In-Between 5

As the resounding click of the office door echoed behind us, we made our way back to our apartment, enveloped in a silence that mirrored the weight of the information we had just received. My mind was consumed with thoughts of divinity, contemplating the perfect combination of divine powers to complement my existing Magic domain. The 'accidental' slip-up from Rob regarding the Mana domain only further solidified my resolve to include it as one of my chosen domains, but the last one needed to form a trinity eluded me.

Meanwhile, Olivia was shaken to her core, coping with the revelation of her true origins and the possibility that her existence had been orchestrated as a mere temporary measure, a potential hindrance to my ascension and growth.

As for me, however, I had already come to terms with these revelations. Even if Olivia had inadvertently slowed down my progress, it ultimately didn't matter to me. Her presence in my life held immeasurable value, far surpassing any power or achievement I could acquire. She was more than just a mere companion, a friend, or a lover. Despite the humorous implications that arose from our bond through [Soul Cohesion], she was my soulmate in the truest sense of the word.

As soon as the apartment door closed behind us, I was abruptly pulled out of my thoughts when Olivia grabbed my hand and turned toward me. Her expression revealed a mix of sadness and apprehension. "Do you think I'm a hindrance?" she asked, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

"Not in the slightest," I responded instinctively, shaking my head to emphasize my conviction. I couldn't bear the thought of her feeling like a burden. "On the contrary, your presence is what keeps sane. Whether our meeting was orchestrated or a result of fate, it doesn't change the deep connection we share. I love you for who you are, and I am grateful for every moment we have together."

"Really?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Aren't you even slightly annoyed that our meeting was planned from the very beginning? That someone orchestrated it all before I was even born?" Her voice grew louder with each word, filled with frustration and anger.

I paused for a moment, contemplating her words. "It's understandable that you feel infuriated by the idea," I replied, my voice filled with empathy. "But dwelling on it won't change what has already happened. We can't undo the past, well not anymore... But we do have the power to shape our future. Instead of focusing on the circumstances of our meeting, let's focus on the love and connection we have now. If seeking revenge is what you desire, I will stand by your side, but we must grow stronger together first."

Her expression softened, and she took a deep breath, her anger dissipating. "You're right," she said, her voice filled with determination. "Let's focus on our growth and our feelings. We won't let anything or anyone stand in our way."

With a smile, I pulled her into a warm embrace. "That's the spirit," I murmured, holding her tightly. "Together, we will become unstoppable."

With Olivia gradually calming down in my embrace, I took a moment to check our WP and the S.U.S., wanting to assess our resources.

[WP: 123,814]

Despite the hefty price we had to pay for the last item extraction when leaving the previous world, I was relieved to see that we still had a substantial amount of WP remaining. It provided us with a comfortable cushion to fall back on and enough to acquire the necessary upgrades.

Satisfied with the available resources, I released Olivia from the embrace and met her gaze with a reassuring smile. "We have enough WP to play around for a bit," I said, conveying my confidence. "We can carefully plan our next moves and make wise choices with the resources we have. Let's make the most of what we have and continue our journey together."

Olivia nodded, her eyes reflecting determination. "Absolutely," she replied while clenching her fists, her voice filled with resolve. "We won't let anything hinder our progress. We'll make every WP count and forge our own path."

Chuckling at Olivia's determined response, I shared my thoughts on how we should allocate our resources. "I think our first priority should be acquiring the Advanced Skill Management system," I suggested, my voice filled with conviction. "It comes with a hefty price tag of 75,000 WP, but I believe it will greatly enhance our capabilities. With the system's advanced features, we'll be able to optimize our skill usage, and unlock new potential within our existing skills."

I glanced at Olivia, gauging her reaction to my proposal. "What do you think? Investing in the Advanced Skill Management system would be a wise choice, don't you agree? It could significantly improve our overall effectiveness in the worlds we traverse."

