KonoSuba 1

"Greetings, Warriors," Eris greeted us with open arms and a radiant smile, filling the divine realm with her warm presence. "You may be wondering about your current location and purpose here. Allow me to shed some light on your questions."

"Eh, sorry Eris, but that won't be necessary," I interjected, raising a hand to interrupt her. "We have already been briefed and find ourselves in a bit of a hurry." I gestured toward Olivia, adding, "Olivia accidentally left the stove running, and we don't want to risk burning down the house." I maintained a stoic expression, causing Eris to blink rapidly and turn to her assistant for confirmation. At that moment, her assistant appeared out of thin air, frantically flipping through her notes.

The new arrival caught my attention as well, as she seemed unfamiliar to me within the context of the KonoSuba series. She appeared as a typical secretary, sporting large round glasses, a white button-up shirt, and a gray pencil dress. Her shoulder-length hair was a striking shade of crimson. Although she didn't possess the divine aura of a goddess, there was a subtle hint of divinity that emanated from her, suggesting a possible divine lineage, perhaps as a child of one of the gods.

As Eris and her assistant engaged in hushed whispers, I patiently waited, observing their discussion from a distance. After a considerable amount of time had passed, I grew impatient. I crossed my arms and began tapping my foot on the ground, clearing my throat to gain their attention. Both Eris and her assistant froze, their eyes turning towards me. Eris wore a sheepish smile, clearly realizing their oversight. She waved her assistant away, signaling for her to step aside, and then cleared her throat, ready to address us.

"I apologize for the mix-up. I wasn't informed that you were already briefed, so my prepared speech was a waste of time," Eris confessed, her expression filled with disappointment.

"It's alright," I reassured her with a nonchalant shrug. "So... Abilities and the Demon Lord, then?" I pressed on, eager to move forward.

While I knew that the world's laws couldn't directly affect us, I wanted to minimize any potential indirect impact. Mentally bracing myself for the unexpected, I anticipated stumbling upon comical situations, such as accidentally walking in on someone changing or finding myself in compromising positions that would inevitably label me as a pervert. Instead of fighting it, I decided to fully embrace this aspect of the world and take it in stride.

"It's actually the Demon King," the goddess corrected me, her lips forming a slight pout.

"Potato, potato," I quipped, clapping my hands together playfully. Eris sighed and conjured two tomes before us.

"Choose something from these, and I'll send you on your way," she instructed with a sigh, her tone returning to a more business-like manner.

Before delving into the tomes, I decided to clarify with Eris, "I suppose omnipresence or omnipotence is out of the question?"

Eris let out a snort and shook her head, amusement flickering in her eyes. "Even I don't possess that level of power."

"Fair enough," I replied. "What about an ability that would grant me the power to see, analyze, and inspect my surroundings without physically seeing them?" As I discussed with Eris, Olivia flipped through the pages of the tome, eagerly searching for an ability that would catch her interest.

Eris looked up, furrowing her brow as she attempted to recall the list of abilities. Eventually, she shook her head. "There isn't a single ability I could grant that encompasses all of those aspects simultaneously. However, there is an ability for crafters that would allow you to inspect objects down to their smallest particles. Another ability sharpens your senses, enabling you to detect the faintest of danger." As Eris spoke, Olivia's attention perked up.

"I want that one," Olivia declared, interrupting the goddess in her explanation, her determination evident as she glanced at me. From Eris's description, it seemed akin to a Spider-Sense ability. I pondered for a moment and nodded in agreement, recognizing the potential benefits this ability could offer Olivia.

Turning back to Eris, Olivia repeated her request, "I want that sense ability."

Eris shrugged and waved her hand, casting a golden glow over Olivia. Then, she returned her focus to me, continuing where she left off. "There's also an ability that grants the power to see through walls and other objects," she said, a knowing smile on her lips.

"No, I don't think I need that one," I replied, shaking my head. "How about an ability to create or control plants?"

Eris clapped her hands joyfully. "We have both!" she exclaimed. "While they are primarily intended for farming purposes, we do offer two abilities in this domain. The first one allows you to create magical seeds from plants you have come into contact with. The second ability empowers you to infuse magic into plants and manipulate their growth." She nodded rapidly, emphasizing her point.

Considering the options, the first ability seemed like a perfect fit to merge with my creation and manipulation skills. "I'll choose the seed creation ability," I announced. As the words left my lips, a radiant golden glow enveloped me, indicating the acquisition of my chosen ability.

