ST: V 3

While the replicator worked on completing my design for 45 minutes, I utilized my time efficiently by scanning through replicated books on various subjects including biology, chemistry, geology, handiwork, and even linguistics. Rather than spending too much time on each skill, I focused on reaching the evolution threshold before switching to the next topic, much like last time.

[Biology II LVL: 100/200]

- Gain the ability to analyze and interpret complex biological systems, such as ecosystems or microbiomes.

- Gain the ability to analyze and interpret biological data, such as genomics and proteomics, to understand the underlying mechanisms of life.

[Chemistry II LVL: 100/200]

- Gain mastery of chemical synthesis, allowing the user to create new compounds with unique properties and applications.

- Gain expertise in analytical chemistry, allowing the user to identify and quantify substances in complex mixtures.

[Geology II LVL: 100/200]

- Gain expertise in mineralogy, allowing the user to identify and classify minerals based on their physical and chemical properties.

- Gain mastery of geologic mapping and interpretation, allowing the user to create detailed maps of the surface and subsurface areas.

[Handiwork II LVL: 100/200]

- Gain the ability to repair and maintain mechanical and electrical systems, such as engines and appliances, with ease.

- Gain expertise in metalworking and blacksmithing, which allows the user to create more durable and functional tools and weapons.

[Linguistics II LVL: 100/200]

- Increased understanding of syntax and grammar, allowing the user to learn and speak new languages with ease.

- Gain the ability to decipher and interpret ancient or obscure languages, allowing the user to unlock secrets from historical texts or artifacts.

As the Library's language system translated everything for me, I was unsure about the usefulness of [Linguistics] skill. However, I held hope that as it evolved, it would gain some additional abilities. On the other hand, the other skills I acquired provided me with fascinating benefits, but unfortunately, as they were not utilized before, their evolution path took a more mundane knowledge route. Nevertheless, I remained optimistic that they would gain other types of abilities as they improved over time.

As with the previous occasion, acquiring these skills unlocked new classes, and I found myself eager to check them. However, I resisted the temptation and ignored the notifications, fearing that I might impulsively choose one without giving it proper consideration.

[Class: [Biologist] unlocked.]

[Class: [Chemist] unlocked.]

[Class: [Geologist] unlocked.]

[Class: [Mechanic] unlocked.]

[Class: [Linguist] unlocked.]

I placed my hand on the bulky device I had constructed, feeling a sense of satisfaction as its various functions sprang to life. Firstly, I cast a [Notice-Me-Not] to conceal my location, even though I was sure a few security cameras were on me, then followed it up by casting [Celestial Forge], and then adding a tier 10 magical stone into it.

Next, I activated my [Mana's Blessing] and [Focus] abilities, making it effortless to melt down the magical stone. My spell proficiency was already high, and manipulating the substance inside it was effortless under the influence of my boosting skills. After melting the stone, I set the molten crystal aside and kept it in its liquid state, before placing the intricate yet bulky machine into the mixture.

I had no intention of melting it. The machine was intricately carved with densely packed runes that needed to be filled in with the liquid crystal carefully. I had to take care not to damage the machinery with any loose thermal energies.

Fortunately, [Celestial Forge] was the perfect spell for this task. It gave me subtle control over matter, as well as the ability to manipulate pressure, temperature, and other forces within its boundaries. It was one of my most versatile spells, and if I had the mana and regeneration capacity, I could even use its powers in combat.

The process of enchanting was time-consuming, and it progressed at a slow pace even compared to the previous replication process. However, it was a worthwhile endeavor. Standing before me was the Frankenstein of replicators, a fusion of magic and technology, and the first of my magi-tech creations.

As a result of my successful creation, I gained access to some highly-desirable classes that were well-received.

[Class: [Technomancer] unlocked.]

[Class: [Tech-Mage] unlocked.]

[Class: [Artificer] unlocked.]

[IMG - 1]

With utmost care, I levitated the machine and set it down on the ground, channeling mana into it while silently hoping that it wouldn't explode. The screens flickered to life, and the machinery began to click and hum as the runes drew in mana. Excitement coursed through me as the machine came to life, only to come to an abrupt halt as the screens turned red.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed in frustration, resisting the urge to kick the machine with more force than necessary. To my surprise, the machine beeped as if sensing danger, and all the error messages disappeared from the screens. "That's more like it, you little fucker," I chuckled, amused by my own behavior.

