Skill Evolutions Olivia (DXD 26)

[Dodge III LVL:200/300]

- Increases chances of dodging an attack by 0.3%/LVL

- Increases movements speed after a successful dodge by 0.1%/LVL

- The user's dodging ability extends beyond physical attacks to include magical and elemental projectiles, granting them a heightened awareness of incoming spells and the ability to evade them.

(A/N: New ability added, last row.)

[Counter III LVL:200/300]

- After dodging or blocking an attack, the next attack deals 2%xLvl damage

- The user's counterattacks gain additional properties or effects based on the nature of their abilities or weapons, such as causing bleeding, stunning, or weakening the target.

(A/N: New ability added, last row.)

[Mental Wall III LVL: 200/300]

- Negates all mental trauma the user would suffer.

- Allows the user to have a clear head while in stressful situations.

- User can suppress emotions they deem unnecessary in combat.

- The user gains an enhanced ability to maintain focus and clarity of thought even in the most chaotic or high-pressure situations.

(A/N: New ability added, last row.)

[Acrobatics III LVL:200/300]

- Increases the user's balance by 5%/LVL.

- Increases the user's flexibility by 2%/LVL.

- Improve reaction time by 0.05%/LVL.

- The user can adjust their stance position or body orientation while in the air, allowing them to perform complex aerial acrobatics, change directions, or land safely from great heights.

(A/N: New ability added, last row.)

[Abnormal Resistance III LVL:200/300]

- Increases the body's resistance to poisons, toxins, and diseases by 0.35%/LVL, making it more difficult for harmful substances and pathogens to affect the user's health.

- Enhances the body's natural defenses, such as the immune system and detoxification processes, allowing it to respond more quickly and effectively to threats.

- Allows the user to build up a tolerance to certain substances and toxins over time, making them less harmful or even beneficial in small doses.

- Does not grant complete invincibility or immunity, as some poisons and diseases may be too potent or unpredictable for the body to handle, and some environmental hazards may require specialized equipment or techniques to counter.

- The user's resistance extends to environmental hazards, such as extreme temperatures, radiation, or atmospheric conditions, providing increased protection against these threats.

(A/N: New ability added, last row.)

[Magic Resistance III LVL:200/300]

- Reduces the effects of magic on the user by 0.25%/Level, making it harder for spells, curses, and other harmful magical effects to affect them.

- Does not grant complete immunity to magic, as some spells or effects may be too powerful or unpredictable for the user to resist, and some magical creatures or beings may have innate or specialized magical abilities that can overcome the resistance.

-The user gains a heightened awareness of magical presence and activity, allowing them to anticipate and react to incoming spells or magical phenomena with greater efficiency.

(A/N: New ability added, last row.)

[Healing Power III LVL: 200/300]

- Increases heath regeneration by 0.20%/LVL.

- Increases stamina regeneration by 0.30%/LVL.

(A/N: Increased percentage.)

[Strong Body III LVL: 200/300]

- Increases Strength, Agility, Vitality, P. Res, and M. Res stats by 2 for every two levels of this skill.

(A/N: Agility added.)

[Mind Discipline II LVL:100/200]

- Provides the user with the ability to block out mental distractions and maintain unwavering focus on a specific task, even in the most high-pressure and chaotic situations.

- Reduces the impact of negative emotions on the user's mental state, enabling them to maintain emotional stability and remain calm and composed in stressful or challenging circumstances.

- Enhances the user's mental defenses, making them highly resistant to telepathic attacks and mind control attempts, requiring significant effort and skill from adversaries to penetrate their mental barriers.

- Amplifies mental clarity and focus to exceptional levels, sharpening the user's intelligence and wisdom by 1/LVL, allowing for faster information processing, insightful decision-making, and a deeper understanding of complex concepts.

- The user gains the ability to enter deep states of concentration and meditation quickly, facilitating heightened awareness, perception, and receptiveness to subtle cues and information.

(A/N: Reworded, New ability added, last row.)

[Accelerated Perception II LVL:100/200]

- Allows the user to perceive their surroundings at an accelerated rate, making everything appear in slow motion.

- The user's reflexes are further enhanced, enabling them to react with lightning-fast speed and precision to any situation or stimuli.

- The user's anticipation and predictive abilities reach exceptional levels, allowing them to read and understand their opponent's moves with incredible accuracy, making it extremely challenging for opponents to land a hit in combat.

- The user's movement speed is significantly enhanced, enabling them to move with unparalleled swiftness and agility, appearing as a blur to onlookers.

- The effects of this ability can be triggered at will and maintained for extended periods as the user's concentration and focus allow, allowing for prolonged utilization of the heightened perception and reflexes.

- Utilizing this skill for a prolonged period of time can result in mental fatigue and physical stress. Furthermore, the user remains vulnerable to the external forces while performing the rapid movements.

- The user gains the ability to selectively focus their accelerated perception on specific aspects of their surroundings, such as tracking multiple moving targets simultaneously or perceiving minute details and changes in the environment.

(A/N: Reworded, New ability added, last row.)

[Ki Reinforcement II LVL:100/200]

- Enhances the user's physical abilities by reinforcing their body with Ki energy, allowing them to move faster, hit harder, and endure more damage.

- The user gains the ability to channel Ki energy into their attacks, increasing their destructive power and allowing them to break through defenses.

- The user's Ki energy can be channeled into healing minor injuries and alleviating fatigue, allowing for rapid recovery and rejuvenation during intense physical exertion or combat. However, it is not capable of healing major wounds or life-threatening conditions.

- The user's Ki reinforcement extends beyond their physical abilities, enhancing their mental focus, clarity, and resilience, improving their overall combat effectiveness and resistance to mental and spiritual influences.

