HP 16

The weekend was so much fun that we didn't even notice Monday sneaking right around the corner. I packed my stuff and said goodbye to the woman I can't seem to exist without. The goodbye was full of passion and heavy feelings, even if we both knew we'll be seeing each other this weekend. Sighing I left the apartment complex and teleported right in front of the school ward then waltzed into the already lively school.

This week, I had a lot to accomplish. I needed a telepathic spell that would allow me to transfer information, so my Dark Lady project could be accelerated. After that I needed another spell that would allow me to kill Dementors, as I was pretty sure [Primus Frigus] was unable to do so. From my analysis of the beasts, they seemed to have the same Ice and Death affinity as the spell, and as they were a shade of some sort, so they also seemed to have a Soul affinity mixed in as well.

The best choice for this situation was a creation of a spell that could affect souls, thankfully I already had one spell that did just that, but sadly from my knowledge, I already knew that [Avada Kedavra] had no apparent effect on them, however, that spell was a good starting point.

After my one and only class on Mondays, I went to the Room of Requirement and took care of the Horcrux hidden within. A single [Fiendfyre] ejected the soulshard embedded into it and simultaneously destroyed the Ravenclaw heirloom. The black gaseous representation of a 1/6th of a soul screamed painfully and dispersed into the air, granting me a quest notification.

[Quest Update: [Shade Lurking] 3/7 Completed]

The other three were a bit harder to destroy. I already knew the location of the Ring and the Diary, thanks to Voldemort's memories, and I was planning to visit them during the week, but the Cup and Locket were other things altogether. To gain access to them I had to visit Azkaban and get both Bellatrix and Sirius out of there, and while there, I might as well set the Dementors to rest.

So after the destruction of the third soulshard, I sat down on my comfy office chair and started mapping out the mana channels required to cast spells that affected the mind of the caster or the target. After six painstaking hours of work, two breaks, and many notebook pages later, the mapping of mana channels was concluded with a success.

The next painstaking part of the process, finding the most optimal mana channel and image combination, could finally begin. This was a ridiculously hard task, as it didn't only rely on the knowledge, but also luck. After about three hours of mana travel optimization, I identified the correct pathways, without causing too much damage to myself. Even with my always-growing proficiency in spell creation, the rebound caused by a failed spellcast still had a mild backlash, thankfully, thanks to the Wizarding class most of the damage received could be ignored.

Finally, the last step of the spell crafting process finally started. The last and most annoying process, finding the best and most optimal images required to cast the spell. There was no science in this part of the process, all of it was based on luck, and luck seemed on my side today because on the twelfth combination while using the images of Connection, Emotion, and Share, the spell finally clicked and the system acknowledged it.

[Spell: [Nexum] learned]



[Nexum lvl 1]: Creates a two-way connection between two minds. Information and emotions can be freely shared while connected.

"Honestly... That took way less time than I thought it would." After successfully casting the spell for the first time, I mumbled.

The spell was similar to [Apparition], it required you to envision a person, and magic would do its thing and create a two-way connection between your minds. You could share telepathic conversations, knowledge, memories, and even emotions with each other. To prevent overloading your mind with unnecessary information or feelings, it even had its own mental shield that could filter incoming and outgoing signals. The spell was useful in more ways than I thought it would be, I could imagine doing a few kinky things using this spell.

With one item from my world domi- I mean 'world salvation' list completed, I planted my mentally exhausted head on the enchanted pillow and instantly fell asleep.

The next started as any other but quickly turned chaotic. The main cause was the class with the seventh years, to which Emily belongs to.

"Good morning, everyone," I greet the class of fourteen students, scanning the room for any absentees. "It looks like we have one missing student. Let's begin with the roll call--" Just as I start speaking, the classroom door swings open and the missing student enters, sporting a satisfied smile. Though visibly nervous, it was clear she was pleased with herself for purposely arriving late to earn detention.

Suppressing a chuckle, I turn to the latecomer. "Ah, Miss Ashenford, right on time. Please take your seat." I say, disregarding her slowly shifting expression. She remains standing motionless, her emotions transitioning from joy to surprise, then to anger before finally settling into a sullen mood. A frown appears on her face, and she folds her arms, but her resistance is short-lived as she lets out a sigh and moves toward her table. With a scowl on her face and an angry glare directed at me, she sits down heavily on her chair.

"Now that Miss Ashenford's little episode is over, we can continue the roll call." My statement makes Emily's glare intensify, while the rest of the lets out a collective chuckle.

"Alright, class, today's topic is something new, even in the Muggle society: Personal Computers!" After finishing the roll call, declare the subject of my lecture and start by describing the technology.