She shrugged indifferently, her shoulders lifting and falling with nonchalance. "I haven't felt the need for such a system myself, but if you believe it will be beneficial, then go ahead and make the purchase," she said, her voice carrying a hint of detachment. As she made her way to the living room, I followed suit and settled beside her on the sofa. With a few swift clicks, I proceeded to purchase the Advanced Skill Management system, eager to explore its potential.

[Skill System | Upgrade Name: Advanced Skill Management | Description: The Advanced Skill Management upgrade enhances your skill system by providing several powerful modules for managing and optimizing your skills. With these modules, you can split merged skills, extract and transfer abilities, evolve skills further, and guide skill development toward specific goals.


Skill Splitting:

This module enables you to split merged skills into their original components. When a skill is split, all progress made in the merged skill is lost, and the original components are restored. This allows you to separate skills that were previously combined and focus on developing them individually.

Ability Extraction:

The Ability Extraction module grants you the ability to extract specific abilities from a skill and transfer them to another skill. Additionally, you can completely remove an ability from a skill if desired. However, skills that undergo extraction lose half of their progress as a consequence of the extraction process.

Advanced Evolutions:

With the Advanced Evolutions module, you can take merged skills to the next level by allowing them to evolve further. This means that merged skills can continue to progress and gain additional power and capabilities beyond their initial merged state.

Guided Evolutions:

The Guided Evolutions module empowers you to guide the development of your skills toward specific goals. You can set a particular direction or purpose for a skill, and the module ensures that you only gain experience and progress when using the skill in that specific way. This focused approach allows for more efficient skill growth and enables you to achieve targeted outcomes.

[Price: 75,000 WP]

To my surprise, no system notifications appeared after the purchase, leaving me grumbling in disappointment. I glanced over at Olivia, who seemed equally perplexed by the lack of notifications. "Well, that was anticlimactic," I muttered under my breath.

Turning my attention back to Olivia, I reminded her, "Don't forget to set goals for your skills later on. It will help you advance your skills in a way you want." She nodded in acknowledgment, understanding the importance of goal-setting.

As I shared my screen with her, showing her a list of potential upgrades to acquire, her eyes fell on the "Party System" option. Confusion creased her brow as she read the first line, prompting her to look over at me and question, "Party System?"

Rolling my eyes, I replied, "Just read the descriptions..."

"Well, you don't need to be so rude," she retorted, crossing her arms and huffing in response. Despite her annoyance, there was an undeniable charm to the pout on her face. It only made her look cuter. With a soft chuckle, I couldn't help but appreciate her determination as she refocused her attention on the screen, ready to delve into the details of the Party System.

[Party System| Upgrade Name: Party Establishment Base | Description: The Party Establishment upgrade enables you to establish a party with selected individuals. By forming a party, you can collaborate, coordinate, and benefit from the collective strengths of your chosen members. This upgrade enhances your ability to engage in group activities and tackle challenges together. | Price: 2,500 WP]

[Party System| Upgrade Name: Experience Sharing | Description: The Experience Sharing upgrade enhances your party system by enabling the sharing of experience points among party members. With this upgrade, you can determine the settings for experience sharing within your party, allowing for a more customizable and optimized experience distribution. | Price: 15,000 WP]

"Yeah, you're right. We definitely need that," she affirmed with a nod, promptly proceeding to purchase the Party System upgrade without further deliberation. "Also we're getting the Pet System." Her decisive action was followed by another quick purchase as she acquired the Pet System, not waiting for my input or hesitation.

"Sure," I responded with a shrug, not feeling upset about her impulsive purchase. We had discussed the idea of getting a pet system before, and I acknowledged her efforts in completing quests on her own. I trusted her judgment and knew that we would make good use of the pet system.

