{What kind of challenge are you looking for?} he inquired.

"I don't know," I replied with a shrug. "Something that would be more challenging than simply going in, stealing their skills, and blowing up their planet."

"You're not blowing up another planet," Olivia interjected, crossing her arms and giving me a mild glare.

"See? Can't do that," I said with a wry smile. "We don't have enough WP for the Upscaling System, but it would be boring to run around and kill without facing any real challenges."

{Within the infinite iterations of each world,} Index explained, his pages fluttering as he spoke, {there comes a point where they diverge so greatly from the original that all connections are severed.} He said, continuing his flipping. {Occasionally, certain events in their past reshape these worlds, rendering them unrecognizable.}

He suddenly stopped mid-flip, proposing an intriguing idea. {How about a world where All for One successfully eliminates the first wielder of One for All?}

"That sounds interesting, but wouldn't it cause too many changes to the original story?" I raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

{Oh, definitely,} Index replied. {In this world, Japan is under the complete rule of All for One. He has become an eternal dictator and is using the Quirk registry to acquire abilities the moment a child awakens them. He is well on his way to conquering the world.}

"Pass," I quickly responded. "That place sounds too grim, and besides, I need a few skills from the original cast."

Index hummed and flipped through his pages a few more times, then stopped again, {I've found one where quirks evolve endlessly under duress, gaining new abilities or enhancing their original ones.}

"So basically, a perfect shonen protagonist world?" I raised an eyebrow, as I was expecting to hear a lot of "This isn't even my final form!" shouts during fights. "How does that even work? Wouldn't the office workers have the strongest abilities?" I chuckled.

{Sadly, no,} Index replied, wobbling left and right. {It requires tremendous physical and mental strain, and the process also burns up some of the user's lifespan.}

"Hmm... That could work," I pondered. "Playing the role of a villain and holding back to push the heroes to their limits, might just create the challenge I'm looking for," I said, rubbing my chin thoughtfully. "Before we proceed, can you tell me the world tier and what quests are available?"

{You'll be pleasantly surprised,} Index replied, and I could imagine a mysterious smile forming on his cover.

[My Hero Academia]

World Tier: 5 (Low)

World Language: Multilingual World

World Systems: None

Doomed: The world faces an imminent catastrophe as a top-secret military project aimed at creating super soldiers using Quirk evolution techniques spirals out of control. The military, driven by the escalating tensions between nations and the rise of villains, has been conducting unethical experiments to harness the potential of Quirk evolution for combat purposes. Initially intended to bolster the defense capabilities of each nation, these experiments involve subjecting individuals to extreme physical and emotional stress to trigger accelerated Quirk evolution. As the super soldier program progresses, the boundaries of what is considered acceptable become blurred. The subjects, pushed to their limits and beyond, lose their humanity and become living weapons. Their Quirks evolve in unpredictable and dangerous ways, amplifying their destructive potential while eroding their sanity and moral compass. With each successful experiment, tensions between nations will reach a boiling point. The global balance of power will becomes increasingly precarious, and a spark of conflict will ignite an all-out war. The once-stable hero society will collapse under the weight of the escalating violence and chaos, plunging the world into darkness.

"Tier 5?" I exclaimed, surprise evident in my voice. "So, they're on par with higher rank gods? That's surprising," I mused, glancing back at Index for confirmation.

{They may not be actual gods, but their powers have reached a level comparable to that of deities with multiple divine domains,} Index explained.

I chuckled. "I remember that there is a girl who could manipulate reality with her words. I can only imagine how strong she may become," I said with a smile. "This is going to be quite the adventure, don't you think?" I turned to Olivia, who simply shrugged in response.

"Very well," I acknowledged a sense of determination in my voice. "Give us the world book, Index."

Without a word, Index conjured the world book before us. {Here you go,} he responded. However, before I could reach for it, he added a crucial piece of information. {Before you enter this world, you need to be aware that the world itself, along with the universal laws of tier five and above worlds, are more solid and resistant to manipulation.}

Confusion washed over me as I sought clarification. "What does that mean for us?"

Index proceeded to explain, {Rule Breaker will prevent any interference in your immediate vicinity. However, once you cast a skill or spell that travels a certain distance away from you, the world and its laws will attempt to suppress anything that is deemed impossible within the rules of that world. That's why skill levels are important.} He paused briefly before continuing, {For instance, in this world, there is no traditional mana-based magic. Even though some Quirks may resemble magical abilities, they are fueled by stamina. Therefore, any mana-based magic cast over long distances will lose its potency. However, with your divinity, Andrew, you may have some ability to circumvent this limitation. On the other hand, Olivia, with her lower-level Mana Manipulation skill, might encounter difficulties casting wide-range magic.} He paused once more before adding, {Furthermore, your merged skills don't immediately fall into this category. There is a clear disparity in strength between merged and unmerged skills, even if the former may be at a lower level.}

I expressed my gratitude, smiling at Index. "Thank you for providing us with this information and issuing the warning. It is greatly appreciated." With that, I reached out and took hold of the book, opening it to its first page.

