In-Between 4

Our astonishment swelled as we found ourselves abruptly shifted in position, without any detectable manipulation of mana or perceivable spatial movement, we found ourselves deposited in the armchairs before Rob. It was an uncanny sensation, as if the Library, for a split second, liquefied itself and moved, while our location remained completely the same. In response, I cast an inquisitive glance at Rob, who reciprocated with a knowing smile.

"What was that?" I queried, my curiosity ablaze, yearning to unravel the intricacies of this peculiar phenomenon.

"Reality Manipulation," he responded with a nonchalant shrug as if his demonstration of power was nothing more than child's play. However, his smile waned as he pressed on, "But let us refocus on our main discussion. There exist certain forces, seemingly coincidental yet not entirely so, at play here." He turned his gaze towards Olivia and added, "You, my dear, are an anomaly of unparalleled magnitude—a Dimensional Singularity. Amidst the vast multiverse, teeming with infinite possibilities, only one iteration of you has ever existed or shall ever exist."

"Huh?" Olivia's perplexed expression mirrored her struggle to grasp the notion of multiple iterations of herself dispersed across diverse realities.

"While it is comforting to know that my Olivia is the sole Olivia across all of existence, how is such a feat possible?" I inquired, my curiosity undiminished. Olivia caught between us, cast furtive glances, her grasp of the topic still somewhat elusive.

I offered her a gentle smile, patting her hand reassuringly, before clarifying, "Considering there are infinite Harry Potter worlds, there should be countless versions of yourself. Only individuals hailing from Prime worlds possess the distinction of being Dimensional Sing-." Mid-sentence, a sudden realization froze me in place, widening Rob's smile. My mind raced, forming improbable yet strangely coherent connections, which I dared to voice. "Has she, in some improbable manner, been transported from a Prime world? Or might she be a reincarnation from one?"

Rob's response was swift, his grin growing, as he confirmed, "The latter, Andrew. And not just any Prime World, but specifically yours."

"Isn't that incredibly convenient and highly unlikely to be a mere coincidence? How could such a remarkable situation even occur?" I inquired eagerly, craving to comprehend the circumstances.

"After her physical demise on Earth, her soul underwent purification and was directed to the world you explored. However, I'm afraid I can't disclose the entity behind this extraordinary event. It's not because I lack the knowledge, but rather due to the constraints imposed on me," he disclosed, leaving me overwhelmed with a deluge of unanswered inquiries swirling chaotically in my mind.

Olivia's voice quivered with bewilderment as she struggled to grasp the staggering revelation. "I... I died?" she questioned, her confusion permeating the air.

In reply, I extended a comforting smile, gently squeezing her hand. "It's more like a previous version of you ceasing to exist, possibly countless millennia in the past. But rest assured, you are now the personification of who you are, separate from your past self," I reassured, hoping to alleviate her worries. Her expression softened as she returned the smile, but I knew that she was still anxious.

Rob interjected, delivering another shocking revelation that reverberated through our thoughts. "In fact, from Earth's perspective, your previous self met her demise just moments ago, on the very same street Andrew entered the Library."

"What happened to her?" Olivia asked, Confusion etched on her face as she sought to understand the fate of her previous iteration. However, I already knew the truth.

"Damn it, it was the man with the knife, wasn't it? The one who attacked me right before time froze," I exclaimed, my apprehension palpable. Rob's confirming nod validated my suspicions.

"Yes, indeed. Furthermore, there are additional captivating circumstances surrounding her rebirth and the connection between the two of you," Rob disclosed, further fueling my anxiety. "Certain events in her life were meticulously orchestrated, ensuring she would be in the right place at the right time when you Andrew entered the world. Additionally, there was a skill intricately woven into her very being—a skill that forged an everlasting bond between the two of you from the moment your eyes met."

"W-what?" Olivia's voice trembled, her eyes widening with shock. "Does that mean everything in my life was a lie?" she asked, her worry evident.

"No," Rob quickly responded. "After your rebirth, you were never directly influenced. However, the people around you were. Before Andrew entered your world, a single event was subtly influenced by a certain individual. It may have seemed inconsequential at the time, not even on the continent you were on. But like the butterfly effect, that one alteration of fate set off a cascade of events that were not meant to happen. It led to your father receiving a promotion, prompting your family to move to London. Simultaneously, it caused a young student in Glasgow to fall ill just before his finals, rendering him unable to attend. As a result, you took his place at the university your family desired. A multitude of changes stemming from a single, seemingly insignificant alteration."

