In-Between 8

"Let's call it 'Elysium'," she said, her voice filled with a sense of reverence and wonder.

"Elysium," I repeated, savoring the name on my lips. It carried a certain elegance and evoked images of a celestial paradise, a fitting tribute to the birth of our first star. Olivia's choice resonated with me, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the significance of this moment. "I like it."

Directing my focus towards Mai, I harnessed a significant portion of my remaining divinity, channeling it into a single act of creation. With a snap of my finger, a massive magical circle, half a million kilometers in diameter, materialized just above the newborn star, Elysium. The intricate patterns of the circle shimmered with otherworldly energy, an embodiment of my will and the conduit through which I could shape and influence the new universe we had crafted.

The grand spell, born from the fusion of alchemy, enchanting, and runic magic, took shape in the form of a magnificent golden circle suspended above the radiant star. Its ethereal glow resembled a halo, emanating a sense of divine power. As the spell activated, a subtle transformation occurred within Elysium, causing its brilliance to diminish by 10%. The mana within the dimension began to surge and spread, saturating the very fabric of this new realm with its potent energy.

The spell, while not flawless, served its purpose admirably. It tapped into the immense solar energy of Elysium, converting ten percent of its power into mana. The conversion process inevitably incurred some losses, but it still yielded an astonishing four point five trillion points of mana per second. However, once the dimension reached its maximum saturation point, the output would be reduced to approximately 25% of that amount. This limitation was due to the capacity of the anchor I had created for Mai, allowing her to manipulate up to a trillion points of mana at any given time.

With the considerable mana output generated by the magical circle, I knew it would be sufficient to fuel the plans I had in mind. "Mai, initiate dimensional expansion. Once the upkeep requirements reach approximately 45% of the total mana generated by the circle, pause the process and initiate dimension stabilization." I gave the command, fully aware that the expansion process would consume more mana than the upkeep. Additionally, I instructed, "After you're done, enhance the dimensional barrier and attend to the other necessary tasks as per our established protocol."

"Understood, master," Mai acknowledged with a nod before her avatar dissolved into the air, ready to carry out the assigned tasks.

As the dimensions of our realm underwent expansion, I could sense the subtle stretching and warping of space all around us. It was a testament to the power and control that Mai wielded within this domain. A smile formed on my lips, filled with a mix of satisfaction and awe.

At that moment, Olivia approached me, her hands encircling my waist, and she nestled her head against my shoulder. The warmth of her presence brought a sense of comfort and reassurance, and I leaned into her embrace, cherishing the intimate connection we shared in this ever-evolving reality.

"So, what's the next step in your grand plan?" she asked, her curiosity evident in her voice.

I pondered her question for a moment before responding, "Well, initially my plan was to create my own universe. However, due to the limitations imposed by the available materials and resources, I have determined that this dimension can only stretch to accommodate a few solar systems at most. Nonetheless, it is still ample space to begin building a civilization or two of our own design, with the ultimate goal of harnessing divinity as a valuable resource."

A smile played on my lips as I continued, "Once the realm stabilizes, Mai and I will proceed to create habitable planets within it. However, there is one challenge I currently face—I lack a skill for manipulating biological matter, specifically plant life." As those words left my mouth, I briefly glanced at my new title and skill.


- Reduces the resource cost of all creation-based abilities by 25%, allowing you to bring your visions to life with greater efficiency and economy.

- Amplifies the effects of your creation-based abilities by 25%, making your creations more potent, formidable, and impactful.

- Enhances your creative powers by 10%, pushing the boundaries of imagination and enabling you to conceive intricate and awe-inspiring creations.

(A/N: this also applies to crafting skills.)

[Creation LVL: N/A]

- Grants the user the ability to create non-biological matter from any available resources, utilizing their deep understanding and comprehension of the desired matter.

- The quality and quantity of the resources invested will determine the resulting matter's characteristics, such as its durability, purity, and functionality. Higher-quality resources yield superior creations, while lower-quality resources may result in degraded or less desirable matter.

- Requires complete comprehension of the desired matter, including its atomic and molecular structure, properties, and potential applications.

- The user's Wisdom determines the complexity and scale of the creations they can produce.

- Enhancements to the user's Dexterity positively impact the success rate and efficiency of creating matter.

Olivia swiftly pulled back my attention, offering a fascinating suggestion, her eyes bright with inspiration, "Why not create creatures that don't require traditional means of sustenance? Make them capable of consuming mana to fulfill their needs."

Her suggestion gave me pause, and I began to contemplate the feasibility of implementing it. "Hmm... That is indeed a feasible idea," I mused aloud. "I could imbue a runic sequence into their cores, allowing them to consume mana for sustenance. However, there are a few problems with that idea."