I quickly glanced through the available quests, unable to contain my satisfaction. "Oh, yes. This is absolutely perfect," I exclaimed.

Hearing my excitement, Olivia approached and peered over my shoulder, letting out a sigh and rolling her eyes. I couldn't help but smile, knowing she was well aware of my enthusiasm.

Optional Quests:

[Prevent the World War | Description: Gather intelligence, expose the villainous plot, and prevent the outbreak of a catastrophic world war. | Reward: 5,000 WP]

[Expose the Corruption | Description: Investigate and expose the high-ranking officials collaborating with villains, bringing justice and restoring faith in the hero society. | Reward: 3,000 WP]

[Secure Quirk Suppression Technology | Description: Infiltrate a heavily guarded facility and secure advanced quirk suppression technology to protect innocent civilians from potential harm. | Reward: 1,500 WP]

[Rescue Eri | Description: Infiltrate the villain's hideout and rescue Eri, a young girl trapped in their clutches. | Reward: 750 WP]

[Defeat All For One | Description: Defeat Kazuki Shigaraki, the wielder of All For One, and dismantle his villainous organization. | Reward: 1,000 WP]

[Stop Hero Killer Stain | Description: Track down and apprehend the notorious Hero Killer Stain, bringing him to justice. | Reward: 500 WP]

[Prevent Villain Uprising | Description: Foil a planned uprising by a group of powerful villains and maintain peace in the city. | Reward: 2,500 WP]

[Pro Hero | Description: Rise to the top ranks of heroes and become a symbol of hope and inspiration. | Reward: 2,500 WP]

[Pro Villain | Description: Establish yourself as the most feared and notorious villain, causing chaos and dominating the criminal underworld. | Reward: 3,000 WP]

[No Symbol | Description: Prevent Toshinori Yagi from finding a successor. | Reward: 1,000 WP]

[Take Over | Description: Instigate widespread chaos and panic globally, disrupting peace and challenging heroes and countries. | Reward: 6,000 WP]

[Domain | Description: Subsume the world. | Reward: 1,000 WP]

(A/N: I couldn't find what AFO's full name is, so the Kazuki part is made up.)

"Honey," I turned to face Olivia, my grin spreading even wider, "You will take the path of the Hero! Choose an ability and stick with it, but remember, as a pro hero, you shouldn't use lethal force unless absolutely necessary."

Olivia's enthusiasm for this world was clearly not as strong as mine, but she didn't voice her displeasure. "Alright," she replied, holding Sky in her arms, "But what will you be doing in the meantime?"

"Don't worry about me," I reassured her with a mischievous grin, "I want to play a goofy villain, someone with a ridiculous power." Ideas for goofy names ran through my mind, and I couldn't help but chuckle as I came up with one that I found amusing. "From now on, call me Dr. Clogbottom."

"Dr. what?" Olivia raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Not Dr. What, but Dr. Who!" I exclaimed, realizing from her confused expression that she didn't catch the reference. With a sigh, I made a mental note to introduce her to the character in the future. "Never mind that. I will be Dr. Clogbottom! My powers will revolve around causing constipation or diarrhea! Muhahaha!" I explained, letting out an exaggerated evil laugh, only to abruptly stop and add, "Hmm... I should probably work on my villainous laugh. It needs some practice."

Olivia stared at me with confusion in her eyes. "You're joking, right?" she asked incredulously. "Your superpower will be to make people poop themselves?"

"Yes!" I declared proudly. "And I will have a tragic backstory where the awakening of my quirk caused me to soil my pants in school, resulting in years of bullying and mental trauma. Now, I want the world to suffer because of it."

"You're absolutely ridiculous," Olivia shook her head and rolled her eyes. "How do you even plan to accomplish all of this?"

I shrugged nonchalantly. "Magic, perhaps?" I narrowed my eyes in contemplation, gazing into the distance. "Hmm, perhaps I could devise a silly contraption that would cause an entire city to experience an uncontrollable bowel movement," I mused, rubbing my chin.

"Oh, please, for the love of Hestia, I beg you, choose another power and a different name," Olivia pleaded, her eyes filled with a mixture of exasperation and desperation.

I let out a sigh, begrudgingly conceding to her request. "Fine," I muttered, my voice tinged with annoyance. "You just have to ruin all my fun," I grumbled, shooting her a squinted-eyed glare.

"You can come up with any scheme, power, and name you want," she pleaded, giving me a desperate look. "Just please, not this one. I can't handle the second-hand embarrassment," she implored. "Why not take a different, more lighthearted approach? Make everything you touch turn pink. Cause people's left socks to disappear. Make them uncontrollably sneeze or, even better, break into spontaneous dance," she suggested with a hopeful expression.