As the interface engaged, a keyboard made of hard-light materialized before me, marking a successful integration of holo-technology into the replicator input system. With a grin, I tested it out by connecting it to Voyager's system and transferring all the material and schematic data into it, which was swiftly accomplished with my access rights and a few commands to the computer.

After the surprisingly quick download of 3,742 yottabytes of data, I began inputting my design into the editor. I gradually increased my input speed and was pleasantly surprised when the machine kept up with me almost flawlessly. While the information input and processing were impressive, there was still a slight issue.

The hard-light constructs of the keyboard weren't durable enough to handle the speed and strength of my typing, often breaking five or six times within a second before reforming. I promptly addressed this issue and included miniature shield generators made solely from magic in the second version of the machine to keep the buttons unbreakable.

Despite my augmented physique, it still took me over ten minutes to input all the details from the second design. Before I could begin the replication process, I needed to scan in a magical core. I retrieved a tier 10 core from my inventory and placed it in the designated area for scanning and replication. With a press of the scan button, the process began.

The contraption sprang to life, analyzing the material's composition and scanning its mana using its magical array. While the mana detection arrays were not a novel concept, they were still widely used in the DanMachi world to detect intruders or magical espionage attempts. But this particular system was unique, producing electrical signals that a custom-built interpreter system would turn into data. The system utilized fifty detection arrays to create a breathtaking map of the particles of mana within the crystal.

Impressed with the results, I decided to test the replication process before attempting anything more complex. I quickly inserted the schematics into a defensive pendant that had a spatial shield, similar to the one I made in the DanMachi world, and initiated the replication process. The machine roared to life, drawing tens of thousands of mana per second from me. After a brief wait, the perfect replica of the pendant appeared, shimmering with a bright blue light that signaled a successful replication.

I carefully lifted the replicated item and activated its shielding enchantment, which formed a hexagonal barrier around me, stronger than ever before. The flawless crystalline structure allowed the enchantment to utilize all available mana to its fullest potential, and I couldn't help but grin with satisfaction. This breakthrough would allow me to create and recreate our equipment with better mana consumption rates and greater reliability.

However, I also noticed something disheartening, the replication process didn't count as a type of crafting, so the final product wasn't granted bonuses or corrections from any of my crafting skills. Making the final products something less than what I would be able to create.

With the semi-successful test, I pressed the large red start button on the replicator, placing my palms on the mana-draw arrays and initiating the replication process for the object I truly desired. This time, the process was slow and required constant upkeep of 100,000 mana per second. Without my recent Tier evolution and my evolved [Mana Manipulation] ability, it would have been a significant strain, but now it was an effortless task. The machine took about ten minutes of continuous mana draw to complete the process, and before me stood a perfect 2x2x2 meter cube, which then using spatial compression shifted form and shrank down to a more manageable 5x5x5 centimeter cube.

[IMG - 2]

The cube will always be in a small, intricately designed form that glows with blue light but does not emit a single spec of mana, thanks to containment enchantments that prevent contamination of replicated materials. However, it can transform into any desired configuration, such as a desk, a microwave, or even a house, when required. This transformation only requires mana, which can be obtained from the user or the environment.

Upon its creation, it connected to the ship's system and downloaded all necessary material and schematic data, making it fully configured to create anything desired.

In this universe, there are two types of replicators: one that converts energy directly into matter, requiring tremendous amounts of energy, and another that rearranges matter on an atomic scale. The latter option was chosen for this design because it can be fed a large amount of water without significant cost.

The cube contains two intricately enchanted rooms that are spatially expanded. One room produces water as fuel for the matter rearrangement process, while the other serves as a battery/generator that constantly generates and stores electricity, which the machine easily consumes. The cube had all the same functionality as its predecessor, but with the kinks remedied. Its form is covered in runes that make it almost indestructible, with multiple durability and defensive enchantments. In short, it was perfect.