I held up a finger as I listed the potential issues. "Firstly, the question of reproduction arises. Without a biological structure, I'm unsure how these creatures would procreate. It's a crucial aspect of any sustainable ecosystem."

Raising a second finger, I continued, "Secondly, if they refrained from consuming one another in the future, they would essentially become immortal, which could present long-term challenges. Although it might not be a concern in the beginning, as their population expands, it could eventually exceed the capacity of this realm. This could result in the depletion of mana and ultimately lead to a collapse of the dimension."

My expression turned serious as I mentioned the final concern. "Lastly, considering the manner in which they consume mana, there is a significant risk of destabilizing the magical circle above Elysium or any other future Magic Dyson Sphere. Should these creatures unintentionally disrupt the mana flow or tamper with the circle, it could result in dire consequences for the entire dimension."

I sighed, fully aware of the intricate challenges we faced. "Finding the right balance is crucial, and it will require considerable time and extensive experimentation."

"How long until Mai stabilizes the dimension?" Olivia asked, diverting the conversation to a different topic.

I hummed, contemplating the question and running calculations in my mind. "About a week, at worst," I replied, providing an estimate based on my projections.

Curiosity piqued, Olivia inquired further, "So, do you intend to speed up time and reappear once it's done?"

I considered her question and responded, "While Mai has the ability to control the time within this dimension, my own time manipulation abilities do not extend to the entirety of this domain. I could accelerate our progression through time, but instead, I thought we could embark on a few quick adventures in other worlds."

Olivia looked intrigued but also hesitant, asking, "Do you need me to accompany you?"

"To be honest, no," I admitted candidly. However, upon seeing her dejected expression, I hurriedly added, "But that doesn't mean you can't come, especially for the first one."

She looked away, expressing her concern about being a bother. Sensing her hesitation, I reassured her, "You won't be a bother at all." I gave her a reassuring squeeze and continued, "Both worlds I plan to visit were mentioned before, and in comparison to us, they are significantly weaker. That's why I wouldn't necessarily need your assistance. However, that doesn't mean we can't have some fun and enjoy ourselves while exploring those worlds."

I smiled, hoping to alleviate any worries she had and to emphasize the potential for an enjoyable experience together.

"The first world presents an intriguing opportunity," I explained, recalling the details of the story. "If we can access it through the background system in the way I envision, we'll have the chance to encounter a goddess who can grant us a single desired ability or item. Although the specifics of her ability-granting book were never fully explained, it holds great potential. Moreover, I believe there will be an optional quest to 'Defeat the Demon King' within that world. Surprisingly, we could likely complete it within a mere ten minutes of entering. And if successful, it may reward us with a substantial amount of WP, possibly a few thousand."

"While that world operates on its own leveling and class system, it tends to lean towards a more whimsical and stat-less approach. However, some of the abilities bestowed by that system can be quite interesting."

Looking at Olivia, I presented the options. "We could enter the world, acquire the desired ability from the goddess, swiftly eliminate the Demon King, and then move on to our next venture. Alternatively, if you wish, we could take the time to explore and delve deeper into that world's mysteries. The choice is yours." I shrugged, leaving the decision in her hands.

She nodded in understanding but was curious about the second world. "And what about the second world?" she asked.

I grinned widely, recalling the details. " Ah, yes, the second world. I mentioned it some time ago. It's a realm populated by humans with superpowers, ranging from remarkable to utterly bizarre. For instance, there's a kid who can throw sticky balls from his head. Can you believe that? Absolutely ridiculous." I chuckled, shaking my head at the oddity. "But my main interest in visiting this world is to acquire a few abilities for myself. Additionally, I'm interested in obtaining their DNA. It could prove invaluable in creating humanoid beings in our universe, allowing me to harvest or replicate abilities effortlessly in the future."

Concern crossed Olivia's face as she asked, "Would granting our civilization superhuman abilities not bring about destruction?"

I waved off her worries confidently. "Fear not, my dear. I have plans to create another form of Magical AI, acting as a 'Justice System.' Its sole purpose would be to deliver divine retribution in either my name or yours," I explained.

Olivia gave me a deadpan look and retorted, "Yeah, it had better be in your name..." She shook her head disapprovingly, clearly not fond of the idea.

Chuckling, I reassured her, "Oh, don't worry. It won't simply eradicate every wrongdoer. Only those planning mass destruction. For example, in our world and timeline, Hitler would have been dealt with before he could unleash his war." Understanding crossed her face, but it was evident she still had reservations. Yet, I couldn't care less about the potential loss of free will in my future civilizations. "But let's not dwell on that. As I said, in the second world, I only intend to acquire a few abilities. However, I also have a strong desire to play the role of a villain and let the population of supers attempt to stop me," I confessed with a wicked smile, earning a playful slap on my shoulder.