[System Tools| Upgrade Name: Pet System | Description: This feature enables users to add their tamed creatures to the system, allowing them to evolve once they reach specific level thresholds and grow stronger as time progresses. As they progress, pets acquire new spells and skills that align with their affinities. Moreover, pets in the Pet System can be extracted from different worlds without requiring any extra payment. Users can also store their tamed creatures inside spherical objects, which convert them into data without causing any harm. These objects can then be placed in the inventory, ensuring the safety and convenience of the pet. | Price: 20,000 WP]

We still had a considerable amount of WP in our bank, approximately eleven thousand. As we discussed our options, I presented two potential purchases: acquiring another Class Slot and a Race Slot, which would leave us with 1,314 WP remaining, or investing in the Profession Upgrade for ten thousand WP, allowing us to gain experience while performing activities related to our classes instead of solely relying on kill experience.

Olivia pondered the choices before us, giving me a sideways glance as she contemplated my preferences. "You want the Profession Upgrade, don't you?" she asked, her tone filled with a mix of curiosity and playful teasing.

I shrugged nonchalantly, acknowledging the truth of her observation. "I can live with either choice," I replied honestly. While it was true that the Profession Upgrade would greatly enhance my advancement speed, considering I was the only one currently utilizing non-combat classes, the upgrade would primarily benefit me.

"Just get it," she said, her voice filled with warmth and support, accompanied by a sweet smile. "I can see how much you desire it, and your growth will benefit us both."

Her words resonated deeply within me, reaffirming the strength of our partnership. I didn't need any further persuasion. With a determined nod, I navigated to the class tab on the S.U.S. and swiftly purchased the Profession Upgrade, eagerly embracing the opportunities it would provide.

[Class System| Upgrade Name: Profession Upgrade | Description: The Profession Upgrade is a valuable addition to the Class System, granting you the ability to gain class experience through profession-related tasks. This upgrade focuses on specialized skill development, allowing you to earn experience specifically for the classes related to the task you are currently performing. It does not grant global experience, meaning that only the classes directly associated with the task will gain experience. | Price: 10,000 WP]

With our purchases finalized, we settled back onto the sofa, basking in the excitement and anticipation that filled the room. The air crackled with energy as we contemplated the endless possibilities that awaited us on our journey.

Olivia, unable to contain her curiosity any longer, voiced the question that had been lingering in the back of our minds. "So, where do we go from here?" Her voice brimmed with eagerness, reflecting the sparkle of curiosity in her eyes.

I took a moment to ponder our next move, weighing the options carefully. "I'm inclined to venture into a new world alone," I replied, my expression thoughtful. "I need to explore and discover a method to convert different energies into mana. I've already stumbled upon a potential approach, but it involves creating beings specifically designed to generate mana. They would essentially be mana batteries, devoid of true cognitive capabilities. However, the idea doesn't sit well with me."

Olivia's brows furrowed as she absorbed my words, her eyes reflecting a mix of understanding and unease. She reached out and gently took my hand, offering silent support. We both understood the gravity of the decision and the potential ethical concerns that arose from manipulating life for our own benefit. However, her response took me by surprise.

"I trust your judgment," Olivia finally said, her voice brimming with unwavering support. "If it's necessary for our growth and journey, then I'm willing to accept even that."

Her words struck a chord within me, filling me with a mix of gratitude and admiration. I smiled gratefully, appreciating her understanding, but I shook my head gently in response. "That method is not sustainable for now," I clarified, my mind already drifting toward the grandiose Genesis Project I had been envisioning. "But with the upgrade from Mai and a stroke of luck, I believe I can make it work. However, to kick-start the process, I'll need an immense amount of mana."

Olivia nodded, her eyes reflecting both determination and curiosity as she processed my response. "So, when are you planning on leaving and how long will you be gone?" she inquired, her voice filled with genuine interest.

"Not today," I replied, gently placing my arm around her shoulder and pulling her closer to me. "It's been quite a long day already. I'm thinking tomorrow, right after breakfast, and it won't be for too long. Hopefully, just a quick visit to check out their magical system and then return."

A wave of relief washed over Olivia's features, her expression softening as she nestled closer to me. Her smile held a touch of playfulness as she spoke in a gentle murmur, "That sounds much more manageable. Just remember to take care and come back to me safely."

I responded by pressing a tender kiss to her forehead, my hand giving her a reassuring squeeze. "I promise, I'll be back before you know it. And I hope to return with exciting discoveries to share with you."