I continue the descriptions of what the PC is, and what is it used for then finally end my presentation on what the future holds for such technology. I warn them all, that if in the future the muggles succeed in creating a global information network, Wizards and Witches might be revealed to the world. That statement alone did pull all of their attention.

During the class everyone was attentively listening, everyone except one lone girl, had their full attention on my illusions. That girl instead chose to look me in the eyes, while her hand kept pinching her nipples or exploring the valley between her legs. I could only shake my head, her attempt at seducing me wouldn't work, as I had no real interest in the girl. However, I seldom glanced her way giving her the attention she badly wanted, then momentarily spiking the pleasure she was feeling. The curse affecting the girl, was barely useful anymore, as she was in a constant heat all by herself. Her mind only revolved around me, she wanted to please me, to feel me, to be filled up by me. The brainwashing of my tool has already succeeded. There were only a few more steps to push her on the path I want her to be on, and I'll enjoy it to the fullest.

At the conclusion of class, the students gathered their belongings, but Emily, as usual, remained behind to clean up her soaked-over area. Once finished, she wore a pout and prepared to depart, but I hated her with a call.

"Eight o'clock, detention for arriving late to class," I stated with a grin. She immediately spun around, mouth agape and eyes widened in surprise, that was what she wanted and that one statement made her heart pitter-patter. After regaining her composure, she briskly nodded, while donning a wide smile and exited the room with the demeanor of someone who had emerged victorious from a battle. I could even hear a faint "YES!" as she rounded the corner of the hall.

I couldn't help but shake my head and let out a chuckle as she left. She might think she won, but the truth was she will "suffer" tonight, but before all that, I had to go on a walk.

After donning my robes, and casting [Furtim], I depart from the school grounds and its protective barriers and teleported myself to a run-down and abandoned residence. The state of the place was disgraceful; the walls were barely holding up, and the ceiling had a massive opening that exposed the sky. The sun's rays filtered through the hole, illuminating a patch of soil where a solitary tree had managed to grow. The room was overgrown by bushes, grass, and other shrubs, while discarded papers, needles, and various forms of rubbish cluttered the floor.

With a flick of my hand, I use transfiguration to reveal a concealed stash hidden beneath the floorboards. Utilizing telekinesis, I forcefully tear apart the box, disregarding any curses or enchantments that have been placed upon it. As a result, the ring that contains a soul shard and deathly hallow hovers before me. Giving a mental tug on my telekinetic powers, I grasp the stone secured inside of it and rip it out of the ring's hold.

As the temperature in the room plunges to sub-zero levels, my breath becomes visible, and a chill runs through my body. However, it's not the temperature that causes the shudder, but rather an ominous feeling that grips something deep within me.

The once-vibrant greenery surrounding me quickly loses its luster, wilting and withering away in an instant. The walls begin to freeze over, and the sky darkens as the same pair of eyes that I sensed before fixate directly on me. Almost inaudibly, a whisper carries through the air, delivering a single foreboding sentence, "Be careful, my chosen~" Then as if it was an illusion all along, everything suddenly returns to normal.

Gulping, I chose to ignore the implication of whoever that was and refocus my attention on the still-floating stone and ring. I apprehensively reach for the stone and grab it, expecting something to go wrong, I wait for a moment then sigh as nothing out of the ordinary occurs. I will the stone into my inventory and then look back at the ring. The intricately designed ring had to go, the curse seeped deep into the material and anyone who touched it will die a painful death. My mana condenses into a cursed flame, surrounding the ring. It melts in an instant, ejecting the shrieking soulshard right into the atmosphere.

[Quest Update: [Shade Lurking] 4/7 Completed]

Having completed my first task, I now set my sights on the next objective. With firm concentration, I hone in on the location of the mansion belonging to a pompous, blonde buffoon, and in a flash and a quiet crack, I teleport directly to the entrance gates of the estate.

The Malfoy mansion loomed before me, its splendor obvious. The intricate stonework of the ivory-colored walls shone in the sunlight, stopping me in my tracks and forcing me to take in all of its splendor. The gardens that surrounded the estate were meticulously manicured and added to its overall beauty. The entrance gates were wrought from iron, the intricate filigree weaving together to create an imposing barrier. As I drew closer to the gate, I could see the imposing facade, with rows of arched windows and balconies that overlooked the expansive grounds. Yet, beneath the grandeur lay an air of detachment, a reflection of the Malfoy family's values. The mansion exuded an aura of coldness and aloofness, indicating the family's disdain for outsiders.

"Primus Frigus" I utter and feel a surge of power coursing through me. With my palm outstretched towards the magnificent gate, I unleash the force of my command. A deep rumble echoes through the mansion grounds, and a sudden chill permeates the air.