"What does that even mean?" Olivia asked, her surprise outweighing her shock.

"It means that someone possessing a higher-tier ability in Fate, Time, or some other form of divination-based power or ability decided to intervene in both of our futures and pasts," I explained, raising an eyebrow. "But the question remains: Why and how did they do it?"

Rob nodded in acknowledgment. "I can't answer the 'why' part, but as for the second question, I can provide an answer. You're almost correct in assuming that you are protected from prying eyes by [Temporal Singularity]. However, the effects of your actions are still observable, especially when they influence the fate of those around you."

"Hmm... So their ability is based on fate," I mused to myself, contemplating the situation. I then shifted my attention to Olivia. "You should consider choosing Fate as your second divinity. It would complement your first one nicely and might provide an additional layer of protection against whoever is behind this," I suggested. Olivia nodded with determination, a serious expression etched on her face.

Turning back to Rob, I intended to proceed with my line of questioning, but before I could speak, Olivia interrupted with her own inquiry. Her voice trembled with anticipation, "Did I... I mean, my previous self, have a family in that world?"

Rob turned to face her once again, offering a gentle smile. He nodded and conjured a stack of papers with a snap of his fingers, pushing them toward Olivia. "If you're curious, this is a summary of her life."

With trembling hands, Olivia reached out for the papers but stopped midway, biting her lip and shaking her head. "No, my past life doesn't matter. I am who I am now, and this is my life," she declared with determination, pushing the stack of papers back to Rob. However, our connection revealed her intense curiosity about the contents of those papers, despite her attempts to suppress it.

Rob nodded in understanding, dismissing the papers with a wave of his hand. He refocused his attention on me, prompting me to continue.

"Right," I said, offering a wry smile to Olivia before turning back to Rob. "Why did they give Olivia that ability?"

"Andrew," Rob responded with a grave expression, holding a paper that seemed to materialize out of thin air. He put on the glasses, which also appeared out of nowhere, briefly glancing at the contents. "I believe you have already realized the reason yourself." He looked up from the paper, his gaze serious. "The Library, along with the other Librarians, is growing concerned about your emotional state."

"Your expanding cognitive abilities are suppressing your emotional side. While this may not be a concern for someone without powers of your magnitude, it raises the question: without remorse, what would prevent you from conquering or bringing about the end of multiple realities?" Rob's voice carried a hint of concern as he sighed, dismissing the paper and removing his glasses, then clasping his hands together. "Your recent act of siphoning mana from an entire reality came dangerously close to causing a reality-ending event. Not that the fate of that particular reality holds much significance, but what would prevent you from doing the same, or even worse, in a Prime world? Well, other than self-preservation and the presence of other high-tier entities residing there?" He arched an eyebrow, awaiting my response.

"Isn't it actually better this way?" I retorted, my tone carrying a hint of indifference. "My logical mind, unaffected by emotions, prevents me from engaging in foolish or trivial pursuits. The mana siphoning in the previous reality was merely a means to expedite the completion of quests within a reasonable timeframe. Moreover, I took precautions to ensure the safety and integrity of reality by implementing robust security measures."

"That doesn't negate the fact that you effectively orchestrated a genocide on the scale of an entire reality," he responded with a deadpan expression.

"Was it truly genocide, though?" I countered. "While it is true that I gradually removed the resource they were dependent on, resulting in some individuals, maybe even civilizations perishing, but others evolved and adapted to a life without it. They thrived in new ways, experiencing growth and progress. One could even argue that I facilitated a flourishing environment by removing the dependency and stagnation caused by magic itself."

Rob sighed and shook his head, recognizing that further debate on the matter would likely be unproductive. "Let's agree to disagree on that point and move forward with our discussion," he proposed. Taking a moment to collect himself, he continued, "The ability was bestowed upon Olivia's soul as a safeguard against the potential threat you might pose to all of reality. As a tier four entity, you already possess powers that can rival those of tier fives and even some tier sixes." Anticipating my unspoken question, he elaborated, "Compatibility plays a crucial role in determining the extent of your powers. However, I must caution you that the divinity you acquired as your first one can be exceedingly perilous at higher tiers, not to yourself, but to anything reliant on mana."

"Why though?" I asked, puzzled. "Even before acquiring this divinity, I had the ability to manipulate environmental mana. While it has certainly enhanced my capabilities, I don't believe it possesses the same level of potency as something like a divine domain over Life or Death. Am I mistaken?"