Her gaze met mine, and I noticed a flicker of desire dancing in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around my neck, her body language becoming more seductive. With a mischievous raise of her eyebrows, she whispered in a husky tone, "You've been especially sweet today. I think you deserve a little reward." In an instant, her outfit transformed into a lacy red lingerie, leaving little to the imagination.

My heart skipped a beat as I took in the sight before me, Olivia's alluring figure adorned in the tantalizing red lingerie. The room seemed to grow warmer, the air thick with an intoxicating mixture of desire and anticipation.

A grin tugged at the corners of my lips as I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer until our bodies pressed against each other. The gentle touch of her skin against mine sent shivers down my spine, igniting a primal fire within me.

Leaning in, I captured her lips in a passionate kiss, our tongues entwining in a dance of raw passion. Every touch, every caress, fueled the flames of our desire, our bodies moving in perfect harmony. The world around us faded into insignificance as we lost ourselves in the ecstasy of our connection.

Time seemed to both stand still and fly by in a blur of pleasure and intensity. Our desires intertwined, merging into a symphony of sensations that left us breathless and sated. As the waves of euphoria subsided, we lay in each other's arms, our bodies entwined, basking in the afterglow of our intimate encounter.

With a contented sigh, Olivia nestled her head against my chest, her fingers tracing lazy circles on my skin. "I love you," she whispered softly, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

I kissed the top of her head, my voice filled with adoration as I replied, "And I love you, more than words can express."

At that moment, while we were nestled in the cocoon of our affection, the external world ceased to hold any significance. The insecurities and obstacles that awaited us temporarily dissolved, supplanted by the unbreakable connection we cherished, as slumber gradually enveloped us both.

The dawn arrived, painting the room in soft hues of gold and amber as if nature itself acknowledged the beauty of our entwined bodies. Our embrace on the sofa continued, seemingly reluctant to release its hold on us. The fabric beneath us, whether through my heightened perception or an inexplicable allure, felt like a sanctuary of comfort, inviting me to stay nestled within its cushions.

Olivia remained nestled against my chest, her head positioned perfectly above my heart. The rhythmic thump of my heartbeat, a steady cadence that echoed through my chest, provided a soothing backdrop to the peaceful morning. Her every breath against my skin created a harmonious melody, lulling me into a state of tranquility.

I gently brushed a few strands of hair away from Olivia's face, taking a moment to admire her serene expression. The weight of the world seemed distant at that moment, as if time had paused to grant us respite from the challenges that awaited us. With each beat of my heart, I silently vowed to protect and cherish this connection we had forged.

Eventually, the pull of responsibility began to nudge at my consciousness, reminding me of the tasks that lay ahead. Reluctantly, I shifted beneath Olivia, careful not to disturb her peaceful slumber, and gently extricated myself from her embrace. I left a tender kiss on her forehead before making my way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

As the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. Today marked the beginning of a new journey, one filled with exploration, growth, and discovery.

As the scent of breakfast wafted through the apartment, Olivia stirred from her sleep, her eyes fluttering open to meet mine. A soft smile graced her lips as she stretched, her movements graceful and languid. She made her way toward me, her presence filling the room with warmth and love.

"Good morning," she murmured, her voice still husky with sleep. "What's on the menu today?"

(A/N: It's becoming quite amusing. Some readers are upset that the series isn't a harem, but as soon as I hint at the possibility of one in the future, the opposing side expresses their discontent. After receiving multiple requests, I reluctantly agreed to include two additional girls—one would have appeared in two story arcs and another at a later point. However, in the last chapter, once again, people expressed their dissatisfaction. Honestly, I'm only a couple of chapters ahead, specifically two, so I don't need to alter the story at all. This seems like the perfect time to make a final decision. So, I'm leaving the final choice in the hands of you, ladies and gentlemen.)

Please choose your preferred option by commenting the corresponding row:

- Harem (3 girls in total, no more.)

- No Harem (Only Andrew, Olivia and maybe their future children.)