"Sometimes you're so childish," she teased, shaking her head. Yet, she stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on my chin. "But it's part of your charm." She placed her head back on my shoulder, her warm breath brushing against my neck. Curiosity got the better of her as she inquired, "What kind of abilities are you planning on acquiring here?"

A mischievous glint sparkled in my eyes as I responded, "Ah, my dear, I'm afraid I can't reveal that just yet. I want to keep it as a surprise." I stuck out my tongue playfully, emphasizing her earlier point about my childish nature.

She pouted slightly, clearly not satisfied with my response. "Oh, come on," she pleaded, "it's not like I won't find out in a day or two."

Chuckling softly, I relented a little. "Alright, I'll give you a hint. One of the abilities I plan on acquiring here will have a significant impact, hopefully, even in the next major world we visit." A teasing smile curved my lips as I watched her reaction, eager to see her anticipation grow.

She released her grip on frustration, raising her hand in the air in exasperation. Turning away, she protested, "That's not even a hint!" Her reaction amused me, and I couldn't help but chuckle at her adorable frustration.

"Also, while we wait for Mai, how about getting a pet?" I suggested casually. Instantly, her whole demeanor changed. She froze in place, slowly turning around with wide eyes. I braced myself, knowing what was coming next—a tackle that hit me like a freight train, causing me to topple over.

"Yes!" she squealed with delight. "Pets! Now!" Her demand was filled with such excitement that I couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright, alright," I replied, still chuckling at her infectious enthusiasm. "What would you like? Something magical, perhaps? A spirit, a dragon, or even a unicorn? Or maybe you'd prefer a Pokémon or a Digimon?" I listed off various possibilities, eager to indulge her in this newfound pet adventure.

"Are those my only options?" she asked, tilting her head cutely while her eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"Not necessarily," I replied with a mischievous smile. "With my [Creature Mastery] skill, I could conjure up a unique creature for you in just a few minutes."

Her interest was immediately piqued, and she stood up, deep in thought. She paced back and forth, considering the pros and cons of different species and how each one could benefit us. I remained on the ground, patiently listening to her contemplations.

After what seemed like an eternity, she turned back to me, a slightly frustrated expression on her face. "I can't decide."

Seeing her troubled expression, I stood up and stepped forward, then offered a solution. "Alright, how about this? Let's proceed with the two worlds I have planned. The first one we're going, has quite a few intriguing monster types, flying cabbages, and similar things. Perhaps you'll find something interesting in that realm." I said with a smile, while patting her head, "If you don't, once we're done with those two worlds, we can venture into a world filled with monsters, slimes, dragons, and other creatures." I shrugged casually. "Again if you don't find anything you fancy there, between that world and our next destination, which I've already planned out, we can get the reincarnation and limiter systems to embark on a more mundane Pokémon trainer adventure. We could start as kids in one of the regions, choose our starter Pokémon, and enjoy an ordinary journey without any magic or special abilities."

I could see her enthusiasm reignite, and she nodded eagerly. "That sounds fun!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands together. She swiftly grabbed hold of my hand and urged, "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Chuckling at her renewed excitement, I responded, "Alright." Turning towards an empty space, I commanded, "Mai, you've heard the plan. We'll be doing some world jumping, maybe even finding some pets. Continue with your tasks, and if anything unusual happens, let me know."

"As you wish, Master," came the swift reply echoing through the void. Satisfied, I nodded and carefully, not to damage the dimensional barriers, formed a portal leading back to the Library's crafting room.

Since we already had everything we needed on us or in our inventory, there was no need to visit the apartment. We exited the crafting room, with Olivia still holding my hand tightly, and made our way downstairs to greet Index.

"Hey, Index, give us the KonoSuba world," I requested.

"Oh, that was in the DVDs you gave me! It was so funny," Olivia chimed in, clearly excited.

{Well hello to you too, Andy and Olivia,} responded the book with a playful tone. {Any specifications for the world?}

"Nothing too specific," I replied with a shrug. "Just something with a wide variety of monster types. Olivia wants to find a pet."

{Oh, give me a moment. Let me check my archives,} Index said, rapidly flipping through thousands of pages in an instant. Finally, he stopped at a page that glowed brightly, displaying the information of the chosen world.

[Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!]

