KonoSuba 2

Luna escorted us to a surprisingly well-decorated room, furnished with a comfortable sofa positioned in front of an ornate coffee table. She provided us with forms to fill out, ensuring our comfort by asking if we wanted something to drink, though we politely declined. It was evident that we were receiving preferential treatment, likely due to my earlier power play, showcasing some of my capabilities.

The forms required us to provide personal information such as our names, locations, dates of birth, citizenship, and marital status. Olivia raised an eyebrow when she reached the section on marital status and gave me a pointed look, but I pretended not to notice. I quickly filled out the forms by extracting information from Luna's mind and sharing it with Olivia. Once completed, Luna took the forms to be placed in the Guild Archives for safekeeping.

"So," Luna said, glancing at the filled-in forms, "Olivia and... Andrew..." She looked at us for confirmation, and we nodded in agreement. With a warm smile, she stood up and assured us, "Welcome to the ranks of Adventurers. Just give me a moment, and I'll fetch your cards. The first ones are free, but if you lose them, new ones will cost you 5 Silver Eris." She left the room with swift strides, showcasing her confident demeanor.

After a few minutes, Luna returned holding two blank cards in her hand. She handed one to each of us and explained that we needed to drop a small amount of blood onto the card to establish a binding connection. This presented a challenge for us, considering our regenerative capabilities and durability. Nonetheless, we managed to extract a drop of blood and carefully placed it on our respective cards, allowing them to bind to us.

As our blood made contact with the seemingly paper card, a surge of energy coursed through our bodies, accompanied by a series of familiar notifications reminiscent of the DanMachi world.

"Huh, I almost forgot I purchased that feature," I casually remarked, causing Luna to raise an eyebrow and give me a questioning look. Sensing her curiosity, I waved her off and said, "Oh, it's nothing. Just thinking out loud."

[Detection, Integration, Reproduction system detected another system.]

[Compatibility detected.]

[No new systems elements detected.]

[Creating an additional system overview for the Adventurer system.]

[User can access new status by thinking or saying 'Adventurer Status']

[Attribute points hold equal value in both systems.]

[Health equals Vitality.]

[Magic Power equals Intelligence.]

[Other parameters are equal in name and function.]

[Adventurer system stats set to the global average of 15.]

[Adventurer system level set to 1.]

[Unlocking all classes.]

[Please select an Adventurer class.]

Glancing through the extensive list, I carefully considered the options, taking into account the passive abilities and benefits each class could offer.

After a thorough evaluation and cross-referencing the information from Luna's mind, I made my selection: the Arch Wizard class. I hoped to harness its passive abilities and specialized focus on magic, as it aligned well with my existing skills and interests.

[Displaying Adventurer Status.]


(LV: 1) (Arch Wizard)

(Sex: M) / (Age: 28) / (Race: ???)


Strength: 15

Health: 15

Magic Power: 15

Dexterity: 15

Agility: 15

Luck: 15

Attribute Points: 0

Skills: [Master of Natural Creation]

Ability Points: 0

Observing Olivia's contemplative state, I decided to lend her a hand by establishing a telepathic connection. "Need help choosing a class?" I offered, eager to assist her in making the decision.

"Yeah, that would be helpful," she responded immediately, signaling her appreciation for the assistance.

Without hesitation, I suggested two options. "Choose between Hero or Sword Master," I advised. "The Hero class may cause some commotion, but it's a legendary class with potential valuable bonuses. On the other hand, the Sword Master class focuses on sword-related skills."

Considering our limited stay in this world, Olivia raised an important question. "We're not staying here for long, right?" she asked, giving me a meaningful look. Meanwhile, Luna observed our interaction, alternating between us with puzzled glances.

"Nope, just a day or two at best," I confirmed with a casual shrug. "After this, I'll teleport us to the Demon's castle."

Understanding the temporary nature of our visit, Olivia made her decision. "Alright, then I'll go with the Hero class," she declared with a nod. With that, our telepathic communication ceased, and Olivia proceeded to select her class.


