After enjoying a quick breakfast together, Olivia and I sat down to discuss our plans for the day. She shared her intention of utilizing the training room at the Library, appreciating its personalized training regimens that offered a controlled environment, as it was a perfect opportunity for her to focus on her skills without any distractions.

Meanwhile, I had a different agenda in mind. I wanted to embark on a brief visit to a new world, gather information about their magical system, and swiftly return. My primary goal was to broaden my understanding of different energy conversion methods, specifically in relation to mana generation. Additionally, I had a keen interest in observing the mana fluctuations within various environments.

As we prepared to part ways temporarily, our farewell was filled with a potent mixture of longing and desire. Olivia's alluring presence nearly pulled me back towards the warmth of our bed, tempting me to abandon my plans altogether. However, with a deep breath and a lingering kiss, I managed to tear myself away and descended the stairs.

As I made my way down the stairs, Index greeted me with his usual cheerful and playful tone. {Ah, good morning, Mister number two,} he exclaimed, slightly poking fun at my ranking.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, though I reciprocated the greeting. "And a good morning to you too, Index."

Bubbling up and down impatiently, Index asked, {So, what can this magical book offer you today?}

"I haven't had the chance to look at the list you provided yet," I responded, getting straight to the point. This caused the book to freeze in mid-movement and tilt forward slightly.

{That's alright,} Index replied with a sulky tone, provoking another eye-roll from me.

"Don't worry, I'll check it as soon as I return from this world, okay? I promise," I tried to cheer him up.

{No need. It's not as if I've spent weeks exploring different worlds and their variations to find the most captivating ones,} Index retorted, drawing circles in the air with his cover.

"Sigh, you're acting like a clingy girlfriend," I muttered, feeling a touch exasperated. "I'm currently focused on figuring out how to convert various energy sources into mana. I simply don't have the time to explore the worlds you've given me just yet. But I do promise to look into it as soon as I can, alright?" I explained, extending him a reassuring smile.

{Alright,} he replied, his voice once again brimming with cheer. {Although there are a few worlds in the list I provided that feature the kind of technology you're seeking,} he offered, tilting to the side in anticipation.

"Hmm..." I crossed my arms, deep in contemplation, but eventually shook my head. "As tempting as it sounds, I want to prioritize checking out the world of Fullmetal Alchemist first," I replied. "I'm quite certain they utilize mana in some peculiar yet fascinating manner. If I don't find the answers I seek there, then I'll heed your advice and explore one of the worlds you've provided. Deal?" I proposed.

{Deal,} Index replied, rapidly tilting back and forth in his own peculiar way, nodding in agreement.

"That being said, find me a version of Fullmetal Alchemist, preferably one that adheres to the original story," I requested.

{Any specific preferences?} Index inquired, flipping back and forth while searching for that specific world.

"Nothing in particular, but if you come across something intriguing, I wouldn't mind giving it a try," I replied with a casual shrug.

{Hmm...} The pace of his flipping intensified, the pages whisking by at an almost indiscernible speed, even for my heightened perception. Suddenly, with an exclamation, Index came to a sudden halt, and his open page shimmered in a golden light. {This one might be interesting...} He said, as I closed up and gave the page a quick overview.

[Fullmetal Alchemist]

World Tier: 3 (Medium)

World Language: Amestrian

World Systems: Gate of Truth

Doomed: The very foundation of alchemy, known as the "Truth," is beginning to unravel. The flow of Equivalent Exchange, which governs the balance of energy and matter in alchemical transmutations, is becoming increasingly unstable. As a result, the laws of alchemy are slowly breaking down, leading to disastrous consequences.

{The essence of that world is beginning to unravel,} Index commented, his tone filled with indifference. {Magic as they know it will cease to function in a few decades. It seems that the entity known as Truth attempted an experiment, but it resulted in a catastrophic failure, causing his ego to crumble,} he explained.

"And since he is the very essence of alchemy, I assume the Gates of Truth will also cease to function over time," I speculated, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

{Correct,} Index bubbled up and down, mimicking a nod. {I suggest this world because there's no immediate danger posed by that individual. However, if you seek a greater challenge, I can search for another world where he is in better shape.}

"Nah, this is perfect," I affirmed. "I don't intend to stay there for more than a few hours. Let me see the quests." As I uttered those words, the world book materialized right on Index's pedestal, and I eagerly opened it to delve into the array of optional quests available. "Hmm... A few of these seem quite straightforward and easy to complete," I murmured, giving the quests a thorough examination.

