ST: V 2

(Andrew POV - Before the meeting)

Upon entering the turbolift with Tuvok, I immediately sensed his metal probes attempting to read my surface thoughts. I turned towards him a flashed a vicious smile before hitting him with [Mind Control], only to realize his mind is more formidable than I thought. Like [Mind Arts], [Mind Control] required breaking through mental shields before it can affect the target.

I was aware that Vulcans had powerful minds, but I didn't expect his to be so well protected. It took the use of [Mind Arts] to breach his defenses before [Mind Control] could take hold. Despite all of this, he was unable to retaliate, and within seconds fell under my complete control, demonstrating how powerful my skills have become.

As the chief security officer, Tuvok held the power to grant access to different areas of the ship and access various information in the computer system. With a few clicks on his datapad, he made me a crew member and granted me full access to the ship's systems, with only he or the captain capable of overriding them.

Abusing his current state, I ordered him to give me a few locks of his hair, and after storing half of them, I immediately converted the other half into a race card.


+3 INT, +4 WIS, +1 VIT, +1 PER per Global Level

- Gain the skill [Mind Meld], allowing you a form of an intimate exchange of thoughts.

- Gain the skill [Mind Discipline], granting you resistance to mental attacks and full control of your emotions.

- Gain the skill [Vulcan Telepathy], allowing you to read surface thoughts of nearby beings, and communicate with other telepaths.

As soon as I reviewed the race card's stats and abilities, I understood how he was able to hold his own during our previous mental clash if that's what you could even call it. However, I refrained from equipping the card right away, unsure if anyone was watching me. Even if they weren't, the ship's computer would immediately detect any changes.

While Tuvok and I proceeded towards my designated quarters, which was more of a fancy word for a furnished cell, I delved into his mind and uncovered several fascinating Vulcan meditation techniques that I planned on trying later.

Upon reaching my quarters, I instructed Tuvok to retrieve me a datapad and then continue with his duties as though nothing had occurred. Surprisingly, he used the replicator in my quarters to create one for me. I had previously assumed replicators in the living quarters were only capable of generating food, so I was impressed by their versatility.

Once Tuvok departed, I accessed the datapad and examined the ship's schematics, familiarizing myself with the location of various areas. Afterward, I attempted to absorb as much knowledge as possible, but to my disappointment, my [Arcane Book-Thief] title did not affect the datapad as the system did not recognize it as a book.

Thanks to my high rank provided by Tuvok, I was allowed to access the replicator item database and was genuinely surprised to find that the machine's capabilities were far beyond what I had imagined. As I sifted through the vast array of options, I discovered that the replicator was even capable of replicating itself, a feat that left me both impressed and curious.

Determined to expand my skill set, I quickly set to work replicating books on a variety of subjects, including physics, engineering, coding, and mathematics. With each passing minute, thanks to my title, I absorbed the knowledge contained within these texts, gained them as skills, and with that, I began to develop a deeper understanding of these disciplines.

As I delved further into the advanced information, I could feel my skill levels rapidly increasing. Within a matter of minutes, my skills had skyrocketed to level one hundred and evolved to the second rank.

[Coding II LVL: 100/200]

- Gain mastery of programming languages, allowing the user to hack into computer systems with ease.

- Gain the ability to develop complex algorithms that can predict future events or analyze large sets of data for hidden patterns.

[Engineering II LVL: 100/200]

- Gain the ability the design and construct complex infrastructure, and advanced mechanical or electronic devices.

- Gain the ability to modify existing technology to improve its functionality or repair it quickly.

[Mathematics II LVL: 100/200]

- Increases the user's calculation ability by 7.5%/LVL

- The understanding of probability and statistics allows the user to calculate the odds of certain events occurring or analyze trends in data.

[Physics II LVL: 100/200]

- Increases the user's understanding of physical laws and principles, allowing them to better comprehend and apply concepts such as energy, motion, and thermodynamics.

- Grants the user enhanced perception and intuition when it comes to the physical world, allowing them to detect subtle changes and phenomena that others might miss.

Following that, I put the skill-leveling process to a halt. While the replicator had access to countless books, reading through them all would be an inefficient use of my time here. The books I absorbed didn't just give me new skills, they also unlocked related classes. Since I had some free class slots, I decided to take a quick look at them. Out of the three new classes, two caught my attention straight away and I had to force myself not to select them immediately.

[Class: [Engineer] unlocked.]

[Class: [Programmer] unlocked.]

[Class: [Physicist] unlocked.]

Engineer 0/50

+3 DEX, +1 INT, +1 WIS per level

Gain the skill [Gadget Master], allowing you to create and modify gadgets to suit your needs.

Gain the skill [Mechanical Genius], increasing your effectiveness in repairing and building machinery.

Gain the skill [Inspect], allowing you to understand the composition, functions, and structure of an object.