[Skill: [Seed Creation] unlocked.]

"Alright, you're all set," Eris said as she clapped her hands. Once again, a golden glow surrounded us, indicating the teleportation process. However, with a simple wave of my hand, I disrupted her attempt, leaving her stunned and wide-eyed.

Ignoring her shock, I proceeded to ask my question, a wide smile on my face. "Before we depart, I have a query," I began. "If we manage to complete the task before the day's end, would it be possible for us to have a wish fulfilled or gain another ability? Considering the considerable divine energy required to summon souls from different realms, this seems like a relatively small price to pay, wouldn't you agree?"

Eris stuttered in response, clearly taken aback by my request. "S-sure, sure, that can be arranged," she stammered, her anxiety evident as she nodded rapidly. It was clear she doubted our ability to accomplish the task within such a short timeframe.

"Perfect," I replied with a confident smile. "Alright, go ahead and send us on our way." With a wave of her hand, Eris initiated the teleportation process once again, enveloping us in a shimmering golden glow. As our bodies were whisked away, Eris bid us good luck, and we waved goodbye to the goddess, knowing that we would be back in just a few hours.

In an instant, the flash of light subsided, and we found ourselves standing in a peaceful clearing not too far from a bustling town. Squinting my eyes and relying on my heightened perception, I quickly recognized it as Axel, the starting town for beginner adventurers.

Turning my attention to Olivia, I asked with curiosity, "So, how's the new ability treating you?"

A smile played on Olivia's lips as she waved her hand, sharing her screen to reveal the details of her newfound skill.

[Danger Sense LVL: MAX]

- Heightens the user's awareness and intuition, providing an enhanced sense of impending danger and imminent threats.

- Increases the user's perception and reaction speed by 20%, allowing them to quickly identify and respond to potential hazards.

- Provides an intuitive understanding of the environment, enabling the user to detect hidden traps, ambushes, and concealed dangers with heightened accuracy.

- Enhances the user's sensory abilities, such as sight, hearing, and touch, specifically focused on detecting danger, allowing them to pick up on subtle cues and anomalies that indicate potential harm.

- Grants a subconscious sixth sense that alerts the user to imminent danger, triggering a primal instinct and heightened physical readiness.

- Enhances the user's combat abilities, granting them a temporary boost in agility, strength, and reflexes when engaged in dangerous encounters.

"Wow, that's quite the skill," I exclaimed, surprised by the extent of its capabilities. "And just like our falna skills, it's a Max rank skill right off the bet."

Olivia nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I was taken aback by that too. What about yours?"

"It's actually more impressive than what Eris described," I replied, sharing the skill description with her.

She looked through the wall of text, her expression filled with surprise. "Huh, to be honest, it's even better than I thought it would be. Especially the ability to instantly understand the genetic makeup of plants you come into contact with. And it seems you can even merge the genetic makeup of multiple plants to create new ones."

"Exactly," I said with a smile. "That's why I'll be merging the skill immediately."

Drawing upon my [Intuitive Aptitude] and knowledge of skill merging, I realized that combining the abilities of [Creature Master], [Creation], and [Seed Creation] could create a powerful synergy. However, I needed an additional skill to manipulate matter, which led me to consider integrating [Transfiguration]. The only missing piece was a skill for manipulating biological matter, which I found in the forgotten abilities of [Blood Manipulation] and [Blood Arts].

But even with these skills combined, there was still something lacking to bind them together and unlock their full potential. That's when I noticed [Nature's Connection], a skill that had allowed me to form bonds with leylines and commune with nature itself. Without hesitation, I included [Nature's Connection] in the mix, giving birth to a skill with tremendous possibilities and untapped potential.

[Master of Natural Creation 13x LVL: 1/100]

- Through a deep connection with nature, the user can effortlessly absorb and comprehend the essence of plants, animals, matter and the elements, acquiring an innate understanding of their complete makeup, growth processes, and unique properties.

- Allows the utilization of the absorbed knowledge to synthesize living organisms or non-biological matter.

- Enables manipulation of biological and non-biological matter the user's mana has made contact with, however, inherent magic resistances may impede absolute control.

- The organisms or matter created or controlled by the user can grow and evolve over time, gaining new abilities and becoming stronger.

