KonoSuba 3

As the world swirled around us in a mesmerizing display of colors, we were transported through the portal from the mortal world to the Divine Domain. This form of travel wasn't instantaneous and took a few seconds to complete. During that time, my mind wandered, exploring various thoughts and contemplations.

From our initial arrival in this realm, I skillfully analyzed the dimensional frequencies, granting me the ability to return at will. Inspired by the blood crystal created by the Monster God, which enabled dimensional hopping, I devised a spell that would identify dimensional frequencies and coordinates. Whenever I ventured into a new dimension, or rather, a new world, my intention was to secure the means to revisit these realms independently of the Library.

Through the diligent use of this spell, I already uncovered intriguing revelations.

Remarkably, every world I have scanned with that spell appeared to exist on the same plane of existence. It's as if they are situated in the same location, yet separated and enclosed within their own distinct bubbles, safeguarded by different kinds of dimensional barriers, protected and guided by their own World Laws. While I must conduct further investigations in other worlds, my current hypothesis suggests that all these realms reside within the boundless expanse of the Void.

Another revelation I made was the correlation between the distance separating worlds and the energy required to establish a portal between them. The closer two worlds were in proximity, the minimal energy expenditure was needed. As an example, traveling from the KonoSuba world to its Divine Realm incurred negligible costs, given that the Divine Realm exists in immediate adjacency, practically touching the KonoSuba world.

On the other hand, traversing from this world to, let's say, the DxD world would demand a considerably larger amount of energy, which surpasses my current capacity, even with the assistance of the Magical Dyson Sphere within my newly created dimension. This stark contrast highlights the immense power wielded by the Library.

Also, I attempted to employ the dimensional identification spell within the Library, but it yielded an incomprehensible amalgamation of imaginary numbers and frequencies. While I cannot claim expertise in dimensional mechanics, it appears that the Library itself exists on a higher dimensional plane, unrestricted by the limitations of time, space, or other physical and metaphysical laws. Considering Rob's statement that the Library is truly infinite in size, my hypothesis regarding its location does not seem farfetched.

Fortunately, our transition between the Library and my dimension was unhindered, as Mai locked onto the faint traces of my mana signature lingering in the crafting room. However, I pondered what would have happened if there had been no residual mana in the air. Would the ejection system have returned us to the Library, or would we have been left stranded in our own dimension? To mitigate such risks in the future, I resolved myself to develop a dimensional beacon to ensure that I do not inadvertently find myself stranded while conducting experiments.

(A/N: NSFW Warning.)

My attention was immediately seized by the vivid display unfolding before me. The portal had deposited us silently into the opulent throne room, where a scene of unabashed indulgence was playing out. The goddess we had encountered earlier, now stripped of all inhibitions, stood bent over her ornate golden throne. Her body, fully exposed in all its divine glory, glistened with a sheen of sweat, a testament to the fervor of the moment.

Behind her, the diligent redhead assistant, once reserved and demure, now embraced her newfound dominance. Adorned in a provocative leather-clad outfit that accentuated her curves, she wielded a leather whip with practiced confidence. Each crack of the whip echoed through the chamber, accompanied by a chorus of moans and gasps. With relentless precision, she administered strikes upon the goddess's exposed rear, leaving vivid imprints upon her flawless skin.

Bound by cuffs, the goddess's arms were helplessly secured behind her back, accentuating her vulnerability. Adorning her modest breasts were clips adorned with weights, causing them to sway and bounce with each powerful thrust. The juxtaposition of pleasure and pain danced upon the goddess's face, a testament to the depths of her desires.

It was a scene that exuded raw passion, a symphony of dominance and submission, enacted within the very heart of the divine realm. The air crackled with electric energy, charged by the unabashed exploration of their darkest desires.

Caught in the throes of their passion, the duo remained oblivious to our unexpected arrival. A conflicting surge of emotions welled within me, torn between cursing the absurd laws that governed these Gag worlds, as for sure they played a part in our stumbling upon such a scene, and a morbid curiosity that compelled me to witness the spectacle unfolding before my eyes.

The petite goddess, defying all expectations, demonstrated remarkable prowess as she accommodated the enormous strap-on with unwavering determination. The sheer audacity of her "capacity" left me in awe, marveling at the limits of human indulgence. Inevitably, I anticipated being unfairly labeled a pervert or at least a voyeur, even though the circumstances were beyond my control.

(A/N: NSFW End.)