Optional Quests:

[Philosopher's Stone | Description: Find the ingredients and create a Philosopher's Stone. | Reward: 1,000 WP]

[Fullmetal Alchemist| Prevent the Elric brothers from attempting to revive their mother. |Reward: 500 WP]

[Homunculus Hunt | Description: Track down and eliminate all remaining homunculi. |Reward: 2,000 WP]

[State Alchemist | Description: Join the State Alchemist program and complete five assigned missions. |Reward: 2,000 WP]

[The Promised Day | Description: Stop Father's plan for immortality. | Reward: 3,000 WP]

[Restoration | Description: Help rebuild Ishval and restore peace to the region. | Reward: 1,500 WP]

[Truth's Secrets | Description: Uncover the mysteries of the Gate and the Truth. | Reward: 10,000 WP]

[Scar's Redemption | Description: Assist Scar in seeking redemption and finding his brother's research. | Reward: 1,500 WP]

[Forbidden Alchemy | Description: Save Nina Tucker. | Reward: 750 WP]

[Domain | Description: Subsume the world. | Reward: 1,000 WP]

"Alright, I'm heading in. See you later, Index," I said, waving to the floating book.

"Have fun!" exclaimed Index, flipping itself back and forth with enthusiasm.

"Thanks, I will," I replied with a smile. I then placed my hand on the cover of the world book and uttered the command, "Enter."

{World "Fullmetal Alchemist" selected.}

{[Background System] activated}

{Please state your changes.}

"No story changes. Location, next to the Elric brothers, a minute before they performed their first human transmutation." I stated.

{No changes requested.}

{Placing spatial and temporal coordinates at the requested time and location.}

{Transporting user in. 3...2...1...}

{Good Luck!}

The world around me underwent a transformative shift, as a swirling torrent of dimensional, temporal, and spatial mana enveloped me in a mesmerizing display of vibrant hues. In an instant, accompanied by a dazzling burst of brilliant light, I found myself transported to the basement of a dilapidated house. The two blonde brothers, caught up in their alchemical pursuits, were fervently finalizing an intricate alchemical circle at the center of the room, completely unaware of my sudden arrival.

"- 800 grams; salt, 250 grams; saltpeter, 100 grams; sulfur, 80 grams; fluorine, 7.5; iron, 5; silicon, 3-"

"Yeah, that won't work..." I interrupted Edward as he listed out the materials, causing him to swiftly spin around in fright.

"Who the heck are you?" he demanded, assuming a defensive stance, while his companion let out a startled scream and jumped back.

"Doesn't matter," I replied nonchalantly, shrugging my shoulders. "You do realize that what you're attempting here is highly illegal, not to mention that, in the best-case scenario, it will cost you an arm and a leg, quite literally."

"W-w-what do you mean?" Alphonse stuttered, his face contorted with horror.

"Well, I can clearly see that you're trying to perform some kind of human transmutation," I stated, observing their mortified expressions and unable to resist a snort. "Calm down, I'm not with the authorities." As those words left my mouth, my [Mental Domain] expanded to its full potential, encompassing the entirety of the village, extracting alchemical information and knowledge from everyone's minds. Among the wealth of knowledge, the most useful insights came from the two kids before me, as well as their teacher.

"So, as I was saying, I'm not sure if you're attempting to create a homunculus or revive someone, but it won't work like this," I explained, shaking my head.

"Why wouldn't it work? I've calculated all the necessary materials, down to the last milligram. I've double-checked my calculations countless times, and there are no errors in the circle or the materials," Edward retorted, crossing his arms confidently and huffing childishly.

"Yes, you're correct. However, you failed to consider a few crucial factors," I retorted with a smug smile, making him turn towards me, and narrowing his eyes.

"Oh, please enlighten me, mister..." he said, rolling his eyes, but then he froze, his gaze fixed on me as he squinted his eyes. "I don't even know your name! And how did you even get into the basement? We locked the door!"

"You don't need to know my name because this is the first and last time we'll ever meet. From the evidence around here, it seems you guys are attempting to revive a person," I stated as I looked around, noticing the shift in both their expressions and shaking my head. "The thing you've forgotten is not something physical but something metaphysical. What holds an equivalent value to a soul?" I tilted my head to the side, posing the question.