- Provides the capability to merge genetic and atomic data from diverse origins, enabling the creation of hybrid organisms or novel materials.

- Allows the user to imbue organisms or matter with magical properties, granting them unique abilities or attributes.

- Enhances the user's empathetic connection with nature, enabling them to sense disturbances or imbalances in ecosystems, communicate with any type of organism, and understand the needs and emotions of them.

- Enables taming, training, and control over organisms, making them loyal companions and allies.

As the skills merged and underwent a transformation within the depths of my soul, an immense torrent of information surged through my consciousness. It was as if a floodgate had been opened, inundating my mind with an all-encompassing knowledge of everything my senses and mana came into contact with.

The composition of the air, down to its smallest particles, the intricate biological makeup of the microorganisms floating within it, the delicate spores drifting on the breeze—it all flooded into my awareness. Even the atomic composition of trace elements within the ground beneath my feet and the complete genetic code of the grass I stood upon were revealed to me.

The sheer volume of information was overwhelming, threatening to drown me in its vastness. Gritting my teeth, I focused my will and split my mind, creating a separate mental process dedicated solely to utilizing this newfound skill. One part of my consciousness would interact with and comprehend the information, while the other would control the skill itself. It was a delicate balance, but I was determined to master this extraordinary ability.

Drawing in a deep breath, I steadied my turbulent mind and prepared to put my newfound ability to the test. With focused intent, I directed my attention toward the patch of grass before me, activating the skill and establishing a telepathic connection with it. The grass whispered back with its simple needs: water, sunlight, and nutrients from the ground. As a sense of satisfaction washed over me from the successful communication with the plant, I couldn't help but let out a chuckle, much to Olivia's confusion. With a determined motion, I severed the telepathic connection and extended a delicate tendril of mana toward the grass, channeling my energy into it.

Harnessing the power of my newfound skill, I tapped into the genetic makeup of the grass, manipulating its biological matter with precision. With a wave of my hand, the once ordinary grass transformed into a magnificent, vibrant flower, captivating Olivia with its beauty. Satisfied with this initial alteration, I decided to push the limits of my ability further.

Drawing upon the extensive genetic manipulation aspect of my skill, I delved deeper into the plant's genetic code. With careful adjustments and alterations, I reshaped its form, imbuing it with new characteristics and abilities. Nurtured by the flow of my mana, the plant underwent a breathtaking transformation, evolving into a majestic creature standing tall at one meter in height. Its form exuded both awe-inspiring beauty and an undeniable air of strength, radiating an aura of power that commanded respect and admiration.

Through intricate genetic modifications, I carefully enhanced its mental capacity, granting it heightened intelligence and cognitive capabilities. Its durability was bolstered, making it resistant to external forces and attacks. To further empower it, I implanted a magical core within its structure, infusing it with the potent energy of mana.

Its head took the form of an orchid, with a delicate yet dangerous beauty. The flower had the ability to unfold, revealing sharp, teeth-like protrusions capable of tearing flesh from its victims. Two sturdy vines extended from its sides, granting it the ability to whip, grip and restrain prey. Its root-like legs, thick and chunky, provided both stability and a means of extracting nutrients from the ground.

What was once a harmless patch of grass had now evolved into a formidable and fearsome entity, ready to fulfill its new purpose in this fantastical world.

Olivia gave me a deadpan look as the flower with its razor-sharp teeth and tentacle-like vines flailed around. "For real?" she asked incredulously.

I flashed her a mischievous smile and shrugged. "What? I wanted to test out its capabilities," I replied casually. "I wonder if I could bestow life into non-organic matter." I pondered, as my curiosity was piqued, and with renewed focus, I directed my attention to the dirt before me, contemplating the feasibility of creating an earth golem. However, before I could proceed, Olivia grabbed my ear and pulled me back.

"Save your experiments for later. Let's finish the quest and explore this world," she said, her expression annoyed and determined.

"But Mommy!" I protested playfully, feigning a childish tone. My plea fell on deaf ears, as her deadpan stare made it clear that she wasn't going to entertain my antics. Clearing my throat, I straightened up and mustered a more serious tone. "Um... What I mean is, yes, dear." She nodded in response, her gaze shifting back to my newly created monster.

"Are you going to dispose of this... creature?" she asked, her tone tinged with concern.