Exhaling soundlessly, I turned my attention to Olivia, half-expecting a torrent of anger or disapproval to be directed my way. However, to my utter astonishment, she stood by my side, her demeanor surprisingly composed.

With a focused expression on her face, a notebook and pen in her hand, assuming the role of an intrigued scholar, she observed the unfolding spectacle with mesmerizing intensity. Her eyes traced every movement and every gesture, and she diligently jotted down notes, capturing the essence of the scene with meticulous precision. It was as if she saw beyond the surface-level titillation, delving into the depths of the encounter with an analytical curiosity that both fascinated and intrigued me.

Consumed by my curiosity, I couldn't resist leaning closer to Olivia, my voice hushed as I whispered, "What are you doing? Why are you taking notes?" The question jolted her out of her trance-like state, and her eyes widened in surprise. She hurriedly concealed the notebook and pen, her face now reflecting a mix of surprise and embarrassment. In a voice that carried more volume than she intended, she stammered, "N-nothing!" The abrupt interruption caused the moans to my right to abruptly cease, and a sudden silence filled the air with awkward tension.

Turning ever so slowly, I directed my gaze toward the frozen figures in the room, their eyes locked on me with a mixture of shock and disbelief. Sensing the need to break the tension, I mustered a friendly smile and greeted them with an air of nonchalance. "Hey there!" I said, my voice carrying a casual tone. "Guess what? The Demon King is dead. Good news, right?"

Despite my efforts to defuse the tension, it became apparent that the situation had taken a turn for the worse. The room erupted in high-pitched screams and accusations of "Pervert!" and "Hentai!" filled the air, accompanied by a barrage of flying objects. Dildos, butt plugs, and a whip whizzed through the room, directed solely at me, while the divine energies crackled with malevolence.

Refusing to be a mere victim of their assault, I held out my hand and channeled my own power, causing the very fabric of the divine realm to tremble in response. With a surge of raw mana, I created a protective barrier that repelled the incoming divine energies, shielding Olivia and myself from their harmful effects. Simultaneously, I redirected the trajectory of the flying toys, sending them hurtling back toward their owners with a twist of irony.

The goddess received an unexpected slap to the face, courtesy of her own dildo, now adorned with her own sacred fluids. The assistant, on the other hand, took a direct hit to the forehead from the returning butt plug, leaving an undeniable mark of humiliation.

Amidst the tumultuous scene, Olivia displayed an uncanny ability to navigate through the chaos unscathed. While I had been busy deflecting flying objects and redirecting divine energies, she found herself on the ground, convulsing with laughter. Her seemingly carefree demeanor ignited a spark of annoyance within me, fueling my desire to assert my authority.

Without a moment's hesitation, my hand met her firm behind with a resounding slap that reverberated through the room, leaving a visible crack on the floor beneath her. The impact elicited a dual response from her—a girlish yelp of pain intertwined with an unmistakable moan of pleasure. It was my way of delivering a measure of justice for her failure to protect me, her boyfriend, in this bewildering and unfortunate misunderstanding.

Shifting my gaze towards the pair of infuriated and embarrassed women, who were hastily attempting to conceal their exposed forms, I adopted a deadpan expression, my voice laced with irritation. "Should you repeat such actions, rest assured that the dildo won't be the sole item penetrating your being." To emphasize my point, I exerted my will upon the very essence of the marble floor right beside them, activating my skill, [Master of Natural Creation]. In response, in a fraction of a second, a meter-tall, razor-sharp protrusion emerged forcefully from the ground, serving as a visual representation of the consequences they could face.

Their faces drained of color, and they nervously nodded in response. "Good. Now, please get yourselves decent, and let's discuss the reward for defeating the Demon King. We'll wait here," I instructed, waving them off. Without hesitation, Eris and her assistant hastily exited the room, leaving behind the scattered toys and the disarray on the goddess's throne. I couldn't help but shake my head in disappointment at the chaotic scene they had created.

Turning my attention back to Olivia, who continued to rub the spot where I had delivered the firm slap, my eyebrow arched in annoyance, seeking an answer to my earlier question. "Now, let's get back to you. What on earth were you taking notes on?" With a stern tone and a wry smile on my face, I repeated my inquiry, determined to uncover the reason behind her note-taking during the scandalous encounter we had just witnessed.


It took Eris a good thirty minutes to get dressed and regain her composure. With a rosy blush adorning her face, she returned to her throne room, attempting to maintain a regal and unaffected demeanor, as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. However, the lingering smell of sex, the scattered toys, and the puddle, surrounding her throne served as undeniable reminders of the explicit scene she was part of moments prior.