Approaching the cube, I placed it on the ground. Its enchantments, resembling the ones of Harry Potter's Room of Requirement, responded to my needs and transformed it into a tabletop, complete with a keyboard and screen. After testing its input and thoroughly examining its functions without finding any flaws, I powered it down and stowed it in my inventory.

Expressing my gratitude to the previous bulky version, I cast a [Primus Frigus] spell, obliterating it entirely, before attempting to exit this world with the simple "Eject" command.

{Total Extraction Price: 1,103 WP} [Not enough WP to extract items in inventory.} [Continue?]

[WP: 182]

After a quick glance at my WP reserves, I curse and dejectedly say, "Cancel."

{Ejection Canceled.}

I was in a bit of a pickle, helping the Borg assimilate the galaxy, or destroying them completely would take too much of my time, and while destroying the Voyager could be easily achievable, the task of helping it get home would earn me more WP and only require a little more work on my end.

[Apparition] wouldn't work, as the location is too far away, even if it wasn't, without atmospheric mana to facilitate the location of spatial coordinates and enable the travel, the spell wouldn't work. [Flame Travel] worked on similar limitations as [Apparition] so that was out of the question too, [Space Affinity] enhanced [Blink] would be able to rip a hole in space to reach the destination. However, that spell requires me to see the location where I will end up, similar to [Gate].

So the only other option would be creating a new spell, that would allow me to see far enough into the distance, or create a new enchantment that I could power and... That was the moment I realized I'm an idiot.

Looking at the ring sitting on my right hand, the ring whose counterpart should be in the library right now, I focus on [Link] and then channel hundreds of thousands of points of mana to finally establish a connection.

"Hey, Olive! Could you do me a favor?"

(Olivia's POV)

I haven't been feeling great lately. After causing a lot of pain in the previous world, the guilt has made me shut myself in. Although my skills tried to help me feel better, I decided to let my emotions run their course. I knew it wasn't healthy to rely on my skills during this time, so I took a break to come to terms with what I had done.

I felt apologetic for criticizing Andrew when he made mistakes, especially since I was responsible for something that resembled genocide. Just when I thought I couldn't bear the guilt anymore, Andrew appeared and fixed almost everything. He was like a guardian angel to me, that thought made me chuckle as I remembered his dramatic display in that world.

Andrew promised to help me reunite with Hestia, and I believed him completely. He was emotionally stronger and took it upon himself to fix my mistake, for which I was immensely grateful. Although I was still devastated, knowing that the innocent people were revived brought me some comfort. It's been more than a week, and Andrew hasn't even asked for the reward he was promised. He's allowing me to go at my own pace, which is what I appreciate most about him.

I've been cooped up in my apartment for a week now, only leaving for training, sparring, or buying food, which was quite expensive here. We needed to move to a new world, but I was the one hesitating. Andrew let me choose, and out of all the movies and shows he showed me, the Pokemon world seemed the most interesting because I wanted my own little pocket monster.

However, without the pet system, there didn't seem to be a point in going there, except maybe to try and learn some skill with the Blue Mage class abilities, but I didn't think Andrew would find it interesting for long. The other worlds I researched had a few intriguing concepts but were weaker than us, making it difficult to grow. The only one that seemed mildly challenging was a world with gods, angels, demons, and dragons. My only issue was that it was a harem world, and even though its world laws wouldn't affect us anymore, they still affected the residents. I cringed at the thought of fighting off hordes of girls trying to seduce my man, but then I laughed at the thought altogether. "As if that would ever happen."

A ping from my [Link] connection snapped me out of my thoughts, and I couldn't help but wonder if I missed the notification of Andy exiting the world.

I answered the call, and Andy greeted me cheerfully, "Hey, Olive! Can you do me a favor?"

"What did you do this time?" I asked, feeling a sigh coming on.

"Why do you always assume I did something?"

"You didn't?" I asked, surprised.

"Well, I did mind-control a few people, but that's not important. Could you go downstairs and ask Index if you can enter the same world as me but at a different location?"

"Sure, give me a second..." Luckily, I was already dressed, so I headed out the door and downstairs. "So, did you get what you went for?" I asked, curious.

"Even better, I modified it, and now it can make magical items." That sounded more impressive than I originally thought, and I expressed my amazement. " That sound, how did you say it... Overpowered?"

