Skill List Andrew (In-Between 1)

~-~-~* Andrew *~-~-~

[Sneak LVL:1/100]

- Decreases the chance of being spotted by 1%/LVL

[Drawing LVL:1/100]

- Increases the speed of sketching, painting, and coloring by 2%/LVL

[Writing LVL:1/100]

- Increases the speed of writing by 2%/LVL

[Muted Steps LVL:5/100]

- Decreases the chance of being heard while sneaking by 1%/LVL

[Dual-wielding LVL:1/100]

- While wielding two weapons in both of your hands, usage of your offhand feels 1%/LVL more natural.

[Small Blade Mastery LVL:1/100]

- Increases damage done by small-bladed weapons by 5%/LVL

[Cooking LVL:1/100]

- Increases speed, efficiency, and flavor of prepared meals by 1%/LVL.

[Herbology LVL:1/100]

- Growing and harvesting plants becomes instinctual.

- Increases the likelihood of correctly identifying a plant, even without background information.

[Mathematics LVL:1/100]

- Increases the user's calculation ability by 7.5%/LVL

[Leadership LVL:1/100]

- Making hard decisions, won't have a mental effect on you.

- While speaking to other entities, they become easier to entice.

- All of your subordinates believing in your cause will have stats boosted by 1%/Lvl.

[Gun Mastery LVL:1/100]

- Increases accuracy with guns by 0.5%/LVL

[Acting LVL:1/100]

- The user's acting becomes 2.5%/LVL more believable.

[Sage's Wisdom LVL: Max]

- Increases the power of additional spell effects by 50%.

- Increases spell range by 100%.

- Exponential increase of spell damage depending on the shortness of a chant, starts at 500% for a one-word chant and halves the bonus for each additional word.

[Mana's Blessing LVL: Max]

- Gain the ability to temporarily increase your stats by reinforcing them with mana.

- All damage dealt with manga-based attacks doubled.

- Mana regeneration, while in combat, is tripled.

- Chants cannot be interrupted.

[Magic Penetration LVL: Max]

- Empowers the user's magical spells with 10% magic penetration, allowing them to bypass some of the target's magical defenses and resistances.

- Increases the mana cost of the empowered spell by double the normal amount, reflecting the increased power and complexity of the spell.

- Provides some flexibility in spellcasting, allowing the user to choose when to use the empowered version and when to use the regular version, depending on the situation and the target's defenses.

- May allow the user to overcome certain types of magical barriers, shields, or wards.

- May allow the user to damage or disrupt magical constructs, entities, or beings that are normally immune or resistant to physical attacks.

- Requires a good understanding and mastery of magic, to use effectively.

[Magical Embodiment LVL: Max]

- The user gains the ability to transform into an elemental form, using the affinity he chooses, gaining total immunity towards the selected affinity, while increasing the damage taken from its counterpart by 100%.

[Archive LVL: MAX]

- Boosts cognitive functions by 50%, improving learning speed and mental agility.

- Grants perfect recall, allowing the user to retrieve any memory with perfect clarity.

- Forms a mental archive, allowing the user to store and organize memories and knowledge, including sensory information such as sights, sounds, and smells.

- Provides enhanced pattern recognition and associative thinking, allowing the user to make connections and insights more quickly.

- Enables mental simulation and visualization, allowing the user to mentally rehearse and experiment with different scenarios.

- Increases creativity and intuition, enabling the user to come up with novel solutions and ideas.

[Foresight LVL: 1/100]

- Allows the user to glimpse into the future up to 0.001*(Level + Perception) seconds.

[Spatial Slash LVL:1/100]

- Allows the user to infuse a tremendous amount of mana into the edge of his blade, releasing it simultaneously upon completing a single slash.

- Space warps, and all that stands in the user's way, are cut apart.

- The weapon used for the slash, requires a very high affinity with space.

- Increase in speed of slashing by 2%/LVL.

[Phoenix Tears LVL: 1/100]

- Enables the production of tears with healing and antidote properties.

- The efficiency of the properties increases significantly with skill level, able to restore limbs or even cure curses at high enough levels.

[Eternal Flame LVL: 1/100]

- Provides complete resistance to fire-based attacks and environments a tier below you.

- By channeling your vitality, you can increase your body temperature to a sustained, elevated level.

- While your body temperature remains above freezing, you gain a 0.1% regeneration of Health and Stamina per global level.

- When reaching the end of your lifespan, burn away all but 0.1% of all your stats to regain your youth.

[Flame Travel LVL: N/A]

- Enables travel in the Fire realm, granting instant transportation to any known location that can sustain an open flame.

[Phoenix Song LVL: 1/100]

- Grants your vocal cords the ability to instill courage, support, or comfort.