"You are mistaken," he responded plainly. "Fortunately, this falls within the realm of information I can provide. At higher tiers, your divinity will grant you the power to create or mold the very laws that govern magic. With a single thought, you could erase magic from an entire reality or alter the fundamental principles of how magical laws operate, potentially leading to its collapse." He sighed, a tinge of concern in his voice. "The only divinity that could potentially counter your abilities would be a divine domain over Mana itself." As he spoke those words, his eyes widened while my grin grew wider.

"Well, that information is certainly valuable," I remarked with a smile. "Now I know which divinity to prioritize for my next acquisition." My response seemed to elicit a sigh from Rob, but I sensed that he didn't divulge such crucial information without reason. Shifting the conversation, I returned to our previous topic. "Regarding those individuals behind the scenes, should we be concerned?"

"Concerned? Perhaps," he replied, his expression pensive. "However, if you're asking whether they are actively working against you, the answer is no." He shook his head to emphasize his point.

I nodded in understanding before pressing on with my next question. "Could you provide me with a detailed account of what occurred while I was investigating the [Soul Cohesion] skill?"

He chuckled, anticipating my question. "I knew you would ask about that," he remarked with a smile, settling back into his chair. Then, with a simple word, he replied, "No." However, he didn't leave it at that and quickly added, "You will have to discover the details on your own. Although, I must inform you that you won't be able to revisit that realm again until you reach tier six. The Library has sealed off all connections you had to that reality, and before you ask it's for your own protection."

I responded with a sigh, acknowledging the limited scope of information that could be shared. "Are there any other crucial details that we should be aware of regarding the skill, the individuals who meddled with our fates, and the overall situation?"

Rob paused for a moment, contemplating his response. "There is much to disclose, but I can only reveal a few key points. The skill you two possess will undergo several evolutions in the future, but each evolution requires a prerequisite skill that it will consume. These prerequisite skills primarily revolve around the soul, but rest assured, the evolution will only strengthen the existing connection between the two of you and enhance the skill's ability to regenerate the soul. It may also bestow additional abilities as it progresses, although the specifics remain elusive."

"Regarding the entities involved, they have no intention of causing harm to either of you. Furthermore, the emotions you feel towards each other are genuine, not manipulated or fabricated by the skill. Although, they are a bit amplified." He narrowed his eyes, deep in thought, before eventually shaking his head. "That's all I can disclose on this particular topic," he replied with a hint of regret in his voice.

A grimace etched itself onto my face, a silent acknowledgment that further inquiries regarding the topic would yield no additional information from Rob. "You still cannot provide guidance on advancing to the next tiers, can you?" I posed the question, prompting a shake of his head in response. "Very well. I have another query concerning Concepts. As you probably already know, with the help of my [Mystery] skill, I can imbue an item with a Concept, and I've observed variations in Concepts between the worlds of DanMachi and DXD. So, my question is this: Do Concepts differ across different worlds?" I asked, a glimmer of hope shining in my eyes.

Rob sighed and shook his head once again. "I'm afraid I don't have a definite answer to that question. The nature of Concepts can vary across different worlds and realities. While some Concepts may remain consistent or have similar counterparts, others may be unique to specific worlds or take on different meanings. It ultimately depends on the fundamental laws and principles that govern each individual world. So, it's possible for Concepts to change or differ between worlds."

"Alright, what can you disclose about Divinity? I must admit that my decision to equip the race that bestowed upon me a divine domain without any cost was foolish. However, is there any additional information we should be aware of?" I asked, acknowledging my own lack of wisdom in the matter.

"Indeed, your decision to acquire a divine domain without fully understanding its implications was indeed ill-advised," he remarked, a subtle smile gracing his lips. "However, I understand that you lacked comprehensive knowledge about divinity beyond what your skill had provided. Allow me to shed some light on the subject. Divine domains possess the potential to ascend up to tier ten, granting you immense power. Unlike skills, divine domains can be upgraded at your discretion by infusing divinity into the divinity-infused orbs located within your soul space. It's important to note that there are alternative methods to create a divine domain, but I'm not at liberty to divulge the specifics of those approaches. What I can reveal is that with each new divinity you add, will cost ten times more than the previous one. Furthermore, the cost of upgrading your divinities increases twofold with each tier. However, it's worth noting that the upgrade cost is tied to the original cost of the divinity and not the overall global cost." Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, he then proceeded to share further information. "Moreover, divinities possess the potential to synergize and form what is referred to as a trinity. When three divinities are combined, their energies merge, resulting in a synergistic effect that surpasses the individual strengths of each divinity on its own. This concept applies not only to trinities but also extends to combinations of nine, twenty-seven, and so forth, divinities. By harnessing the power of these synergistic combinations, you can unlock even greater potential and unleash formidable forces."

