DXD 28

As the lingering cooldowns on my [Blessed by Death] title's resurrection ability and [Soul Cohesion]'s ability sharing came to an end, I seized the opportunity to utilize their powers once again. Equipping the title and extending my connection through [Soul Cohesion], I shared [Temporal Singularity] with Olivia, fully anticipating its profound impact. However, contrary to my expectations, she did not find herself transported to the ethereal realm of timeless existence, nor did she become bathed in its resplendent energies. Instead, the skill seamlessly materialized on her status screen, its presence acknowledged without pomp or circumstance.

With a sense of satisfaction, I confirmed the flawless functionality of [Temporal Singularity]. As I attempted to locate Olivia across various time periods, a perplexing revelation unfolded: her ethereal presence was conspicuously absent from both the annals of the past and the tapestry of the future. This incontrovertible evidence solidified my belief that the skill was functioning precisely as intended. While others may have encountered arduous challenges in finding their way back to her present time, I found myself endowed with a distinct advantage. Thanks to the harmonious synergy of [Link] and [Soul Cohesion], I effortlessly traced our spiritual connection, deftly navigating the temporal realms with unparalleled ease. What's more, the astonishing discovery awaited me: the profound influence of the void ingot infused within our rings transcended mere spatial dimensions, extending its pervasive tendrils into the very fabric of time itself. This newfound revelation left me genuinely awestruck, marveling at the boundless possibilities that lay before us.

Resolute and resplendent, I directed my attention back to the paramount objective that commanded our unwavering focus. For a span of two uninterrupted days, I fervently poured my expertise into the creation of an item, an artifact of profound significance that would ultimately serve as the catalyst for completing the arduous sealing quest that lay before us. And today, the momentous occasion had arrived, poised to unfold in all its splendor. It was during this period of respite that we had taken the liberty to bid farewell to those who had held a cherished place in our lives, or rather, Olivia had done so. As for me, such gestures seemed redundant, for my mind was attuned to the weightier matters that consumed my attention. Thus, we stood now amidst the boundless expanse of space, removed from the bustling currents of civilization, prepared to embark on the forthcoming chapter of our journey with purpose and unwavering resolve.

Immersed in the void of space, devoid of any terrestrial confines, the culmination of my arduous efforts materialized in the form of a meticulously crafted cube. Countless enchantments interwoven within its structure imbued it with an awe-inspiring aura, while a surfeit of mana surged within, causing the very fabric of space to tremble in its presence. As I held this extraordinary creation in my hands, a sinister smile curled upon my lips.

"Alright, my dear," I uttered, addressing Olivia, "it is time to boost yourself and transfer it to me." With a deft motion, I activated both [Dimensional Wave Manipulation], ushering us into a separate dimension, and [Mana's Blessing], surging my stats to unprecedented heights.

In seamless harmony, Olivia's boost arrived, merging with my being and an explosive surge of energy coursed through my veins, invigorating my mind and body in unimaginable ways. My mana regeneration soared to staggering levels, reaching an astonishing 317 million points per second. Every last droplet of this boundless mana would be crucial, for what awaited us required nothing less. Time itself seemed to warp and contort as I deftly manipulated its very essence, channeling the torrent of mana into the enchantment-laden item. Moments stretched into minutes, and minutes extended into an hour, as the cube trembled and shifted, compressing the liquid mana into a radiant crystal pulsating with unimaginable power.

As the final stages of the cube's intricate infusion process concluded, it seamlessly melded with the boundless void, transcending the reach of perception itself. Its ethereal essence eluded even the most acute senses, rendering it indiscernible to all but my steadfast grip upon its enigmatic form. Inhaling a breath of unwavering determination, I issued the command that would set forth a cascade of extraordinary events: "Activate." A torrent of potent mana surged through the conduits of my being, resonating harmoniously with the labyrinthine enchantments that permeated the cube. In response to this harmonious symphony, an ethereal blue screen coalesced before my eyes, seemingly crafted from the ephemeral substance of illusions themselves.

{Analyzing user...}

{DNA... Confirmed}

{Mana Signature... Confirmed}

{Divinity Signature... Confirmed}

{Access Granted}

{Please state your command}

"Turn on defensive measures and start dimensional sealing." I issued my final commands.