Programmer 0/50

+1 DEX, +2 INT, +1 WIS, +1 PER per level

Gain the skill [Code Master], allowing you to write and modify code with ease.

Gain the skill [Data Savant], increasing your ability to analyze and interpret data.

Gain the skill [Hack], allowing you to temporarily gain control of electronic devices and systems.

Gain the skill [Optimize], allowing you to optimize and enhance any processes or system.

Physicist 0/50

+4 INT, +1 WIS per level

Gain the skill [Creative Insight], allowing you to come up with unique and innovative solutions to problems.

Gain the skill [Analytical Mind], allowing you to quickly analyze and comprehend complex information and data.

Gain the skill [Scientific Method], allowing you to approach problems and challenges in a logical and systematic way.

Gain the skill [Einstein's Genius], granting you a passive increase in intelligence and insight that allows you to see things that others cannot.

Uncertain of what kind of world awaited us, because it was Olivia's turn to choose our next destination, I refrained from selecting a class and instead directed my attention to the task at hand.

I used my access rights and pulled up the replicator schematics on the screen, and memorized everything to the last atom, but soon I realized a couple of issues. The first problem was that I wouldn't be able to replicate this design in the library, as the materials available in the normal shop were limited to those found on Earth. While the replicators did use some mundane materials, I wasn't sure if I could recreate superconductors and processors with scales needed for this project. Secondly, even if I recreated the design in the library, it wouldn't have the same extensive material patterns as the replicator on the ship. This meant that I would have to rescan everything from scratch, which would take up valuable time and leave me without access to the advanced technology available in this universe.

Hopping that my remaining WP was enough to extract the machine, I decided to create a replicator design here and extract it with me. I sat down at the readily available desk, requesting the computer to give me a keyboard and a screen, then started working on my design.

The potential of replicators to work on an atomic scale made them a promising tool for enchanting. Unfortunately, the original design lacked the concept of mana, so I needed to create a rudimentary version that would allow me to channel mana and create enchantments. The basic version will have to pave the way for the more advanced, compact, and independent one.

I activated [Focus], [Mana's Blessing], [Archive], [Multitasking], [Coding], [Mathematics], and finally [Engineering]. With my heightened senses, I found it excruciating to interact with the computer at the pace it required. I had to force myself to slow down and type out everything at a manageable speed. By the time I had planned out the two full designs in my head, I had only typed out a single line of code. To address this, I had to turn off [Mana's Blessing] and slow down my interaction speed.

The process of inputting the first design took me 30 excruciating minutes. I couldn't bring myself to try inputting the advanced design, and I knew this would be an issue from the get-go. As a result, I designed the interfaces to use hard light constructs and quantum singularities to allow user inputs no travel time, instantly getting processed by the fastest quantum computers the Federation had designed. This ensured that the user experience would be seamless and efficient.

The rudimentary design of the magical replicator had large runic carvings and artificial mana channels all around it. However, I would have to melt and manually insert a magical core into them to activate them. The design also included a scanning feature that would allow me to scan a Tier 10 magical core. This feature would enable me to add the crystalline material to the material database and use it in the second design without compromising its structural integrity. Given the delicacy of the second design, it was imperative to ensure that the process was carried out without any flaws.

To power this bad boy, I estimated that it would require around a full starship warp core, but that's why some of the enchantments were there. I was using quite a lot of lightning runes to convert mana directly into electricity. Similarly, as the replicators required mater which they could rearrange, I had a few runes to create water into a spatially expanded reservoir and use it as the rearranging resource. However, this was only the rudimentary design that would be used once to create the true one and then destroyed.

Without any concern for potentially getting the design stolen, I securely saved it under my own name. As I knew that without a magical core, no one could replicate it, and even if they somehow did, it would be useless without the necessary mana. With that done, I activated [Celestial Eyes] to examine the spaceship and its surroundings in space. As it was my first time using the skill in space, I found it somewhat disorienting due to the vast emptiness that surrounded the ship.

As I scrutinized the spaceship, I detected some differences between its schematics and the actual ship, but I decided to disregard them for the moment. Something intriguing caught my attention, and it was a gathering in one of the conference rooms. Utilizing [Furtim] to conceal myself, I then used [Blink] to instantaneously transport myself into the conference room.

"We need to find a way to either neutralize his powers."

'Ohh I came right on time.' I muse, listening into their conversations while casually moving around the room completely unnoticed.

"I might be able to develop a dampening field that could disrupt his energy signature, but it would take some time to test and refine."

I couldn't help but snort at her suggestion, doubting its feasibility. 'Yeah, good luck with that...' I thought sarcastically.

"Do it. And in the meantime, we need to keep a close eye on him and make sure he doesn't try to cause any trouble. Did you find any hidden equipment on him that could produce that energy?"