"Yep, it definitely is," he said, and I could sense his pride in his achievement. I couldn't help but smile, happy that he was happy.

"That's great to hear. So, why do you need the info from Index?"

"Well, we don't have enough WP to extract it... and this world only has five quests. Three of them would take too long to complete, one goes against the WWOD ruleset, and the last one is quite the challenge without some help." He said, and I chuckled. I didn't think he would follow those rules. I knew his personality, and he really didn't care about others. 'Maybe he was doing it for my sake,' and that thought alone warmed my heart.

After only briefly pondering on the matter, I found myself standing before a golden book hovering on its pedestal. "Hello, Index," I greeted it.

{Greetings, Olivia. How may I assist you?} it responded.

"I was wondering if I can enter the same world as Andrew, but in a different location," I asked.

{You'll be pleased to know that companions can enter the same world as users at any time or place they want. Would you like me to retrieve the book for you?} Index offered.

"Just a moment," I replied, turning back to my mental communication with Andrew. "You're in luck, Index said yes," I informed him.

"Fantastic. Enter at the same time as me, but choose an uninhabited island on Earth as the entrance location," Andrew instructed me.

"Why there?" I questioned, feeling confused.

"You'll find out soon enough. Just do it," Andrew urged me.

Sighing, I faced the floating book and requested, "Please bring me the world Andrew is currently in."

{Certainly,} Index responded, and a blue book with a strange symbol appeared on the pedestal. "Thank you, Index," I said before entering the world using the same parameters Andrew had given me. As I entered, the [Link] spell broke, and before I could even call Andrew back, he contacted me instead.

"Did you manage to enter?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean," I confirmed.

"Perfect. Look up and share your senses with me through [Link]," Andrew instructed me. I did as he said and began to ask him a question, but before I could finish, space shuddered and was ripped apart.

As the hole, in reality, grew larger, the black clouds became more ominous and the spatial wave spread outwards faster than anything I had ever seen. The wind picked up to a deafening howl as the air was violently dragged through the hole. Just in time, a blue shield covered the hole, preventing any further escape.

Andrew seemed to realize his mistake and I could practically feel him facepalming. Despite this, I couldn't help but be awed by the incredible display before me. The hole expanded rapidly, reaching a width of 200 meters. As it grew, the black clouds started to gather static electricity, which discharged with large bolts of lightning shooting off in all directions.

Then, the tip of an awe-inspiring spaceship appeared at the event horizon, slowly making its way through the enlarged gate that Andrew had created. It became clear to me why he needed me there, as his spell only worked if he could see the exit location. Other vessels appeared around the newly arrived ship, their weapons pointed directly at it, poised to engage at a moment's notice.

Finally, the 350-meter-long ship emerged completely from the gate, and as the spell was dismissed, a notification appeared on my system screen, as if to confirm the ship's successful passage.

For a moment, I disregarded everything else and simply admired the awe-inspiring sight before me: the advanced pieces of technology that left me speechless. In front of me stood the marvels of engineering, vessels of unparalleled technological complexity that seemed to embody the very essence of exploration and adventure. The one that Andrew brought thought stood out the most. The ship's sleek and polished exterior was adorned with a layer of metallic plating that glinted in the light, casting a mesmerizing blue and red sheen across its surface.

The elongated design of the vessel gave it an almost aerodynamic appearance as if it was designed to slice through the vacuum of space with ease. At the front of the ship, a distinctive saucer-like section was clearly visible, giving the impression of a commanding presence that could take on any challenge that lay ahead.

As I looked more closely, I noticed an array of protrusions and antennae that dotted the surface of the ship. These features hinted at a sophisticated sensor and communication system, one that was undoubtedly integral to the ship's mission and purpose. Together, these details painted a picture of a ship that was both advanced and purposeful, a testament to the ingenuity and ambition of those who created it.

[Quest: [Home Sweet Home] Completed 4,000 WP (1/4) Received]

I let out a wry smile and muttered under my breath, "Oh no, he's not going to be pleased with this." Just as the words escaped my lips, he materialized next to me.

"For fucks sake, completing quests in lower-tiered worlds gives less WP!" he grumbled.