{Commands Accepted}

Embracing the solemn acceptance of its command, a surge of brilliant mana coursed through the cube, causing it to dissolve from the tangible realm and manifest its existence within a realm of its own making. Safeguarded within this sanctum of separateness, the cube fortified its boundaries, transforming into an indomitable entity akin to Mai, yet unburdened by the weight of sentience. It was a conscious choice to spare my creation the torment of eternal solitude.

With the cube concealed in its exclusive dominion, I abandoned the embrace of my empowering skills and released the grasp on [Dimensional Wave Manipulation]. As the tapestry of reality unfolded around us, we materialized once again in the realm of actuality, witnessing the palpable tremor that reverberated through the very fabric of space itself.

"It has begun," I murmured, interlocking my hand tightly with Olivia's as we traversed the corridors of time with unrivaled swiftness. As the boundaries of the cube's influence expanded exponentially, the passage of centuries melded seamlessly into the annals of millennia, until the colossal reach of its dominion enveloped the entirety of this intricate reality.

As the global decrease in environmental mana became apparent, people worldwide began to take notice. Expeditions were dispatched in an attempt to uncover the cause of this phenomenon, but all they could discern was that mana was vanishing at an alarming rate across the entire realm. Scholars delved into historical texts, seeking any connection or correlation, and it was discovered that the spatial anomaly observed thousands of years ago was intricately linked to the current event. The activation of the cube became a crucial turning point in the timeline.

In the face of this cataclysmic decrease in mana, the universe united as never before. Beings from all corners of existence recognized that if left unchecked, this depletion would inevitably lead to their downfall. Even the remaining gods lent their assistance, supporting and aiding mortal endeavors in every way possible. Remarkably, the once-taboo practice of time travel was permitted, as individuals were sent back in time in a desperate quest to uncover the cause. Yet, despite their valiant efforts, neither Olivia nor I could be found in the annals of history, for we existed solely in our present time.

As the ages passed, civilizations that relied heavily on mana crumbled, their foundations eroded by the diminishing resource. In their wake, societies rooted in science and technological advancements emerged, conquering galaxies and subjugating those magical beings who had been rendered powerless in the face of the dwindling mana.

As the environmental mana dwindled to its final traces, only those beings endowed with innate resilience and self-sufficiency could withstand the harsh conditions that followed. However, even their existence was a fleeting one, as the relentless passage of time left no room for respite. The last vestiges of supernatural life, once vibrant and awe-inspiring, faded into oblivion, succumbing to the inexorable march of time.

In tandem with the decline of magical beings, a profound metamorphosis unfolded within the very essence of reality itself. The world tier, the fundamental gauge of the realm's intrinsic magical power and its harmonious connection to the supernatural, experienced a gradual and irreversible decline. This diminishing world tier stood as an undeniable testament to the far-reaching consequences brought forth by the indomitable force of the cube's influence. Even the deities, once omnipotent and intertwined with this realm, were compelled to relinquish their hold and depart, for remaining within this diminishing realm meant a slow demise awaited them as well.

In this new era, the laws that governed the universe shifted, accommodating the absence of environmental mana and the rise of civilizations rooted in science and rationality. The world, forever altered, embarked on a path untethered from the mystical forces that once shaped its destiny.

Finally, as the expansion of the cube's influence reached its culmination, a resounding wave of mana surged through the very fabric of reality. It siphoned the last remnants of environmental mana and triggered the activation of the dimensional seal. The dimensional barrier, now infused with mana drawn from the entire scope of this reality, grew stronger than ever before, safeguarding the realms from external forces and ensuring their continued existence.

As I disengaged my time manipulation abilities, disentangling us from the temporal stream, I swiftly accessed our notifications, eager to ascertain the updates that awaited us.

[Quest: [Death to the Pervert] Failed]

[Quest: [Seal] Completed 20,000 WP (x2) Received]

[World Tier reduced to Tier 4]

[Quest: [Fall of the gods] Completed 10,000 WP Received]

[World Tier reduced to Tier 3]

[Quest: [Fall of the Kings] Completed 4,000 WP (1/2) Received]

[World Tier reduced to Tier 2]

[World Tier reduced to Tier 1]

[World Tier reduced to Tier 0]

[Title: [The Harbinger of Mana's Demise] received.]