My question left them frozen in place, their eyes widening. "And even if you were to successfully revive the person, they would be nothing more than an empty husk. Without memories or lived experiences. You would need to trade something of equal value to restore those aspects to the person."

"So you're saying there is no way?" Alphonse asked, his eyes turning red.

"There has to be a way!" Edward screamed, before collapsing to his knees and breaking down into sobs. "We've spent years perfecting this alchemical circle, years of study, and now you're telling me it was all for nothing?" Alphonse moved closer, embracing his brother tightly, offering comfort and support.

"Did I ever say that?" I responded, raising an eyebrow, and making both of them look up in hope. "There are multiple other ways. For instance, human sacrifice. You could find someone of equal or greater worth than the person you're trying to revive and use them as an ingredient. Flesh for flesh, soul for a soul, and memories for memories. It would be an equivalent exchange, wouldn't it?" I said, a wicked smile spreading across my face, causing both boys to grow pale. "Alternatively, you could make a deal with the devil himself and allow him to revive the person, although you would have to pay a precious price in return

"W-where would we even find a devil?" Edward stuttered, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

"And w-what would it cost us?" Alphonse added, still holding his brother tightly in his embrace.

"Oh, you don't need to find him," I replied, tilting myself forward to meet their gaze. "He has already found you." My voice grew deeper as I was unable to resist teasing them further. I swiftly equipped my Fallen, Klingon, and Dark Elf races, then dropped [Shapeshift] to transform my appearance into that of a black-winged, dark-skinned entity. With a flicker of my mana, I released a heavy aura into the air, causing the atmosphere to grow tense, and the old structure to groan under all the pressure. The two boys stood frozen, like deer caught in headlights, their eyes wide with shock and their expressions drained of color. With a wide, mischievous smile on my face, I uttered, "Boo," and watched as the shock caused both of them to lose consciousness. As they collapsed to the ground, a puddle formed beneath them, evidence of their overwhelming terror.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing at the sight of their expressions of pure horror before they fainted. It was a priceless moment, and the divine energies they granted me due to their overwhelming fear were surprisingly substantial. "I can't help but wonder if I just caused some kind of childhood trauma," I chuckled to myself, finding amusement in the situation.

With a wave of my hand, I cleaned up the room, erasing all evidence of their little accident. Simultaneously, I removed the intricate alchemical circle from the ground and destroyed all the research they'd done. Now that I'm here, there would be no need for that.

Having gathered and comprehended the memories, knowledge, and information from the village, I found the alchemy system in this world truly intriguing. It consisted of both geometric and runic systems, each playing a crucial role in the process of transmutation. The fascinating aspect was that only a small amount of mana was required from the alchemist, which would then be guided by the alchemical circle and the embedded intent, allowing for the manipulation of matter and energy through transmutations. The runic alphabet, although limited in size with just a few hundred special shapes, held the key to unlocking a wide array of possibilities.

While I had already acquired sufficient knowledge of the runic alphabet and the alchemy system, I decided not to leave the world immediately.

As I concentrated my [Mental Domain] ability on the two young alchemists, I carefully removed all the knowledge they possessed about alchemy. With precision, I erased their understanding of the principles, techniques, and applications of alchemy, leaving behind a mental void where their once deep-rooted knowledge resided. Additionally, I implanted a mental block that would prevent them from relearning or rekindling their interest in alchemy.

With the removal of their alchemical knowledge and the installation of the mental block, the two young individuals would no longer possess the ability to perform alchemy, even if they were to desire it. Their connection to the intricate art was severed, allowing them to pursue other paths and interests in life without the burden of alchemical pursuits.

It was a deliberate choice, driven by the belief that their lives would be better off without the potential dangers and consequences associated with their previous endeavors. However, I made sure to leave their remaining memories intact, as well as their skills and knowledge in other areas, allowing them to continue their journey with a fresh perspective and newfound opportunities.

With that task completed, I withdrew my [Mental Domain] and observed the still unconscious kids, their expressions blank as they unknowingly embraced their altered future, oblivious to the alchemical world they had once aspired to conquer.

With a deep breath, I tore my attention away from the unconscious kids. It was time to follow through on the silent promise I had made to myself. Teleporting us to the spot where their mother was laid to rest, I took a moment to survey the surroundings. The air hung heavy with sadness, and the atmosphere grew even more somber as I commanded the earth to reveal the grave. The old, worn-out coffin came into view, its weathered appearance telling stories of the passing years.

