfire people were freaking out, kids were scared, and the Aurors were called in. What remained of the body was quickly identified, but by then there was not a lot of evidence to go through. The Auror Force questioned the whole staff, especially the people who were on patrol duty, that included me. But thanks to [Deception], [Acting] and the fact that I never use my wand, there was no evidence that would place me as a suspect.

To no one's surprise, not even Dumbledore nor the Aurors could identify the spell that caused the damage to the main chamber, but from the permanent temperature decrease the room had suffered, they identified it as an unknown powerful dark ice curse and for once they were right.

The remains of the chambers and trials were thoughtfully checked, but except for some dangerous plants, enchanted chess pieces, and some potion ingredients, nothing else was found. Half a day later, the investigation was concluded and the death of Quirrell was judged to be an accident, while Fluffy, the cute three-headed death machine, was sentenced to death for taking the life of a wizard.

Dumbledore was called in for a hearing, for keeping such a dangerous beast in school and to answer about the trials it guarded, while Hagrid was devastated by the loss of his pet. The rest of the staff were annoyed as well, but the kids were quite cheerful after they learned that classes were being canceled for the rest of the day.

After getting back from the emergency wizengamot the old fart was pissed off even more. His manipulation ran deep and even had roots in the wizarding government, for endangering the lives of the children and causing a death of a professor, the only punishment he received was a mild fine. But that wasn't the reason for his anger, no. It was the fact that he not only lost the stone, but he also lost his main lead. In the end, he didn't even report that something went missing, as he had no way to explain it to his dear old friend. Dumbledore tried to hide it, but he was freaking out, he expected that Voldemort would pop up at any moment after successfully getting the stone and abandoning Quirrell. I only hoped he would have a few sleepless nights over all of this.

Since the investigation had taken a long time, it was already late when I was finally able to leave. I began packing my things, and just as I was about to head out, there was a knock at my office door. Irritated, I waved at the door to unlock it and shouted "Come in!"

The slender legs of the eighteen-year-old girl in heat swung open the door. Her breath was ragged and her face was flushed. I raise an eyebrow at the unexpected, but at the same time expected guest, and the moment she steps in I start reading her surface thoughts. "It's not the best time," I grumble, then sigh. "But how may I help you Miss Ashenford?" I ask the girl already imagining me bending her over.

"P-professor I came to ask for some g-g-guide-" But her words halt as she notices the trunk in the middle of the room. "Professor, you're not leaving are you?!" She asks worriedly and runs up to me. I chuckle at her fearful expression and shake my head.

"I am, but only for the weekend. I'm going back to London to visit my girlfriend." I say with a nod. She releases a relieved sigh, then freezes in place, while my last words keep repeating in her mind, endlessly. Suddenly her eyes go wide and in a whisper, she asks. "G-girlfriend?"

"Why yes, my girlfriend. It's a pretty new thing, we've been dating for about three months now." I say with a smile. "So what brings you here?" I ask standing right before her. She drops her head and looks at the ground, while constantly fidgeting with her hands.

"I thought..." She starts with a whisper, but her voice hitches, and she never finishes her sentence. A single tear travels down the side of her chin and impacts the floor trying to wash away this unbelievably cruel reality.

Seizing the opportunity, I gently lift her chin with my index finger, and our eyes meet. Her tearful expression, exaggerated by her already reddening eyes, and her cute little pout, wakes the sadist in me.

A small smile appears on my face while I look deep into her eyes. My thumb brushes against her full cherry-colored lip, sending an unexpected shiver through her body, while my curse simultaneously gives her a small spike of pleasure. I slowly lean in, and she begins to panic, her eyes go wide, and her heartbeat skyrockets. There is no escape and she knows it, but there is no fight in her as she immediately gives in. She eagerly accepts that her first kiss would be stolen by her handsome professor. Her hopes and arousal sky high, making her mind slowly shut down. She closes her eyes and parts her lips, expecting her first kiss to land, but it never does. I shatter all of her expectations when all of a sudden I pull back and turn away.