[Divine Empowerment LVL: N/A]

- Allows the empowerment of skills, abilities, or spells with divine energy, increasing their effects by a full tier.

[Seed of Divinity LVL: N/A]

- Gain the ability to accumulate and mold divine energy.

- Gain the ability to create a single divine domain.

[Spec of Divinity LVL: N/A]

- The user gains the ability to accumulate belief in the form of divine energy.

- The user gains an increased sensitivity to divine energy, allowing them sense the presence of other divine beings and their influence on the world.

[Soul Resonance LVL: N/A]

- Establishes a permanent soul bond between two individuals, increasing each other's mental and spiritual stability.

- Provides a defense against soul corruption, preventing external forces from corrupting or manipulating the bonded souls.

- Provides a limited empathic ability between bonded individuals, allowing them to sense each other's emotions to a small degree.

- While in physical contact, the bonded individuals experience a heightened sense of calmness and a reduction in stress levels.

- Requires a strong bond and mutual trust between the individuals to use effectively.

- Soul-bond unbreakable and persists even after death.

[Basilisk Venom LVL: 1/100]

- Enables the production of a venom potent enough to corrode souls.

[Petrification LVL: N/A]

- Your gaze gains the power to petrify anyone same or lower tier than yourself.

- Petrification can be resisted, with certain skills, spells, or items.

[Deadly Gaze LVL: N/A]

- Your gaze gains the power to kill anyone of a lower tier than yourself.

[Mana Manipulation II LVL:100/200]

- Eases the ability to control mana by 1%/LVL.

- Reduces mana channel strain by 0.1%/LVL.

[Mind Arts II LVL: 100/200]

- The user gains 1 Mind Tether/LVL.

- Guarantees an entrance to the target's mental realm.

- Allows the viewing, editing, and copying of memories over to the user.

- Allows an easier siphoning of knowledge and practice from targeted individuals.

- Allows the implanting of suggestions, however, the other party may choose not to act on them.

- Forms a shield around the user's mind, protecting it from intruders.

- Forms a mental library, able to store and filter memories and knowledge, allowing instant access to any.

[Large Blade Mastery II LVL:100/200]

- Increases damage done by large-bladed weapons by 1.25%/LVL

[Dodge II LVL:100/200]

- Increases chances of dodging an attack by 0.3%/LVL

- Increases movements speed after a successful dodge by 0.1%/LVL

[Counter II LVL:100/200]

- After dodging or blocking an attack, the next attack deals 1%xLvl damage

- After successfully blocking or dodging an attack, your next attack's speed is increased by 25%.

[Acrobatics II LVL:100/200]

- Increases the user's balance by 5%/LVL.

- Increases the user's flexibility by 2%/LVL.

- Improve reaction time by 0.05%/LVL.

[Swordsman II LVL:120/200]

- Increases the damage and speed of your swing while using a sword by 0.65%/LVL.

[Charms II LVL:100/200]

- Increases speed and efficiency of casting charms by 1%/LVL

- Increases the effects of charms by 1%/LVL.

[Transfiguration II LVL:100/200]

- Increases speed and efficiency of casting transfiguration spells by 1%/LVL

- Decreases transfiguration upkeep by 0.1%/LVL.

[Alchemy II LVL:100/200]

- Grants the ability to perform alchemical transmutations.

- Increases speed of brewing by 1%/LVL

- Increases the chance of successful alchemical creation by 0.5%/LVL

[Enchanting II LVL:100/200]

- Grants the ability to enchant items.

- Increases speed and efficiency creating lasting enchantments by 1%/LVL

- Reduces the mana cost of enchanting by 0.05%/LVL.

[Mystery II LVL:120/200]

- Allows the user to imbue an item with a concept, enchanting it with a perpetual spell.

- Enchanted items will require mana to function.

- Gain a minuscule understanding of concepts.

[Spellcode II LVL:100/200]

- After understanding the magical system, allows the user to analyze, modify or create spells.

- Increases the chances of successfully analyzing, modifying, or creating a spell by 0.1%/LVL.

- Gain a 25% bonus towards cognitive functions while creating a new spell.

[Spirit Healing II LVL:120/200]

- Increases mana regeneration by 0.5%/Level.

- Increase total mana capacity by 0.1%/LVL

[Mage II LVL:120/200]

- Increases the damage of your spells by 2.5%/LVL.

- Your spells gain the property of penetration, ignoring 10% of the target's magical resistance.

[Multicasting II LVL:100/200]

- Mental and magical strain suffered from casting multiple spells at the same time reduced by 0.5%/LVL.

- Increases concentration while casting multiple spells.

[Time Affinity II LVL: 100/200]

- Increases the effects and reduces the cost of Time related skills, abilities, and spells by 25%.

- Allows partial control of Time in the local area.

[Space Affinity II LVL: 100/200]

- Increases the effects and reduces the cost of Space related skills, abilities, and spells by 25%.