With feigned nonchalance, Eris approached her throne, purposefully averting her gaze from our presence and the disarray that still enveloped the room. However, as she neared the throne, her hesitation became evident, unwilling to sit amidst the remnants of her earlier endeavor.

Letting out a resigned sigh, I reluctantly extended my hand, utilizing my powers to perform a task that was way beneath my abilities: cleaning up the room. I erased any trace of the intimate encounter, ensuring that not even the lingering essence remained in the air.

Eris observed the eradication of her toys with a hardened expression, her shoulders slumping as the last remnants of the scene disappeared. Finally relenting, she lowered herself back onto her throne and addressed us, a mixture of reluctance and curiosity in her voice.

"How the hell did you even get in here?" Eris asked, her frustration evident in a deep sigh.

"Well, hello to you too," I responded with a wide smile. "We apologize for interrupting your... umm... playtime..." My words caused Eris's already flushed face to darken even further, but I paid it no mind. "I must say, I've learned a thing or two from observing your assistant's diligent work. The way she handles that strap-on is quite remarkable—"

"Okay, stop, stop, stop!" Eris pleaded, flailing her hands, her face now a shade of crimson. "Just tell me why you're here and leave me to die of shame!"

"Oh, there's nothing to be ashamed of," Olivia reassured her, her voice filled with wisdom beyond her years, as she nodded sagely. She remained unfazed by Eris's reaction, seemingly determined to offer her honest appraisal. "The way you embraced that enormous member was truly awe-inspiring. I highly doubt my own posterior could ever replicate such skill and finesse—"

However, before Olivia could continue her words of commendation, Eris erupted in a surge of divine energy, her face turning even redder as she covered it with her trembling hands. A piercing scream escaped her lips, muffled by her palms, as if trying to drown out the embarrassing situation she found herself in.

I exchanged an amused glance with Olivia, silently acknowledging her mischievousness, and gave her a subtle thumbs up. She responded with a nonchalant shrug as if saying, "Why not?"

As Eris gradually regained her composure, her muffled screams subsided, and she hesitantly lowered her hands from her flushed face. The remnants of embarrassment still lingered, evident in her reddened cheeks. "Enough!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with exasperation. "Just tell me why you're here and spare me any more humiliation!"

Taking a step forward, I assumed a more serious demeanor, understanding the need to shift the conversation away from the uncomfortable topic. "We have come to discuss the fulfillment of the reward for our victory over the Demon King," I explained, my voice resolute. "We upheld our end of the bargain, and now we expect you to fulfill yours."

Eris's eyes darted back and forth between Olivia and me, surprise momentarily overshadowing her embarrassment. "What?" she asked, her voice tinged with shock. The unexpected turn of events seemed to catch her off guard.

Curiosity danced in my eyes as I tilted my head, genuinely intrigued. "You didn't receive the memo?" I questioned a touch of surprise in my voice. "So, the earlier scene wasn't a celebration after all," I mused, nodding in understanding. "By the way, it's advisable to engage in such activities within the privacy of your own chambers. You never know when someone might unexpectedly walk in," I offered, attempting to provide some well-intentioned advice.

Eris clenched her teeth, her eyes shooting daggers at me as she retorted, "I didn't receive any memo, and no one can enter my throne room without my invitation."

A mischievous smile played on my lips as I countered, "Well, that statement is clearly incorrect, considering we are standing right here. Nevertheless, if you could kindly check with the redhead dominatrix or whoever is responsible for monitoring the Demon King, and get us situated, we'll be out of your hair."

Eris's glare bore down on us, intensifying with each passing second. However, with an exasperated sigh, she reluctantly relented, muttering a begrudging "Fine." Her eyes closed as a surge of divine energy enveloped the room, filling the air with a palpable aura of power. I could feel the ethereal tendrils of her energy reaching out, connecting to something beyond my senses. Time seemed to stretch as minutes ticked by, witnessing a whirlwind of emotions flickering across Eris's face—shock, happiness, wonder, awe—until finally a glimmer of fear appeared, and just as fast disappeared, from her expression.