"No." I place my palm over my face and shake my head. "This is wrong, you're my student, we cannot do this." I say as if I would care about such a thing.

She stands there rooted in place, stunned and unable to form a coherent thought, she lifts her hand and touches her lips and my words take her hazy mind a moment to comprehend. She shakes her head, completely waking herself up from her dazed state. Her stance changes from a weak, terrified little girl to a determined and confident woman and after biting her bottom lip she takes a deep breath. She attempts to reason with me. "Profess-"

"No, Miss Ashenford." Before she can even start her monologue, I derail her. "You're a smart, sensitive, and extremely attractive young girl, but -" I stop myself from saying anything else, while looking dejected, [Deception], [Acting] and even [Seduction] for some reason, level up all at once.

Emily closes the distance between us and places both of her pals on my chest. Her eyes full of hope, look up at me, then after collecting her thoughts she starts.

"Professor I... Um... We-" Her words were again stopped, but this time by the finger placed over her lips.

"Shush... Both of us would be risking so much." She sighs and reluctantly nods, then looks away, but her mind was racing a million miles per hour, planning a way to force me to spend time with her.

She wants to experience the mind-numbing feeling she felt before, the freedom of the release she felt after it. She believed there was no one else who can grant it to her, only the man standing so far yet only an arm's reach away. The girlfriend, was a new variable, she thought, but if it was for this man, she doesn't care if she had to share. Even thinking about it makes her wet down there. Her plan formulated, she returns to reality and gives me a chastise smile, turns with springs in her steps, and walks away. After reaching the door she flashes me a wide smile and says.

"Have a nice weekend professor." She leaves the room while shaking her hips, leaving me looking at the door all stunned.

"Damn, women are scary." I say with a chuckle. Her plans might work, but they heavily rely on my input. 'Should I bite, both figuratively and literally? Let's see how she performs first.' My smile widens at that thought and I turn back to pack.

It doesn't take me long to appear before the door of my apartment, instead of knocking, I use my keys to open the door and walk in while dragging a bag.

"Sorry I'm late, there were some problems at school." I say while locking up the door. "How was you-" My words come to a halt as a spot the girl holding a wooden spoon and wearing an apron, and only an apron right in front of me.

"Welcome home dear!" She says with a smile. "Would you like a bath, a dinner, or..." She bends forward and shows off her ample bosom, while at the same time raising them with her other hand. After she confirms that she got my undivided attention, she smiles and in a husky voice she adds "Me?"

"I think the desert looks too good to leave it for later." I say grabbing her hand and pulling her up to myself. She squeals and giggles then wraps her arms around my neck and gives me a passionate kiss. My arms travel down her bare back and squeeze her juicy butt cheeks. Unable to control herself she jumps on me wrapping her legs around me and with a husky tone orders. "Bedroom. Now."

"As you command." I say with a chuckle and we move to the bedroom. The week-long wait, made all of our pent-up feelings surface all at once. One of our most intense battles commences and at the end, none of us are standing victorious. Both lost, in a war of passion.

"I missed you." She finally says after the battle was over while turning around in my embrace.

"I missed you too." For once I replied totally honestly, before snuggling up to her, planting my head on her chest.

"How was your week?" She asks while playing with my hair. Her tone oozed with care and love.

"Stressful." I mumble between the two hills, accidentally tickling her and making her giggle.

"Wanna talk about it?" She asks while serene calmness washes over me as she continues to pat my head.

"Nah, it's nothing. Just some school stuff." I sigh, as I can't really pull her into this mess, she couldn't defend herself, not even from the weakest of wizards.

"Alright, just know that when you need someone to talk to, I'll always be here." She says before she bends over and plants a kiss on the top of my head.

'I don't deserve her.'

We continue to bask in the afterglow of our earlier exercise until suddenly my heightened senses pick up a smell of something burning.

"Um... Olive?"


"I have a weird question. What were you doing before I arrived home?"