- Allows partial control of Space in the local area.

[Mind Control II LVL: 100/200]

- Allows the user to connect to a mind.

- A successful connection allows full control of the mind and body.

- Mind shields will prevent any attempt at full control, but the partial body, control is possible.

- Maximum of 0.1/LVL connections at a time can be made.

[Reading II LVL:100/200]

- Increases the speed of reading by 10%/LVL

[Teaching II LVL:100/200]

- Increases the speed and efficiency of passing on knowledge 10%/LVL

- Provides a significant increase in the likelihood that your students will retain the knowledge you have taught them.

[Dancing II LVL:100/200]

- Increases the fluidity of the user's movements by 0.5%/LVL.

- Augments the effects of agility, increasing movement speed by 0.01%/LVL.

[Blacksmithing II LVL:100/200]

- Increases chances of producing a better quality product 0.25%/LVL.

- Increases Dexterity and Crafting speed, while crafting by 2.5%/LVL.

- Grants instinctual knowledge about the ore you're working with.

[Arcane Blacksmith II LVL:120/200]

- Gain the buff [Arcane Inspiration], increasing Wisdom, Intelligence, and Mana regeneration by 35% while crafting magical items.

- Enables the creation of forging tools in the form of magical constructs made only from mana.

- Gain a chance of not consuming a reagent when crafting with magic 0.05%/LVL.

- Increases the quality of a forged product by 0.5 %/LVL.

[Metalworking II LVL:120/200]

- Tremendously reduces the amount of effort required to manipulate and shape metal.

- Allows the repair and reinforcement of metallic substances, using only mana.

- Allows you to inspect metals for any structural flaws.

- Increases final product quality by 0.2 %/LVL.

[Focus II LVL:100/200]

- The user gains undivided attention towards the tasks he is working on.

- While active, user enhances their thinking speed by 2%/lvl.

- All tasks performed when focusing have the chances of success increased by 1%/LVL.

- While under focus, the user's skill level up speed is increased by 5%/LVL.

- Increases the accuracy and precision of physical and mental actions by 0.25%/LVL.

[Multitasking II LVL:100/200]

- Allows the user to focus on multiple things at the same time.

- Mental strain suffered from splitting your focus reduced by 0.5%/LVL.

- Grants a 0.25%/LVL chance to avoid errors or mistakes while multitasking.

[Observational Learning II LVL: 100/200]

- Enables the user to acquire innate abilities, skills, or spells of other beings by observing them in action.

- Skills learned through this method require a greater amount of experience to advance to higher levels.

- The probability of learning an innate ability, skill, or spell through observation is enhanced by 0.1% for every point of Perception the user possesses.

- Increases the speed at which the user can learn and master new skills and abilities through observation.

[Runic Language II LVL:100/200]

- Increases the understanding of runes 5%/LVL

- Crafting and spellcasting using runes, if not destroyed or interrupted, cannot fail.

- Provides a boost to magic spells and enchantments that involve the use of runes.

[Unwavering Resilience 7x LVL: 1/100]

- Increases resistance towards poisons, toxins, diseases, fear, and pain by 30% + 0.20 %/LVL, making it more difficult for harmful substances and emotional or physical stressors to affect the user's health and well-being.

- Increases resistance towards magic and physical damage by 25% + 0.25%/LVL, making it harder for spells, curses, and attacks to harm the user.

- Allows the user to build up a tolerance to certain substances and toxins over time, making them less harmful or even beneficial in small doses.

- Grants partial immunity to status effects after experiencing them once and surviving, allowing the user to resist them more effectively in the future.

- Diffuses harmful magic within 1m*LVL of the user, reducing its potency by 1% per second, and nullifying it after 100 seconds.

[Bestial Physique 8x LVL: 1/100]

- Grants a 2x boost to all physical stats for 30 seconds, with a cooldown of 10 minutes.

- Increase all physical stats by 0.05%/LVL.

- Increases M. Res and P. Res stats by 0.5%/LVL.

- Increases Strength, Vitality, P. Res, and M. Res stats by 2 + (0.01*LVL) per level.

- Increases health and stamina regeneration by 0.02%/LVL of total health/stamina per second.

- Grants self-fertility manipulation, and children born from you will always match your race.

- Grants the ability to regenerate lost limbs.

[Shadow Veil 4x LVL: 1/100]

- Grants the user complete control over shadows within a limited radius, allowing for partial concealment of allies and objects in darkness.

- Allows the user to perceive and sense the presence of living beings in darkness, providing increased awareness and detection abilities.

- Grants the user the ability to transform into a shadow form, rendering them impervious to physical damage, but simultaneously doubling any Light, Fire, Holy, and Celestial-based damage he receives.