An audible gulp echoed through the room as Eris slowly opened her eyes, a newfound calmness settling upon her features. A wide smile graced her lips, revealing a sense of acceptance and understanding. With a cleared throat, she composed herself and addressed us with newfound respect. Her voice carried a weight of sincerity as she spoke, "Brave heroes, I offer my deepest gratitude for your valiant efforts in vanquishing the Demon King and freeing our realm from his clutches." She took a deliberate breath, her tone unwavering as she continued, "Your valor shall not go unnoticed, for I implore you to share your heartfelt desires. Know that we shall spare no effort in transforming them into reality, as a token of our appreciation for your heroic deeds."

Though the task of slaying the Demon Lord may have appeared deceptively easy to us, with minimal effort invested, its true significance resonated deeply within the hearts of the realm's inhabitants and the gods themselves. This world, at first glance, appeared joyous and filled with mirth, yet beneath the surface lay a grim reality.

Through Luna's memories, I had gleaned fragments of this world's history, witnessing the relentless struggles that had unfolded prior to our arrival. Countless lives had been sacrificed, an incalculable amount of resources depleted, and unfathomable amounts of energies expended in a desperate bid to save the realm. Yet, despite these valiant efforts, every hero, adventurer, and army that had ventured forth to confront the malevolent Demon King and its minions had met a tragic demise.

The gods themselves had taken up the mantle of salvation, utilizing their powers to summon and reincarnate heroes from other worlds in a desperate attempt to tip the scales in their favor. Yet, despite their unwavering efforts and immense capabilities, their endeavors had been met with consistent failure. Until our arrival, the world remained ensnared by the oppressive grip of darkness, poised on the precipice of destruction.

With a smile still plastered on my face, I addressed Eris, feeling a mix of amusement and surprise at her changing demeanor. "Let's continue in the same casual manner as before," I suggested, wanting to maintain the lighthearted atmosphere. "Speaking of wishes... If hypothetically speaking, I were to express a desire for you, would that wish be granted?" A shiver ran down the goddess's spine, and a slight grimace flickered across her face, while Olivia shot me a death glare from the sidelines.

After a reluctant sigh, Eris nodded her expression a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty. "Yes, if that is truly your wish, I can become yours," she confirmed, her voice tinged with apprehension, as her body tensed up.

"Ah, but I'm sorry to disappoint," I chuckled, watching her almost lose her balance on the throne. "You see, as enticing as it may seem, I'm not actually interested in having you as my own. While you possess a certain charm, your appearance reminds me more of a pubescent girl, also, the idea of wishing for you feels like a convoluted form of slavery." I shrugged casually. "What I truly desire is an ability to transcend the limitations of my physical body, to separate my mental processes and think with unfettered speed and clarity."

Eris's response was a mixture of disbelief and confusion, her voice echoing with a blend of emotions as she exclaimed, "What?!"

I met her gaze steadily, explaining my rationale. "Don't get me wrong, you're an intriguing being, but my interests lie elsewhere. The potential of an enhanced mind, liberated from the confines of the flesh, holds far greater appeal to me." With a nonchalant shrug, I added, "So, can you make that happen?"

A soft, melodious chuckle escaped Eris's lips, filling the room with a gentle sound. Her previously tense posture eased, and a genuine smile adorned her face. "Very well," she replied, her voice carrying a newfound warmth. Taking a moment to contemplate, she continued, "There is indeed a skill we can bestow upon you that fulfills your request. It is known as Astral Cognition, and it not only grants you the ability to think without the limitations of your physical form but also offers additional benefits."

"Excellent, I'll go with that," I affirmed with a nod, feeling a surge of anticipation. As golden energies enveloped me, bearing a subtle trace of divine essence, I couldn't help but notice a distinct quality about them that I had overlooked previously. They seemed different, almost otherworldly, hinting at a power beyond the realm of divinity.

As I froze time in an attempt to closely observe the enigmatic particles that were about to merge with me, I found myself captivated by a perplexing sight. Unlike everything else in the frozen world around me, these particles remained untethered by the constraints of time, their movements unrestricted and fluid. They danced and swirled, their ethereal glow casting an enchanting display in the stillness.

With a mix of awe and curiosity, I reached out, extending my hand towards the particles, and as if drawn by an invisible force, they began to converge upon me. The moment they made contact, a surge of energy coursed through my being, and the skill, Astral Cognition, became fully integrated within me.

[Skill: [Astral Cognition] unlocked.]

Time resumed its flow, and as I stood there, the shimmering traces of the particles gradually dissipated into the air. However, the lingering question remained etched in my mind—what was that energy, and what secrets did it hold?

Unbeknownst to me, the answers to my questions about the origins and other mysteries surrounding that energy were about to unfold before me.