With a simple wave of my hand, the lid of the coffin vanished, exposing the contents hidden within. What unfolded before my eyes, though some might find it a chilling and stark reminder of death's inescapable grip, presented an opportunity for me to alter the destiny of these two souls. The lifeless body of their mother, trapped in the clutches of decay, lay in a brittle and withered state. The sharp smell of decay lingered in the air, a haunting testament to the passing years since her departure. Hollow eyes stared back at me, devoid of vitality, while the fragility of her form whispered of the ephemeral nature of human existence.

Empowered by [Mana's Blessing], I tapped into my power over time, rewinding the relentless march of decay that had plagued the lifeless form. In a matter of mere moments, a wondrous metamorphosis unfolded, restoring the body to its former glory—vibrant, full of life, and breathtakingly beautiful. Yet, despite the miraculous rejuvenation, a crucial element remained absent: the ethereal essence that defines a soul's presence.

In the moments leading up to my endeavor to resurrect the departed, the very fabric of the world appeared to recoil in response to the disruption of its inherent natural order. The fundamental principle of equivalent exchange, the bedrock of alchemy in this realm, was being ignored and disregarded in the face of my intentions.

Harnessing the full might of my magic and divinity, a brilliant golden magical circle materialized beneath the lifeless form, casting forth a luminous radiance that soared toward the heavens. The very essence of space trembled in response, and foreboding clouds converged ominously overhead. Yet, before their menacing presence could consume us, a solitary beam of light pierced through the encroaching darkness, its brilliance obliterating the confines of the coffin and the earth beneath, while miraculously leaving the woman unscathed.

Under my breath, I murmured, "Fortunately, the concept of reincarnation seems absent in this realm." A hushed tone accompanied my observation as I beheld the returning soul emerging from the realms beyond.

Immersed within the ethereal brilliance of the golden glow, the luminescent beams merged with the solitary ray of light, infusing the woman with a sublime, otherworldly energy. The very fabric of the world strained under the weight of this extraordinary event, until, with a resounding crack, the laws governing its existence gave way, succumbing to my will. What was once a desolate grave transformed into a space where the rules of old shattered, allowing me to transcend their limitations. From the depths of the hole, a faint inhalation reached my ears, a testament to the revival taking place.

Swiftly, I transformed into the form of a Seraph and discarded the veil of [Shapeshift]. In a seamless motion, I unfurled my six pairs of pristine, pearl-white wings, their magnificence resplendent, while simultaneously activating the radiant aura of my [Halo]. Extending my hand to the momentarily blinded woman, I offered solace and guidance in this newfound chapter of her reawakened existence.

In a resonant tone that carried weight and authority, I spoke, "You have been bestowed with a second chance." The depth of my voice startled the woman, causing her to turn her head abruptly, her eyes widening in astonishment. Employing telekinesis, I gently lifted her off the ground, while simultaneously making contact with her wrist using my extended hand. At the point of contact, a sequence of golden runes materialized, eliciting a grimace from the lady and a sharp inhale caused by the temporary pain, as her being became infused with an enduring regeneration spell that would continue working for decades.

"Your children have made a sacrifice for your return," I continued solemnly. "Make the most of this opportunity they have given you."

Conjuring a radiant, luminous golden light, I enveloped myself within its brilliance, while simultaneously invoking the power of [Mental Domain], rendering my presence imperceptible to those in close proximity. Simultaneously, with a gentle poke, I stirred the slumbering minds of the two children, rousing them from their unconscious state.

Edward jolted upright, his wide eyes scanning his unfamiliar, yet familiar, surroundings until they met the gaze of the woman standing mere feet away. Overwhelmed by emotion, tears welled up in his eyes, and his voice cracked as he whispered, "M-mom?" His words pierced the stillness, capturing not only his stunned mother's attention but also that of his brother.

"MOM!" Alphonse's cry resonated through the air as he sprang to his feet and embraced her tightly, his joy and relief palpable in that heartfelt moment of reunion.

Trisha's bewilderment deepened, her voice laced with cautious uncertainty. "Ed? Al?" she uttered, her words a delicate inquiry seeking confirmation and understanding.

[Quest: [Start and The End] Completed 500 WP (1/2) Received]

With that chime, the tale of the two brothers took an irreversible detour, their names forever untethered from the word "alchemist." However, I remained indifferent to this outcome, for I had already whisked myself away, teleporting to a distant place, detached from the bittersweet reunion unfolding behind me.