[The Harbinger of Mana's Demise]

- Passively disrupt the stability of mana not under your control, causing spells, enchantments, and magical constructs to falter, and creating magical anomalies and disturbances in your vicinity.

- Possess the ability to temporarily disrupt or negate the mana-based abilities of others, rendering them powerless against your influence.

- Gain the power to absorb mana from the environment and living beings, replenishing your own reserves while leaving others drained and weakened in the process.

As expected, the repercussions of the global decrease in environmental mana unfolded according to my predictions. The diminishing levels of mana triggered a gradual decline in world tiers, ultimately leading to the simultaneous end of the age of magic and gods as well. While it took the realm several hundreds of thousands of years to fully transition, such a span of time paled in comparison to the vast expanse of reality, rendering it nearly imperceptible in the grand tapestry of history.

A chuckle escaped my lips as I entertained the amusing notion that somewhere in this reality, diligent historians were fervently striving to unravel the long-forgotten mysteries of magic, desperately seeking to explain its existence through the lens of science. Little did they know that magic had once thrived, shaping the very fabric of their world, only to fade into obscurity as the ages turned. It was an ironic twist of fate, leaving them to piece together fragments of a forgotten era, unaware of the true power and wonder that had once permeated their realm.

I watched as Olivia's expression turned troubled, her gaze fixed on a specific point in the vast expanse of space. With a feeble smile, I tried to reassure her, reminding her of the necessity of our actions. "You know, we had no other choice. This was the only way to bring these quests to their rightful conclusion."

Her frown deepened as she seemed lost in her thoughts, only half-listening to my words. "Hmm?" she responded absentmindedly, indicating that her mind was preoccupied.

Rolling my eyes playfully, I pressed further, sensing that something was troubling her. "Is something bothering you? You seem unsettled."

Her attention returned momentarily to our conversation, but her gaze drifted back to the distant point in the galaxy. "There's so much suffering out there," she murmured, her voice tinged with concern. "I am accumulating so much divine energies, especially from there." She pointed towards a star located hundreds of light years away.

Holding Olivia tightly in my arms, I provided her with the comfort she sought in our embrace. The weight of her distress was palpable, and I could feel her seeking solace and refuge in our connection. Carefully, I suggested, "Do you wish to investigate further, to uncover the source of this suffering?"

She nestled herself even closer, seeking refuge against my chest, and in a barely audible voice, she replied, "No, let's just leave this forsaken place."

Acknowledging Olivia's concerns and her need to adapt to her newfound divinity, I gave her a comforting squeeze and replied, "I understand, but you'll learn to control and manage your domain over time."

Her agreement was accompanied by a glimmer of determination amidst the underlying unease. Still nestled within my embrace, her voice carried a hint of vulnerability as she whispered, "Gaining power from others' suffering is unsettling, and the sheer magnitude of the suffering itself is overwhelming."

I offered reassurance, speaking softly, "As you continue to progress, you may find the ability to alleviate the suffering of all beings with a single thought. Make that your ultimate goal. Your path is yours to choose, and I will support you wholeheartedly, whether you aspire to become a deity of Suffering, Mercy, Life, or any other domain. Your choices define your journey."

With a smile, I gently squeezed her, conveying my unwavering support, making a small smile bloom on her face. "But now, it's time for us to depart. Multiple spaceships are approaching our location at unprecedented speeds, and they will arrive within half an hour." She nodded in understanding and with that, I issued the command to the system, "Eject."

{Total Extraction Price: 8,416 WP} [Accept?]

Considering the significant extraction price displayed before me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of astonishment. It seemed that while the creations I had developed using my own mana were exempt from extraction costs, anything derived from this realm incurred a substantial fee. Surprisingly, the materials obtained from the Serpent ranked highest on the list, and I couldn't bring myself to let go of such a valuable resource.

Mai, my trusted companion and AI assistant, has been temporarily put into standby mode, and placed into my inventory, awaiting an upgrade once we depart from this world. The realm she originally resided in has been erased the moment I stopped supplying mana to her. Interestingly, the extraction cost for Mai was surprisingly low, amounting to a mere 16 WP.