"No, Captain," Tuvok responded. "He had nothing on him except for his pajama bottoms and fluffy pink slippers." The blonde captain chuckled at my expense and I can't help but wonder in confusion as I looked downward. 'What's wrong with my PJs and slippers?' As I walked around I abused [Furtim] to the fullest grabbing a few locks of hair from the Klingon engineer, and placing half of it into my inventory I immediately created the race card from the other half.


+5 STR, +2 VIT, +2 WIS per Global Level

- Gain the skill [Battle Lust], allowing you to enter a state of heightened aggression and focus, increasing your damage output but reducing your accuracy.

- Gain the skill [Intimidation], allowing you to intimidate your foes and reduce their accuracy and damage output.

- Gain the skill [Klingon Honor], granting you a bonus to damage when fighting one-on-one, or against enemies who have previously damaged you.

It wasn't a bad race per se, but it wasn't really designed for me, I will equip it later on just to gain those skills, as [Intimidation] actually seems interesting. As they continued discussing their plans to counter me, I tuned it all out until I heard the first officer's declaration, "..., he's taking advantage of our desperate situation. He's not someone with a good character."

Although he wasn't wrong, I decided to teach him a lesson with [Voluptas]. Because of his slander, from now on the guy will be sexually attracted to the air vents. But as this world lacked mana I had to overcharge the spell and cast it with enough mana to last him a lifetime, rest I peace 100,000 mana, your sacrifice will not be in vain.

The captain had a complicated expression before finally declaring. "Alright, we need to come up with a plan," she said, addressing the group. "We cannot just give in to his demands, but we also cannot risk any harm coming to our crew."

As I listened to the ideas being presented, I couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement. Tuvok was still under the effects of my [Mind Control] and the rest of the commanding crew swiftly joined him. Despite their laughable attempts to resist, none of them had a strong enough mind to withstand the effects, and they all fell under my control within moments. Thanks to my invisibility and the swift speed of my takeover, none of this was noticed by the captain.

Although I could take complete control over their actions at any moment, I decided to allow them to keep some of their autonomy for the time being. They all knew something was wrong, but didn't have the will or ability to voice it, and that gave me a sense of satisfaction and power.

As soon as they had all left the room, leaving the captain alone with her thoughts, I dropped my stealth spell and released a surge of mana into the atmosphere. The effect was immediate, and I watched with delight as the captain froze in terror. Every hair on her body stood on end, and she slowly turned around, looking like a frightened animal.

I had already begun to penetrate her mind with my [Mind Arts], and I could hear all of her thoughts. She internally asked how long had I been watching them, and I responded with a smile, "From the beginning." I watched as her expression shifted to one of horror as she realized the gravity of the situation.

"I wanted to do this in a peaceful way, Jeanie..." I said, referring to her by the nickname her late mother used. "But it seems I'll have to implement some drastic measures." With a wave of my hand, I cast the spell Imperio, which subsumed her mind and left her nothing more than a husk of her true self, living only to complete my commands.

That thought made me stop mid-motion, and as I stood there, I couldn't help but wonder if my [Master] title had any effect on mind-controlled targets.


- While equipped, emit an aura that compels all servants in your vicinity to obey your orders without question.

- Your presence inspires loyalty in your servants, making them more willing to risk their lives to fulfill your goals.

- Your orders become more effective and efficient, allowing your servants to complete tasks with greater speed and precision.

Did they count as servants? I had no idea, and despite my doubts, I decided to equip it anyway. I knew that even if it didn't have any actual effect, all my orders would still be obeyed. With the title equipped, I ordered the captain and sent a mental command to the other commanding officers to cease their attempts to stop me and let me do as I pleased.

With all that out of the way, I gained complete access to the ship and wasted no time in utilizing all the facilities at my disposal. As the crew quarters' replicators were not capable of replicating my designs due to their limited size. I headed towards the engineering bay, where I could make use of the industrial-sized replicators.

These industrial replicators differed from the regular ones in terms of size, shape, and precision. While a 0.1% error chance was acceptable for the crew quarter replicators, the industrial replicators had to be error-free due to the delicate equipment involved. The consequences of a faulty reactor containment unit, for instance, could result in radiation leaks that would contaminate the entire reactor room, or even cause an explosion that could disable the ship. Thus, the industrial replicators were more precise but required more power and operated at a slower speed. I studied their schematics, and some of their functionality was added to my own replicator technology.

The engineering bay also had other machines that used replication technology, such as extruders capable of creating pipes and plates continuously while moving them along a conveyor belt. This design was fascinating as it eliminated the need for the machine to be the same size as the replicated items.

I walked up to the nearest replicator unit, ignoring all the awkward glances the rest of the crew was giving me, and started up the machine, then patiently waited for it to complete my precious design.