As I absorbed the intricate details surrounding divinities, I nodded in understanding before posing my next question. "Considering the potential for forming trinities, do you have any specific divinities you would recommend we focus on to maximize our synergistic abilities?"

Rob pondered for a moment before offering his guidance. " To be honest, there is no definitive set of divinities that I would recommend for forming trinities. The choice of divinities and their combinations is highly personalized, depending on your individual strengths, preferences, and the path you wish to pursue. However, Olivia, considering your inclinations, a trinity composed of Pain, Fear, and Suffering could be a potential combination worth exploring. Alternatively, you might consider a trinity such as Pain, Hope, and Mercy. And let's not forget the divinity of Fate, as suggested by Andrew. Combining Pain, Fate, and Death, or similar variations, might also prove fruitful. Ultimately, the selection and synergy of divinities depend on how you wield and combine them to align with your goals and abilities." He concluded with a shrug, emphasizing the importance of personal adaptation in this endeavor.

"Thank you for your assistance," I expressed with a grateful smile, Olivia nodding in agreement beside me. "Now, moving on to another matter, how are the other Earthlings faring?" I inquired, my curiosity reignited.

"You're welcome," Rob responded with a nod. "There haven't been significant developments," he replied casually, shrugging his shoulders. "Most of them remain engrossed in their initial worlds, enjoying a leisurely existence. However, there was one notable event—the unfortunate demise of the individual previously ranked fifth."

Surprised, I probed further, "What happened?"

"Well, now that his information is no longer classified, I can reveal that the girl named Anna, a tier two individual, against all warnings, ventured into a tier seven world to undertake an easier quest and accumulate some WP," he explained. "However, she failed to consider the overwhelming power possessed by tier seven entities. Consequently, the governing gods of that realm detected her intruding soul and promptly erased her from existence."

"That was plain stupid." I remarked, "But Anna? The name rings a bell. Was she part of the group I encountered almost a year ago?" I inquired, my curiosity growing.

"Yes, indeed. Although, she was the sole survivor from that group," he responded with an indifferent tone.

After an awkward silence, I decided to break the tension. "Alright, I've exhausted my inquiries," I declared, observing Olivia lost in contemplation. Turning towards her, I playfully poked her cheek to rouse her from her reverie. With a confused expression, she focused her gaze on me. "Olive, do you have any further questions for Rob?" I inquired, hoping to re-engage the conversation.

Olivia blinked, taking a moment to gather her thoughts, before nodding in response. "Actually, I do have one more question," she said, her voice filled with curiosity. "The skill [Soul Cohesion] claims it can form up to five soulbond connections. Are there other individuals like me in different worlds, waiting for the chance to form an everlasting soul bond with Andrew?" Her face displayed a touch of concern.

"That's a good question, honey," I interjected, sharing her curiosity. I glanced at Rob, awaiting his response.

"To the best of my knowledge, there aren't any other individuals like Olivia," Rob replied, shaking his head.

A wave of relief washed over both Olivia and me, but it was short-lived as Rob added a cautionary remark. "However, that doesn't mean they don't exist. We were unaware of Olivia's presence until you encountered her..."

"Oh, come on," I exclaimed, raising my hands in annoyance. "Isn't there any way to find out?"

"There are ways, but unfortunately, I don't have the necessary clearance," he responded, shaking his head.

Letting out a sigh, I exchanged a glance with Olivia, silently asking if there was anything else she wanted to inquire about. She shook her head, indicating that she was satisfied with the information we had received. With that, I stood up from my seat and reached out my hand to assist Olivia in standing. "Thank you for your time, Rob. This conversation has been truly enlightening," I expressed my gratitude, but I couldn't hide the hint of annoyance that I was feeling.

"Thank you for answering our question, Rob," Olivia added, offering a warm smile.

"You're most welcome," Rob replied with a smile, appearing before us to open the door and bid us farewell. "If you have any further questions or require any assistance, you know where to find me. Have a wonderful day." With those parting words, he closed the door to his office, bringing our discussion to a close.