After a moment of contemplation, I made my decision without hesitation. "Accept," I confirmed, acknowledging the extraction cost as a necessary investment for the invaluable materials obtained during our time in this realm.

{Items extracted 8,416 WP deduced from your account.}

{No other foreign items detected}

{Ejection commencing.}









As the countdown reached its final moments, a powerful force tugged at us, accompanied by a brilliant burst of light. The very fabric of the dimension seemed to tremble and quake under the strain as an immense infusion of temporal, spatial, and dimensional mana pulled us out of that reality, transporting us directly before Index, the embodiment of knowledge within the Library.

{I'm not quite certain what transpired there, but even the venerable Library had to exert some effort to extract you from that world,} the golden books remarked, clearly surprised by the fact. {Nevertheless... Olivia, and Andrew, welcome back. I can already sense that your journey has been immensely fruitful, in more ways than one.}

As the golden book inclined forward, I could almost imagine the proud smile adorning its front cover. Olivia released her tight embrace, visibly relieved as the strain caused by her divine domain seemed to dissipate in the mana-saturated environment of the Library. She let out a sigh of relief and greeted Index, "Hi Index, it's good to be back."

I joined in the greeting, waving my hand as I addressed the golden book, "Hey Index, what's up?" Index responded with its characteristic dry humor, {The ceiling?}

Rolling my eyes, I replied with a deadpan expression, prompting a chuckle from Olivia. "Very funny," I retorted, "Last time we spoke, you mentioned providing me with suggestions for worlds and abilities that could aid our advancement."

Index mentally facepalmed, and a towering stack of papers materialized next to the pedestal, reaching sky-high. {These are just a few random worlds with useful techniques, abilities, magic, and other things you might want to explore.}

I gave the towering stack an appraising look and couldn't help but ask, "Are you seriously expecting me to go through all of this?"

I sensed Index's nonchalant response, {Do whatever you want with them}, but beneath its indifferent tone, I could almost detect a hint of expectation, as if it wanted recognition for its efforts.

Acknowledging Index's contribution, I moved towards the towering stack of papers and effortlessly stored them all in my inventory, neatly arranging them in 17 slots. "Thanks," I expressed my gratitude, "I already have a plan for the next few worlds, but once I'm finished with those, I'll definitely delve into these suggestions."

The book nonchalantly opened up, seemingly shrugging in its own way. {It's your choice, but I highly recommend giving the Kareboon world a look. It's a unique blend of Sci-Fi, Martial Arts, and Magic.}

Chuckling at the peculiar combination, I replied, "That does sound like an interesting mix. I'll make sure to give it a go. Thanks once again, Index." Olivia joined me in waving toward the book before we continued upstairs. However, instead of heading to our apartment, we made our way toward Rob's Office located at the end of the hallway.

The office door swung open without the need for a knock, revealing Rob with a welcoming smile. He gestured for us to enter, his demeanor warm and friendly. As I stepped inside, he greeted me with a handshake and a smile, "Good to see you, Andrew." His other hand gently patted my shoulder. "You've made remarkable progress in that last world. Congratulations on your ascension. Consider this a warm welcome into the realm of gods." He chuckled lightly.

Turning towards Olivia, Rob offered a warm smile and greeted her, "Greetings, Miss Lane. If my memory serves me right, this should be our first official meeting." He paused for a moment, his expression growing thoughtful. "Nevertheless, I must express my sincere gratitude to you for being the voice of reason for this gentleman here. Very few can truly comprehend what he might have become without your presence."

Olivia returned the smile, acknowledging his words with a nod. "Nice to finally meet you too, Rob."

I could no longer contain my curiosity, so I finally mustered the courage to voice the question that had been tormenting my mind since the day I first delved into the subject. "Rob, do you happen to know what [Soul Cohesion] is and who is responsible for its existence?"

In a sudden flash, Rob was seated behind his desk, comfortably positioned in his chair, while Olivia and I found ourselves settled into the armchairs facing him. "I do indeed," he responded calmly while reclining in his chair. "and there are a few others who possess the same knowledge, but unfortunately, there is very little I can share with you at this time."