"Oh, I was cooking din-" She freezes mid-sentence, pushes me off of her chest, and bolts towards the kitchen. A snort leaves my nose as I hear a loud "FUCK!" from the other side of the wall. Five minutes later, Olive comes back looking dejected holding a blackened pan in her hand.

"Um... How about we order food?" I suggest while trying to keep in the chuckle.

Her shoulders drop, and followed by a sigh she asks. "Chinese?"

With Friday being as short as it was, on Saturday we eagerly made the decision to have an excursion to the nearby hiking trail. After picking up our trusty hiking boots and a few snacks for the journey, we set out to explore the beautiful outdoors. The weather was clear, with a bright blue sky and a few wispy clouds, though the air was a bit chilly. Nonetheless, we were determined not to spend the day cooped up in our apartment.

As we hiked deeper into the forest, we were surrounded by tall, majestic Pine trees that seemed to stretch up toward the sky. The fresh scent of pine needles filled our nostrils, and the crunching of leaves and twigs under our feet provided a comforting background noise. We marveled at the natural beauty around us, feeling grateful for the opportunity to experience it all.

As we rounded a bend in the trail, we spotted a flash of red fur in the distance. Intrigued, we moved closer, trying not to make any sudden movements. As we approached, we saw that it was a red fox with her cubs. We were delighted to have stumbled upon this magical moment in the wild. The mother fox was patiently teaching her little ones how to hunt, and we spent a good half hour just observing their interactions. The cubs were playful and energetic, jumping around and pouncing on each other, while the mother kept a watchful eye on them. We felt like we were witnessing something special and rare, and we left with a new appreciation for the beauty of nature.

As we walked down the zigzagging path, following the markers that led us deeper into the forest, we suddenly stumbled upon a clearing that took our breath away. The rays of sunlight streaming between the treetops illuminated the whole area, casting a golden glow over everything. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of wildflowers and the sound of birds chirping and singing. We couldn't help but stop and take it all in.

The clearing was expansive and filled with natural beauty. In the distance, we could see a small stream meandering its way through the grass, and a few deer grazing peacefully nearby. We felt like we had discovered a hidden treasure, and the magical atmosphere of the place was too alluring to resist. We quickly found a nearby stump and settled down for a well-deserved break, taking out our lunch and savoring every bite.

As we enjoyed our little improvised picnic, we couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance to experience such a peaceful and awe-inspiring place. However, the tranquility of the moment was soon shattered as the finicky British weather lived up to its reputation. The sky grew dark and ominous, and a sudden gust of wind whipped through the trees, sending leaves and twigs flying. We knew we had to move quickly, not wanting to risk getting caught in a downpour. Reluctantly, we packed up our things and began to make our way back down the trail, feeling both disappointed and grateful for the brief moment of relief that the clearing had offered us.

As we hurried down the trail, the sky grew darker and the air grew colder. Suddenly, we heard the distant rumble of thunder, and we knew that we were in trouble. The rain began to pour down in sheets, drenching us within seconds. We tried to run, but the muddy ground made it difficult to keep our footing. We stumbled and slipped, laughing at the absurdity of the situation.

By the time we made it back to our apartment, we were soaked to the bone, but we couldn't help but smile at the memory of our adventure. The warm, cozy interior of our home welcomed us, and we quickly peeled off our wet clothes and headed to the shower.

As we stood under the warm water, we both sighed in relief, feeling the tension and stress of the day wash away. The sound of the rain tapping against the windowpane provided a soothing background noise, and we couldn't help but feel grateful for each other's company. Caught up in the passion of the moment, we lost track of time and stayed in the shower longer than intended, enjoying the warmth and closeness of the moment.

Eventually, we emerged from the bathroom, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. We exchanged knowing smiles and settled onto the couch, wrapped in blankets and sipping hot tea, recounting the events of the day with fondness. We knew that we had experienced something special, and we felt grateful for the bond that had brought us closer together.