Sensing the perceived danger, my first official creation hid behind my legs, and wrapped its wines around my legs, while peeking out cautiously from the side.

"Aww, you scared poor little Planty!" I exclaimed, giving it a quick pat on its head. It happily received the affection and let out a purr-like sound, reminiscent of a contented cat.

"You didn't just name that thing Planty, did you?" she asked, raising an eyebrow and giving me a disapproving stare.

I shrugged, maintaining my composure, and with a hint of seriousness in my tone, I replied, "It suits him. I'm a mother now, and as a responsible parent, I can't just abandon my child, even if it's a bit... unique." I said with a smirk, as Planty let out a startled "Shaa!" in agreement.

"Please don't," she sighed, planting her head into her palms, clearly exasperated by my antics. I couldn't help but chuckle in response to her reaction.

"Alright," I turned to Planty and infused him with mana, further augmenting his capabilities. "Planty, go around and hunt down monsters. Just remember, don't attack humans indiscriminately, only if they attack you first. Understand?" I said while giving him another pat. He nodded his head and let out a melancholic "Shaa..." before releasing my leg and wobbling off toward the forest.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to just let it go?" Olivia asked, giving me an inquisitive look.

"It's a him, don't miss-gender him," I corrected her, squinting playfully. She raised her arms in surrender, clearly giving up on the 'argument'. "And... what's the worst that could happen?" I replied with a knowing smile.

Olivia shook her head, completely giving up on the topic, and changed the subject. "So... the demon or exploration first?" she asked, pointing towards the town behind her.

"Let's get our Adventurer's Cards first and then go after the demon," I dropped the act and decided after a quick thought. "There are levels in this world, so we might as well make the most of it." Olivia nodded in agreement, and together we strolled down the road that led to the bustling city, surrounded by towering walls.

As we approached the town gates, I utilized my mental manipulation ability to subtly influence the thoughts and perceptions of the people around us, allowing us to bypass the long queue and effortlessly pass through the gates. A similar approach was necessary when we encountered the guards who requested identification, as we didn't possess any.

After delving into the minds of the townsfolk, I navigated us toward the Adventurers Guild, a humble and slightly dilapidated building located at the heart of the town. However, the peculiar laws of this Gag world soon made their presence known. As I confidently pushed the door open, it inadvertently collided with someone exiting the building, causing a comical domino effect. The unfortunate individual stumbled into a waitress, causing her to lose her balance and spill a plate of food, which, in turn, toppled three jugs of beer onto the unsuspecting patrons seated at a nearby table.

A heavy silence settled upon the establishment as the collective attention turned towards us. The adventurers eyed us with skepticism, their gazes filled with a mix of suspicion and curiosity. They couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between my casual attire—a simple white t-shirt and shorts—and Olivia's fully equipped gear. However, rather than being intimidated, a flicker of defiance sparked in my eyes.

Raising an eyebrow in response to their unwelcoming stares, I silently challenged their preconceived notions. With a subtle gesture upward, I conveyed my readiness to prove them wrong and showcase our true strength.

"What?" I voiced, my tone laced with confidence and a touch of amusement. Simultaneously, I released a sliver of my mana, allowing its raw power to ripple through the air. The entire building creaked and groaned under the strain, emphasizing the strength that lay dormant within me.

In response to my challenge, the crowd averted their gazes, unwilling to engage in a confrontation. I directed a sly smirk towards the man I had knocked over, who still lay on the ground, mouth agape and finger pointing in my direction.

"Next time, watch where you're going," I remarked coolly, while Olivia rolled her eyes and after noticing the attendant proceeded forward toward the counter, unfazed by the commotion.

Luna, the attendant, was dressed in a white off-the-shoulder top that revealed a generous amount of cleavage. The top had black shoulder details and sleeve cuffs, adding a touch of contrast. She paired it with low-rise jean shorts that accentuated her figure and completed her outfit with short brown boots.

"Hi," Olivia greeted the well-endowed, fair-skinned woman with wavy blonde hair, who had her hair tied back in a bun, by flashing a friendly smile. "We would like to become adventurers," she stated, causing the rest of the establishment, who had been eavesdropping attentively, to erupt in a surprised uproar.

Luna's shocked expression swiftly shifted into a more professional and gentle demeanor. She greeted Olivia with a warm smile and a small bow, introducing herself, "My name is Luna, and I welcome you to Axel's Adventurer's Guild."