World Tier: 3 (High)

World Language: Multilingual World

World Systems: Adventurer Card

Doomed: The boundaries between the mortal realm and the afterlife have become dangerously thin, leading to an unprecedented influx of undead creatures and malicious spirits into the world. The once peaceful and idyllic land has now become overrun with hordes of monsters, causing chaos and endangering the lives of its inhabitants. As the undead threat grows, the existing defenses and countermeasures employed by the Adventurer's Guild and local authorities prove to be ineffective. The undead creatures exhibit uncanny resilience and power, making them difficult to defeat through conventional means. Their relentless assault threatens to consume the entire world, leaving humanity on the brink of annihilation.

{How about this one?} Index asked, presenting a specific world.

"I'm quite surprised it's considered a tier three world," I remarked, double-checking to ensure I wasn't mistaken.

{That's because the gods walk amongst mortals, although they are limited by the world's laws,} Index explained swiftly.

"Oh, you're right. There were multiple gods interacting with the mortal realm in the series," I noted with a nod. "They seemed relatively weak in their mortal forms. I suppose the world's laws, thanks to the Rule Breaker system, wouldn't prevent us from utilizing our divinity, would they?" I inquired, seeking clarification.

Index moved back and forth as if shaking his head. {Nope, the Library System transcends those laws. They couldn't prevent you from using your abilities even if they wanted to,} he explained with certainty.

"That's good to know. Could you provide us with the book?" I requested, and the book materialized before me. Then, something crossed my mind. "Also, has anything strange occurred within the Library in the last 30 minutes?"

{Strange in what sense?} he asked, clearly intrigued.

"I don't know, for example, any damage to the dimensional barrier of the Library or fines issued by the Library System for such actions?" I clarified.

Index froze momentarily, and after a moment of silence, he responded, {No, nothing out of the ordinary has happened. At least not to my knowledge.}

"Alright, well, thank you for the information," I acknowledged. The notion that my previous experience might have been a mere illusion created by my mind seemed increasingly likely. I opened the book and examined the available quests, but only two truly captured my interest.

[Demon King | Description: Defeat the Demon King threatening the world. | Reward: 10,000 WP]

[Generals | Description: Defeat the eight Demon King's Generals. | Reward: 3,000 WP]

After bidding farewell to Index, Olivia and I prepared to embark on our new adventure. Placing my palm on the book, I commanded, "Enter." Instantly, a screen of information materialized before my eyes, prompting me to input our starting position, time, and other relevant details.

{World "Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!" selected.}

{[Background System] activated}

{Please state your changes.}

"The gods had conceived the idea of summoning warriors from other realms to aid in saving their world. While also providing them with new abilities, the same as in the original story. Olivia and I were those chosen warriors. Our starting Location should be in the Divine Realm, just before the goddess Eris, months before the original story begins." I specified my desired changes and patiently waited for the system to reply.

{Changes accepted.}

{Implementing... Done.}

{Placing spatial and temporal coordinates at the requested time and location.}

{Transporting user in. 3...2...1...}

{Good Luck!}

As the world around us underwent a magnificent transformation of swirling hues, we felt ourselves being forcefully whisked away from the familiar reality of the Library. In an instant, we found ourselves transported into the divine realm of the KonoSuba world.

When the spectacle subsided, we found ourselves face-to-face with a charming goddess. She had silvery hair that cascaded around her shoulders, complementing her captivating purple eyes. Despite her youthful appearance, she exuded an air of wisdom and power. Adorned in a one-piece dress that combined shades of white and purple, with delicate yellow accents, she emanated an aura of grace. Her ensemble was completed with purple shoes, white stockings, and a necklace adorned with a pink diamond-shaped jewel at its center.

"Greetings, Warriors," her voice resounded melodically, filling the divine realm as she bestowed upon us a warm smile.

(Index's POV)

"Goodbye, Index," Andrew and Olivia bid farewell before being engulfed by a swirling torrent of mana. As the Library returned to its usual state, I prepared to resume my work of inspecting realities. However, Andrew's words lingered in my magical mind, sparking curiosity within me.

{Hmm... How did he know the system could issue fines?} With a sense of intrigue, I attempted to access Andrew and Olivia's logs, hoping to uncover the source of Andrew's knowledge about the system's fine-issuing capabilities. To my surprise, for some inexplicable reason, I found myself completely blocked from viewing them, unable to delve into the information I sought.

Puzzled by this unexpected restriction, I pondered the situation. {Strange,} I murmured to myself. {Well, regardless, I will inquire about it when Andrew returns.} Content with leaving the matter for future discussion, I resumed my duties within the Library, patiently awaiting Andrew's return and the opportunity to unravel the mystery.

However, unbeknownst to me, in the next instant, my memory of that inquiry was completely erased, leaving no trace of the curiosity that had sparked within me. Oblivious to the lost memory, I carried on with my duties within the Library, unaware that anything out of the ordinary had occurred. The event faded into oblivion, leaving no lingering traces or hints of the unanswered question.