(LV: 1) (Hero)

(Sex: F) / (Age: 25) / (Race: ???)


Strength: 15

Health: 15

Magic Power: 15

Dexterity: 15

Agility: 15

Luck: 15

Attribute Points: 0

Abilities: [Danger Sense]

Ability Points: 0

As I was about to stow my card away into my pocket, Luna intervened, clearing her throat with authority. "I need to check your parameters in order to determine suitable quests and assign an appropriate rank," she declared, expecting us to hand over our cards.

As Olivia gave me a quizzical look, I handed over my card without hesitation, responding with a nonchalant "Sure." Deep down, I knew that the Integration System had lowered my stats to levels that Luna would find questionable. With a subtle manipulation of Luna's perception, I ensured that she saw the values she expected, concealing the true values hidden within my card.

Observing my calm response, Olivia followed suit and handed over her card, expecting a dramatic reaction from Luna. However, the attendant's surprise was only momentary as she examined both our cards. After jotting down some notes in our files, Luna returned the cards to us without any further comments.

As she examined our cards, a thought sparked in my mind about the potential creation of a magical version of the Doctor's Psychic paper. Such an enchantment would provide me with a discreet means of influencing the thoughts and perceptions of others. However, I quickly realized that its effectiveness would hinge on the individual's mana detection skills and mental resistance abilities.

"Hmm, maybe we should pay a visit to the Doc," I mumbled under my breath. The enigmatic species known for their mastery over time held fascinating abilities that could maybe even enhance our own. Moreover, their advanced technology was far beyond anything we had encountered so far. It was akin to magic, yet rooted in scientific advancements.

Luna's words drew my full attention, momentarily diverting my thoughts from the allure of advanced technology and the enigmatic Doctor. I straightened up, focusing on her as she spoke. "Your stats and classes have exceeded my expectations," she said, sparking my curiosity. "I would advise against staying in town for too long, as it could hinder your progress. However, if you're interested, I can provide you with some subjugation quests that I believe you'll be capable of completing. While this town may not offer significant challenges, it can still serve as a stepping stone for your journey."

Listening attentively, I acknowledged Luna's caring and attentive nature. However, her warning about the limited challenges in town didn't hold much weight for me, or for us. Money was not a concern, and even if we were to run low, I possessed the ability to conjure kilograms of gold through my newfound skill, making quests provided by the guild unnecessary in terms of financial gain.

I turned to Olivia, a knowing smile on my face, and conveyed my thoughts to her telepathically. She nodded in agreement, clearly understanding my sentiments. While the subjugation quests offered by the guild seemed enticing to others, we knew we had different means at our disposal.

"Sorry, Luna, but we're not currently seeking quests," I politely expressed, accompanied by a warm smile. "The journey to the town was quite arduous and we're in need of some rest. Our plan, for now, is to locate an inn and recuperate for the night. Perhaps tomorrow, we'll embark on an exploration of the wilderness." I provided a brief explanation of our intentions, hoping she would understand our need for respite before delving into new adventures.

With a nod of understanding, Luna left the room, leaving Olivia and me to discuss our next course of action. We exchanged knowing glances, and with a simple wave of my hand, while ignoring the pings of skills 'leaned' from the Adventurer's system, I erected a sound barrier around the room, ensuring our complete privacy.

"Um... Are all the women in this realm so... well-endowed?" Olivia remarked, covering her own, quite impressive, assets with her hands.

"Not to my knowledge. And yours are certainly on par, if not surpassing hers. Don't worry, I love you for who you are, and not the boobs you have." I said with a playful smile, quickly adding, "Actually, there is a point where they become excessive and can be seen as repulsive. Hers are just below that threshold, while yours are just perfect." I responded, nodding sagely, while still aware of the daggers being thrown my way.

"Oh, please. I've seen your eyes gravitate towards them like a magnet," she retorted, narrowing her gaze.