- Allows the user to merge with the shadows and become invisible to the naked eye.

- Enables the user to teleport between shadows he can perceive without delay.

[Allure 5x LVL: 1/100]

- The user's words and actions appear reasonable, trustworthy, and easily believable to entities around them.

- While active, the user's voice, scent, and appearance have a charming effect on those around them.

- Charmed entities will obey any verbal commands, and can be further controlled with mental commands.

- Allows for amplification of the target's senses, emotions, and desires.

- Increases Charisma stat by 1/LVL.

~-~-~* Learned skills *~-~-~

[Sense Ore LVL: 1/100]

- Gain a new sense, allowing you to pinpoint the location of gems, metals, and other precious resources.

- Distance increased by 10m/Lvl.

[Featherweight LVL:1/100]

- Consume mana to decrease your weight by 1%/LVL.

[Sticky feet LVL: 1/100]

- Allows the user to stick to any surface.

- Max duration 5*Lvl seconds.

- Cooldown 60 seconds.

[Slimy Skin LVL: 1/100]

- Allows the user's skin to secrete a slime, making it slippery.

- Secretion rate increased 1%/Lvl.

[Poison Secretion LVL: 1/100]

- Allows the user's skin to secrete poisonous powder.

- Secretion rate increased 1%/Lvl.

[Healing Powder LVL: 1/100]

- Allows the user's skin to secrete healing powder.

- Secretion rate increased 1%/Lvl.

[Conjure Flame LVL: 1/100]]

-Allows the conjuration and minuscule manipulation of conjured fire.

[Echolocation LVL:1/100]

-Allows the gathering of information about the surroundings using sound waves.

[Sonic Attack LVL:1/100]

- Allows the employment of sound in a form of an attack

[Crystalline Shell LVL: 1/100]

- Allows the creation of a flexible yet durable crystalline shell surrounding the user, that absorbs incoming damage.

[Fire Coat LVL: 1/100]

- Coats the body in a flame, dealing damage to attackers, while simultaneously ignoring the user.

[Seismic Sense LVL: 1/100]

- Allows the mapping of the surrounding area, using the vibrations traveling through the ground.

[Magical Stone Creation LVL: 1/100],

- Allows the condensation of mana into Magic Stones.

- For every ten levels increase the maximum tier of condensable Magic Stone

[Decay LVL: 1/100

- Increases the effects of poisons by 10%.

- Allows the imbuement of poisons with Rot affinity.

[Underwater Breathing LVL: 1/100]

- Allows breathing underwater by separating Oxygen from water.

[Blood Manipulation LVL: 1/100]

- Allows the manipulation of blood your mana has made contact with.

- Increases maximum range and weight limit, by 1 meter and 1 liter per skill level.

[Water Walking LVL: 1/100]

- Creates foothold on liquid surfaces for 10 sec/LVL.

- Cooldown 5 sec.

[Levitate LVL: 1/100]

- Remove the effect of gravity affecting your body, allowing you to levitate.

[Diffusion LVL:1/100]

- Diffuses magic that the user deems harmful, at 0.1%/LVL/s.

- Range 1m*LVL

[Blue Flame LVL: 1/100]

- Allows the casting of flames that can coat any surface.

[Obsidian Shell LVL: 1/100]

- Allows the creation of a flexible yet durable obsidian shell surrounding the user, that absorbs incoming damage.

- Decrease movement speed and increase defensive capabilities by 20%.

[Charge LVL: 1/100]

- Increase movement speed by 10%/LVL while charging at enemies.

-Cooldown 60 seconds.

[Sand Manipulation LVL: 1/100]

-Allows the manipulation of sand coated with your mana.

[Thunder LVL: 1/100]

-Allows the conjuration and minuscule manipulation of conjured fire.

[Dragon Breath LVL: 1/100]

- Allows the condensation of thermal energies and consequent shooting of them in a laser-like breath attack

- Increase maximum distance by 100xLVL and maximum temperature by 1000xLVL.

- Cooldown 10 minutes, decreased by 5 seconds/LVL.

[Blood Arts LVL: 1/100]

- Augment all blood-related abilities by 1% per level, for 1 sec/LVL.

- Cooldown 10 minutes.

[Spore Release LVL: 1/100]

- Allows the secretion and simultaneous release of poisonous spores into the air.

[Illusion Creation LVL: 1/100]

- Allows the conjuration of illusions.

[Intangibility LVL: 1/100]

- For 5*level seconds you cannot affect and cannot be affected by the physical world.

- Cooldown 60 seconds, reduced by 1% per level.

[Lightning Cloak LVL:1/100]

- Increase your movement speed 1%/lvl for 1 sec/Lvl

- Covers you in a lightning barrier for 5 sec/Lvl

- Cooldown 2 Minutes, decreased by 1 second/Lvl.