(A/N: New ability added, last row.)

[Regenerative Healing Factor II LVL:100/200]

- Allows the user to heal wounds and injuries at an accelerated rate, recovering from minor injuries within seconds and major injuries within minutes or hours.

- Increases the user's overall Vitality and Stamina by 1%/LVL, allowing them to withstand more physical strain and exertion without tiring.

- The speed and efficiency of the user's healing factor is enhanced by 0.1% for every point of Vitality the user possesses.

- The user's regenerative abilities will slow down their aging process, allowing them to live longer and maintain a more youthful appearance and physical condition.

- The user's regenerative abilities may be slowed or even temporarily halted by certain affinities of damage, such as Rot, Ruin, Curse, Necrotic, Blood or Poison.

- 0.1% of the user's health regenerative abilities extend to mental and spiritual aspects as well, aiding in the recovery from mental and emotional trauma, as well as bolstering their spiritual resilience.

(A/N: New ability added, last row.)

[Small Blade Mastery III LVL:200/300]

- Enhances the damage dealt by small bladed weapons to an even greater extent, increasing it by an additional 5%/LVL.

- The user gains a deep understanding of the mechanics and techniques specific to small bladed weapons, enabling them to strike with increased accuracy and exploit vulnerabilities in their opponents' defenses.

- The user's proficiency with small bladed weapons extends to the ability to penetrate through defenses, granting them increased penetration power.

(A/N: Reworded, New ability added, last row.)

[Large Blade Mastery III LVL:200/300]

- Enhances the damage dealt by large bladed weapons to a greater extent, increasing it by an additional 0.75%/LVL.

- The user's large bladed weapons possess the ability to bypass a portion of their targets' physical resistance and armor, ignoring an additional 0.02%/LVL with each level of this skill.

- The user gains the ability to completely ignore the weight of their weapon when wielding large bladed weapons.

(A/N: Reworded, New ability added, last row.)

[Chain Attack III LVL:200/300]

- Each consecutive hit within a 2-second timeframe increases the damage dealt by 2.5% plus an additional 0.1%/Level.

- Each consecutive hit within a 2-second timeframe weakens the target's overall defenses by 0.1%.

(A/N: Reworded, Ability changed works on multiple targets not just on a single one.)

[Crush III LVL: 200/300]

- The chances of breaking through the opponent's defense increases by an additional 0.25%/LVL.

- The user's attacks, empowered by this skill, carry a 1% chance of stunning the opponent for a single second.

- The user's attacks have a 0.1%/LVL chance of causing the opponent's armor to crumble, weakening their overall defense by 0.1%/LVL per hit.

(A/N: Reworded, New ability added, last row.)

[Sword Aura III LVL:200/300]

- Anything can become a sword.

- Upon executing an attack, the sword swipes can be transformed into powerful projectiles that remain under the control of the user.

- The sword aura surrounds the user's weapons, infusing them with additional energy and increasing their damage output by 2%/LVL.

- Allows the user transfer all active bonuses, skills, or spells to their sword swipe projectiles.

(A/N: Reworded, New ability added, last row.)

[Swordsman III LVL:200/300]

- Increases the damage output of sword swings by an additional 0.5%/LVL, allowing the user to deliver more impactful strikes against their adversaries.

- The user's attack speed is further improved by an additional 0.1%/LVL while wielding a sword, allowing for rapid and seamless follow-up attacks.

- Enhances the user's situational awareness, granting them a heightened perception of their surroundings and the ability to anticipate enemy movements and actions.

(A/N: Reworded, New ability added, last row.)

[Dual-wielding II LVL:100/200]

- While wielding two weapons in both of your hands, usage of your offhand feels 1%/LVL more natural.

- The increased damage to the offhand weapon by an additional 0.05%/LVL.

(A/N: New ability added, last row.)

[Ki Manipulation II LVL:100/200]

- Improves the ability to control and direct Ki by 1.5%/LVL.

(A/N: Increased percentage.)

[Lover's Charm II LVL:100/200]

- Amplifies the user's natural charm and charisma when interacting with the person they are deeply in love with.

- The user's words and actions carry greater weight and influence on their beloved, making it easier to persuade, convince, and enchant them.

- While in the presence of their beloved, the user experiences heightened confidence and a natural flow in their interactions.

(A/N: Evolution of Seduction.)

[Meditation II LVL:100/200]

- Enables the user to enter a state of deep focus, calmness, and relaxation, allowing them to detach from external distractions.

- During meditation, the user gains access to their spiritual realm, a space where they can explore their inner thoughts, emotions, and spiritual experiences.

- The practice of meditation enhances the user's mental and physical regeneration, allowing them to recover from physical injuries, mental fatigue, and emotional stress more rapidly.

- Allows the user to gain insights, clarity, and a sense of peace through regular practice of meditation.

(A/N: Reworded, New ability added, last row.)

[Teaching II LVL:100/200]

- Increases the speed and efficiency of passing on knowledge 10%/LVL

- Provides a significant increase in the likelihood that your students will retain the knowledge you have taught them.

(A/N: Same as Andrew's.)

[Aura Sight II LVL:100/200]

- Enhances the user's perception of the world by allowing them to see and interpret auras, the subtle energy fields radiated by living beings and objects.

- The user gains the ability to discern the strength of the life-force they sense, giving them an idea of the target's physical and spiritual power.

- The user gains the ability to detect hidden or concealed beings that would otherwise be undetectable by conventional means, by sensing their life-force.

- Allows the user to identify and differentiate between various types of energies, such as positive, negative, elemental, or magical energies, aiding them in understanding the nature of their surroundings.

(A/N: Reworded, New ability added, last row.)