"Well, yeah. I am a man, after all," I replied with a shrug. "But you know, I would never even think of touching her. My grandfather used to tell me, 'You can have an appetite anywhere, but only at home should you savor the feast.'" (A/N: He actually did say this to me... RIP Grandpa.)

She snorted and gave me a flirtatious smile, saying, "Do you want to indulge in this feast?" as she pointed towards herself while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Give me a moment, let me find my 'eating pants'," I responded, playfully dismissing my clothes and inviting her to join me.

She flashed me a wide smile and teasingly replied, "Well, too bad..." Her fingers traced along my arms, drawing circles, while she gave me a sad expression. "I'm so tired after someone woke me up in the middle of the night and only let me sleep for three hours."

"Who would do something so sacrilegious! Off with his head!" I exclaimed, standing up from the sofa and raising my fist to the air in my fully naked glory. I knelt before her and gently took her palm, bringing it to my lips. "Don't worry, my Lady. It would be my honor to do all the work."

"Oh," she placed her palm against her forehead. "My knight in... Umm... shining armor..." As she spoke, I quickly conjured an illusion of a white horse behind me, causing her to snort and giggle cutely. She continued, "On a white horse. Please save me from..."

But before she could finish her sentence, the door of the room flung open, and a drunken man stumbled through the threshold, disrupting the atmosphere. I felt a surge of frustration, causing me to freeze time and quickly resummoned my clothes. For a brief moment, thoughts of erasing the town or immediately dealing with the intruder crossed my mind, but I quickly dismissed them.

The mood had been ruined, but I knew it wasn't entirely his fault. I should have chosen a more private and secure location for our intimate moment. Letting out a sigh, I turned back to the pouting Olivia and asked with a hopeful voice, "Tonight?"

She responded with a hint of playfulness in her voice, "You'll have to work pretty hard to keep me awake..."

"Don't worry, I'll give it my all," I declared, pridefully thumping my chest, eliciting another giggle from her.

"So..." Changing the topic quickly, "How about we test out the Party System?" I proposed, a knowing smile playing on my lips.

"Sure," Olivia replied with a casual shrug, clearly intrigued. "I've seen the different settings, but which one do you want to activate?"

"Without the party system it seems we were on free-for-all settings, where each of us received experience for our individual kills," I explained. "The Participation option divides the experience based on damage dealt, while Kill-Assist allocates 75% to the one who lands the final blow and 25% to those who assisted. However, I think we should go with Equal-Share. It evenly splits the experience between us." I reasoned, sharing my preference.

"No, that would make it feel like I'm taking credit for your achievements," Olivia objected, shaking her head. "If we're going to share experience, let's go with the Kill-Assist option."

"We acquired this system precisely for this purpose," I replied, maintaining a deadpan expression. "We'll be splitting the experience, and that's final."

She sighed, clearly not happy with my decision, but I didn't pay much attention to her discontent. She was lagging behind in terms of experience, and I felt she needed a boost. "We can always turn it off if we end up in separate worlds, alright?" I reasoned. "But for now, there's no reason for us not to share experience in the same world, especially when we can gain a lot from simply clearing out an area together."

With a pleading look on her face, Olivia made her case. "At least, let's use the Free-Setup option and do a 90-10 split for each kill."

I shook my head. "No, how about 60-40?"

"What!? How about 85-15?" She countered with a determined expression.

I chuckled playfully. "75-25, my final offer. And if you don't accept it, I'll set it to Equal Share."

After a heavy sigh, she reluctantly nodded, accepting my offer. With that settled, I selected the Party System, added Olivia to the party, and set up the experience-sharing option, ensuring it was only shared if we were in the same dimension.

"Do you think the Party System works with this Adventurer system as well?" Olivia asked curiously, and I shrugged in response.

"There's only one way to find out," I replied with a smile. "Let me just take care of the demon dude, acquire another ability from the goddess, and then we can spend the rest of the time exploring the realm. Or would you like to be the one to assault their castle?"

She shook her head. "Nah, too much work. You do it."

