Skill List Olivia (In-Between 2)

[Heart's Desire LVL: Max]

- While near the person your heart desires, all of your stats are increased by 5%.

- Regardless of the distance, sacrifice 50% of your total mana to appear right beside that person.

- Regardless of the distance, heal that person by sacrificing half of your current health pool.

- Regardless of the distance, sense if that person is in jeopardy.

[Mind of the Blade LVL: Max]

- Forms a defensive spiritual sword array around the user's mind and soul, providing protection against mental attacks and intrusion.

- Allows the user to reinforce and enhance the sword array with any energy type they possess, such as psychic, elemental, or divine energy, increasing its resilience and effectiveness.

- Provides an offensive option by imbuing the sword array with energy and using it to counterattack or deflect mental assaults, causing a heavy mental backlash to the attacker.

- Allows the user to perceive and analyze the structure and nature of mental and spiritual energies, allowing them to identify and counteract different types of attacks.

- Grants enhanced clarity, focus, and willpower, allowing the user to resist and overcome mental manipulation and illusions.

- Provides some protection against physical attacks that target the mind or soul, such as psychic or spiritual weapons, although the effectiveness may vary depending on the level and nature of the attack.

[Heroic Empowerment LVL: Max]

- Rise the limits of your body, gaining a boost to all your physical stats.

- While active it constantly drains stamina depending on the boost percentage.

- After the deactivation mental fatigue can set in, the duration depends on the strength of your mind, boost percentage, and the duration the skill was active.

[True Cut LVL: Max]

- Your weapon attacks will always damage the enemy even if they are in a form you cannot physically hit.

[Sacred Dance LVL: Max]

- All enemies in combat with you, are forced to dance to your tune.

- Allows you to adjust to the rhythm of the dance with ease.

- Gain the ability to predict your dance partner's next move.

- Gain a feeling for an optimal move while dancing.

[Fear Resistance LVL:1/100]

- Decreases fear or coercive pressure experienced by the user up to 1%/LVL.

[Pain Tolerance II LVL:100/200]

- Grants the user the ability to shut off his pain receptors.

[Abnormal Resistance II LVL:120/200]

- Increases the body's resistance to poisons, toxins, and diseases by 0.35%/LVL, making it more difficult for harmful substances and pathogens to affect the user's health.

- Enhances the body's natural defenses, such as the immune system and detoxification processes, allowing it to respond more quickly and effectively to threats.

- Allows the user to build up a tolerance to certain substances and toxins over time, making them less harmful or even beneficial in small doses.

- Does not grant complete invincibility or immunity, as some poisons and diseases may be too potent or unpredictable for the body to handle, and some environmental hazards may require specialized equipment or techniques to counter.

[Magic Resistance II LVL:120/200]

- Reduces the effects of magic on the user by 0.25%/Level, making it harder for spells, curses, and other harmful magical effects to affect them.

- Does not grant complete immunity to magic, as some spells or effects may be too powerful or unpredictable for the user to resist, and some magical creatures or beings may have innate or specialized magical abilities that can overcome the resistance.

[Strong Body II LVL: 120/200]

- Increases Strength, Vitality, P. Res, and M. Res stats by 2 for every two levels of this skill.

[Swordsman LVL:1/120]

- Increases the damage and speed of your swing while using a sword by 0.5%/LVL.

[Spellcode LVL:1/100]

- After understanding the magical system, allows the user to analyze, modify or create spells.

- Increases the chances of successfully analyzing, modifying, or creating a spell by 0.1%/LVL.

[Runic Language LVL:1/100]

- Increases the understanding of runes 5%/LVL

- Decreases chances of failure using runes by 1%/LVL

[Small Blade Mastery LVL:1/100]

- Increases damage done by small-bladed weapons by 5%/LVL

[Seduction LVL:1/100]

- While actively seducing a target, appear more visually and emotionally appealing to them.

- Chances of seducing a target while actively trying, increased by 0.5%/LVL.

[Reading LVL:1/100]

- Increases the speed of reading by 5%/LVL

[Soul Resonance LVL: N/A]

- Establishes a permanent soul bond between two individuals, increasing each other's mental and spiritual stability.