As I watch, every particle in my line of sight freezes solid, becoming encased in a layer of ice. The frozen matter stretches out before me like an endless expanse of glacial landscape, the sharp edges of jagged ice crystals glinting in the sunlight.

For a moment, the world seems to stand still, as if time itself has frozen. But then, with a deafening crack, the ice explodes into a million tiny pieces, creating a snowstorm that blankets the area, which moments later just ceases to exist.

With a bold stride, I step into the once-protected garden, my eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. The mansion ward, sensing the breach I had created, was frantically trying to close the hole with all its might. But it was too late. I had already breached the barrier, and now I was standing within the grounds of the mansion itself.

My not so settle knock has woken up the residents and their response was to send a House-Elf to block my way. The poor little abused and malnourished thing pops into existence right beside me. Magic coursing through its veins, primed for a fight, but its senses are unable to locate me. That doesn't mean I can just let him go, the Malfoys have sent me a present and it would be rude not to accept it. [Stupefy] hits the little critter and its back impacts the ground.

[Mind Arts] activates, picking apart the elf's mind, and locating all the hidden rooms within the house. Simultaneously I absorb all knowledge about the creature's abilities, storing them for later study.

However, as the elves use instinct-based magic and their mana channels differ from the wizarding ones, integration of their teleportation ability into [Apparition] will be a grandiose task. But I will manage, I had to manage. It was widely acknowledged that the elf's teleportation powers exceeded that of wizarding ones, and by giving a glimpse at the knowledge I just picked up I had to agree. Their teleportation allowed them to travel vast distances and ignore any protections placed on the land. That ability alone would make them the perfect assassins, if only they weren't such pacifists.

With a snap of my finger, I send a cutting curse right at the downed creature, setting it free from the confines of its torturous life. Telekinesis grabs a drop of its blood, while I will the Race System to activate. The blood melts away, seeping into my body, and the next moment a notification appears on my screen.

[Race: [House Elf] gained.]

[House Elf] [HP]

- Increase the effects of magic by 2% per Global level.

- Gain the skill [Pivot], reducing your mana regeneration to 1%, until you bind yourself to a person or location, while simultaneously allowing you to siphon off mana from pivot like a parasite.

My face twisted into a grimace as a wave of irrational anger consumed me. The race was repulsing, as the drawback in the form of the [Pivot] skill was dreadful. I held the power to make the rules, and I will not be shackled to someone, especially not as their slave. Determined not to accidentally equip the race, I removed it from my interface altogether.

An anger-empowered [Bombarda Maxima] shakes the foundation of the manor, blowing a massive hole in the two-floor structure. I ignore the girly scream, the loud crack, the tell-tell sign of a disapparition, and following the elf's memories, transfigure the grounds just before the staircase leading upwards, to reveal a heavily enchanted hidden room just below it.

Telekinesis grabs ahold of the enchanted, cast iron door, rips it off its hinges, then throws it behind me with a tremendous amount of force. The vault impacts then goes right through the wall of the house without any complaints, but just as it was about to impact the ground, three loud cracks, a scream, and three notifications resound in my mind, followed by a loud boom then complete silence.

I rise my eyebrow and look in the direction the vault door flew. Through the vault door-shaped hole in the wall, located right next to the entrance of the house, I spotted three pairs of legs with their torsos missing and a pool of blood next to them. A loud chuckle leaves my mouth, but ultimately I shrug, not truly caring who I just killed by complete accident. I refocus my attention on the vault filled to the brim with the cursed artifact, but none spike my attention except the one resting on a marble pedestal.

The diary of Tom Marvolo Riddle, hiding a soulshard, was displayed with high devotion as a gift received from the master they are served. The book was already reacting, wisps of black tendrils trying to find and attach themselves to a new host. However, I don't give it a chance, as the cursed flames of [Fiendfyre] coat the inside of the vault, turning whatever they touch to nothing, not even ash. The fire reaches the diary, setting it aflame and an ear-splitting wail echoes throughout the confines of the vault, before vanishing into thin air. A system notification rings and blinks, announcing thing successful completion of the next part of the quest.

[Quest Update: [Shade Lurking] 5/7 Completed]

"Two more to go." I sigh and leave the premise of what's left of the Malfoy manor, teleporting back to the Hogwarts castle and entering my room. I was already feeling tired of this world, the magical system was bad and restrictive, and required too much focus to attention just to create a simple spell. The people were crazy and I just wanted an out.

"Let's speed up the plans." I mumble and start working on the spell that I'll need to kill the Dementors.

As I concentrate on perfecting a spell with the potential to obliterate even souls, time seems to slip away at an accelerated pace. Before I realize it, the agreed-upon time has arrived and a knock on my door interrupts my intense concentration. Irritated, I sigh and rise to my feet to open the door.