"Alright," I agreed with a nod. Releasing my mana, I unleashed a full-powered [Celestial Eyes] throughout the domain. It was at that moment I realized I had made a tiny mistake with that action. My mind immediately sprang into action, forcing [Master of Natural Creation] to shut down before it overwhelmed me with an excessive amount of information.

Taking a deep breath, I quickly composed myself, grateful that I had managed to deactivate the skill before it caused any significant harm. The title of [Blessed by Death] had already come off cooldown, but it would have been a waste to utilize it in that manner.

"I already have an idea of what kind of skill I'll be requesting," I muttered, rubbing my temples, while [Celestial Eyes] continued to extend, uncovering the map of the continent.

Using the system map, I observed as the fog of war receded, gradually revealing the geographical features, cities, and connecting roads. As the waves I sent out in all directions collided on the opposite side of the planet, I deactivated the spell, took Olivia's hand, and teleported directly into the air, just above the Demon King's castle.

"There's a barrier surrounding it, but it's not too formidable," I informed Olivia, turning to face her with a smile. "How flashy would you like it to be?"

"For the love of Hestia, please, don't make it too excessive... Your performance in DanMachi is still fresh in my mind."

"Oh, come on..." I retorted, smirking at her. "I know you loved it. Besides, I'm pretty sure that's why you wanted to get the Angel race."

As Olivia looked away, a slight pout forming on her face, I couldn't help but notice the faint blush that colored her cheeks. I smiled warmly at her, appreciating the playful banter between us, before redirecting my focus to the castle below. With a snap of my fingers, a magnificent magical circle materialized above the castle, expanding and warping until it fully enveloped the magical barrier, seamlessly merging with it.

The once formidable defense had transformed into an inescapable snare, thwarting any attempts at spatial manipulation or conventional means of escape. But I wasn't satisfied with just neutralizing their way out. Harnessing my vast reserves of mana, the barrier shimmered with an intense radiance, and in the blink of an eye, everything within its confines crumbled into their fundamental elemental forms. A colossal surge of energy surged forth, rattling the very bedrock of the realm.

Yet, despite the intense release of energy, the barrier surrounding the castle held steadfast, effectively containing the destructive force within its confines. The shockwaves created by the explosion reverberated within the spherical barrier, but with each bounce, the energy dissipated and diminished in power.

However, my attention was not focused on the spectacle unfolding before me. The notifications from my Library System and the Adventurer's system held greater importance to me at that moment.

[Quest: [Demon King] Completed 10,000 WP (1/2) Received]

[Quest Update: [Generals] 4/8 Completed]

[Demon (T3) x5 slain (50,000) 37,500 XP Received]

[Demon (T2) x87 slain (870) 653 XP Received]

(A/N: I changed XP gains for 2 tiers below. Instead of the normal 100%, the adjusted XP gains are now set at 10%. I also corrected the explanation and XP in the FMA 2 chapter.)

The encounter may not have yielded a significant boost in experience, but it did result in a noteworthy advancement for both of us. I gained a level in both my Physicist and Spellthief classes, and my Adventurer System level increased by 26. Olivia, while not experiencing any level increases in her classes or global level within the Library System, obtained a total of 12,717 experience points and gained 7 levels within the Adventurer System.

"Well, that certainly answers your question about the Party System," I remarked, and received a nod of agreement in response.

The aftermath of the attack yielded a significant reward. I had gained a total of 130 Attribute Points, with five points awarded per level, which I could allocate to different attributes to enhance my abilities. Additionally, I had acquired 26 Ability Points that could be used to select and improve skills associated with my Arch Wizard class. It was a substantial reward for minimal effort, but I decided to hold off on utilizing them for now.

With a simple gesture, I dispelled the lingering barrier, revealing a circular void in the ground that was gradually filling with underground water. It was a perfect outcome, satisfying my intentions. "Excellent," I remarked with a grin. "Now, it's time to pay a visit to the goddess once more. I'm curious to witness her reaction when we suddenly appear in her realm." My smile widened as I extended my hand, and with a hint of my divinity, tore through the dimensional barrier that separated us from the Divine Domain.