- Provides a defense against soul corruption, preventing external forces from corrupting or manipulating the bonded souls.

- Provides a limited empathic ability between bonded individuals, allowing them to sense each other's emotions to a small degree.

- While in physical contact, the bonded individuals experience a heightened sense of calmness and a reduction in stress levels.

- Requires a strong bond and mutual trust between the individuals to use effectively.

- Soul-bond unbreakable and persists even after death.

[Penetrating Blade II LVL:100/200]

- Increases damage done by large-bladed weapons by 0.75%/LVL

- Your large-bladed weapons ignore 0.02%/LVL of your target's physical resistance and armor.

[Mind Arts II LVL: 100/200]

- The user gains 1 Mind Tether/LVL.

- Increases the chance of entering the target's mental realm by 1%/LVL.

- Allows the viewing, editing, and copying of memories over to the user.

- Allows the implanting of suggestions, however, the other party may choose not to act on them.

- Forms a shield around the user's mind, protecting it from intruders.

- Allows the augmentation of the mental shields, allowing it to block any emotional distress.

- Forms a mental library, able to store and filter memories and knowledge, allowing instant access to any.

[Mana Manipulation II LVL:100/200]

- Eases the ability to control mana by 1%/LVL.

- Increase total mana capacity by 0.1%/LVL.

[Dodge II LVL:100/200]

- Increases chances of dodging an attack by 0.3%/LVL

- Increases movements speed after a successful dodge by 0.1%/LVL

[Counter II LVL:100/200]

- After dodging or blocking an attack, the next attack deals 2%xLvl damage

[Acrobatics II LVL:100/200]

- Increases the user's balance by 5%/LVL.

- Increases the user's flexibility by 2%/LVL.

- Improve reaction time by 0.05%/LVL.

[Healing Power II LVL: 120/200]

- Increases health regeneration by 0.17 %/LVL.

- Increases stamina regeneration by 0.28%/LVL.

[Swordsman II LVL:120/200]

- Increases the damage and speed of your swing while using a sword by 0.5%/LVL.

- Increase attack speed by 0.1%/LVL while holding a sword.

[Cooking II LVL:100/200]

- Increases speed, efficiency, and flavor of prepared meals by 1%/LVL.

- Gain the ability to infuse emotions into food, enabling others to sense and experience the same feelings as you.

[Mental Wall II LVL:100/200]

- Negates all mental trauma the user would suffer.

- Allows the user to have a clear head while in stressful situations.

- User can suppress emotions he deems unnecessary in combat.

[Sword Aura II LVL:100/200]

- Anything can become a sword.

- Upon executing an attack, the sword swipes can be transformed into projectiles that remain in control of the user.

- Sword aura surrounds your weapons, increasing their damage output by 2%/LVL

[Crush LVL:120/200]

- Chances of breaking through defense increases by 0.25%/Level.

- Each attack empowered by this skill carries a 1% chance of stunning the opponent for a single second.

[Dancing LVL:100/200]

- Increases the fluidity of the user's movements by 1%/Level.

[Spirit Healing II LVL:120/200]

- Increases mana regeneration by 0.75 %/Level.

[Chain Attack II LVL:120/200]

- Each consecutive hit on the same target increases damage dealt by 2.5%+(0.1%/Level).

- Each consecutive hit on the same target decreases their overall defenses by 0.1%.

[Mage LVL:120/200]

- Increases the damage of your spells by 2.5%/LVL.

- Decreases casting time of spells by 0.1%/LVL.

[Seed of Divinity LVL: N/A]

- Gain the ability to accumulate and mold divine energy.

- Gain the ability to create a single divine domain.

[Spec of Divinity LVL: N/A]

- The user gains the ability to accumulate belief in the form of divine energy.

- The user gains an increased sensitivity to divine energy, allowing them sense the presence of other divine beings and their influence on the world.

[Resurrect LVL: 1/100]

- Use up to 60% of your total health, mana, and stamina to attempt to pull back a single soul from the afterlife, while at the same time returning their body to its original state.

- The soul has to be complete, additionally, 70% of the body has to be intact.