Her ideas did have a certain charm to them, and I couldn't resist teasing her. "Are you sure you don't want to be the villain?" I playfully asked, imagining her as the mastermind behind a notorious sock-stealing operation.

She raised an eyebrow at my suggestion, clearly not amused by the idea. "Well, your loss," I shrugged, not pushing the matter any further.

"Okay, how about I go by the name Rubber Quacker? Or wait 'The Quacker' sounds way better." I proposed, changing the subject, a hopeful smile spreading on my face.

With an exasperated sigh, she waved her hand dismissively. "Sure," she relented, her tone indicating her resignation.

I couldn't contain my excitement as I exclaimed, "Yes!", raising a fist into the air.

"Wait, what would your superpower even be?" she asked, her suspicion evident in her voice.

"Oh, it's nothing too overpowered," I reassured her, adopting a wise demeanor. "My power will be the ability to manipulate rubber ducks, and only rubber ducks."

She stared at me in wonder, clearly questioning my sanity. "How would that..." she began, about to question the practicality of such a power, but then quickly gave up, raising her hands in defeat. "You know what, I don't want to know. Do whatever you want," she conceded, clearly finding it pointless to argue any further.

I couldn't contain my excitement as my imagination ran wild with images of rubber ducks adorned with lasers, bombs, and intricate magical circles. An evil laugh escaped my lips, "Muhuhahaha."

Olivia looked at me with a pointed look and commented, "You need to work on that. It doesn't sound evil, just ridiculous."

I snorted in response, challenging her, "And you would know what an evil laugh sounds like?"

What I didn't expect, was for her to drop her head back and pretend to laugh in an exaggerated manner, "Muwhahaha."

The surroundings fell silent as Index, Sky, and I exchanged shocked glances. Olivia raised her head with a smug smile on her face. "See, that's how you do it," she said, brushing off her shoulders.

"Teach me, sensei," I exclaimed, dropping to the floor with a playful bow, causing her to snort and raise her head in a smug manner. "Also, are you sure you don't want to play a villain?"

"Yeah, nah," she replied with a pout. "With the quests that require a hero, we need someone on the other side."

"Oh, come on, let's forget about the hero quests," I suggested a mischievous idea taking hold of my mind. "I'll abandon my ridiculous persona and embrace the role of a fearsome Demon Lord. And you," I continued, turning to Olivia, "can become the sultry succubus queen, a captivating and alluring presence by my side." As I spoke, a vivid image formed in my mind, and I couldn't help but share it with our small audience.

"In my vision, I sit upon a majestic throne constructed from the skulls of fallen heroes, draped in menacing black armor adorned with imposing horns," I described, summoning an illusion beside me to bring the image to life. The illusion showcased the eerie throne and my imposing figure. "And you," I said, turning to Olivia, "clad in a seductive black leather outfit, sit beside me on the armrest, your hand delicately resting on my chest."

The illusion then expanded to include Sky, joining us in this grand illusionary spectacle. "And even Sky can partake in this," I exclaimed, grinning mischievously. The illusion revealed Sky in a devilish outfit, complete with miniature red horns, adding an adorable touch to our demonic tableau.

After giving the image a good look, her eyes widened in shock, and with a calm yet determined stride, Olivia closed in on me, her grip tightening on my shirt as she forcefully pulled me down to her eye level. Her piercing gaze sent a chill down my spine as she spoke with unwavering conviction. "I demand that you create that outfit for Sky," she asserted, her resolve palpable.

I couldn't help but chuckle at Olivia's seriousness, finding her determination both endearing and amusing. Before I could respond, however, a mischievous glimmer appeared in Sky's eyes, and she directed a hopeful look my way, activating her trusty "Puppy Eyes" skill. But, much to her surprise, I remained unaffected by its charm.

"Alright," I conceded, a playful smile still adorning my face. "I will make an outfit for Sky, but on one condition—you must join me in my wicked plans. Embrace your inner villain and unleash your devious side upon the unsuspecting world," I declared, raising my hands with a touch of theatrics, hoping to convince Olivia to join in the fun.

She responded with a firm "Nope," her voice leaving no room for negotiation. Disappointed, I resorted to a desperate plea, taking a page out of Sky's book and giving Olivia a puppy-eyed look. "Oh, come on! Please?" I implored, hoping to sway her with a touch of charm.

She let out a sigh, shaking her head in resignation. "Sorry, but Sky would be in too much danger," she explained, her tone filled with concern. She then flashed me a comforting and warm smile, her hand resting gently on my chest. "Besides, you can always come over and see me whenever you want. And if you make that outfit for Sky," she leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper, "you might receive a reward." Pulling back, she playfully wiggled her eyebrows, leaving a hint of mischief in the air.

"Fine," I replied, rolling my eyes at Olivia's reluctance. Secretly, however, I couldn't help but relish the thought of the various scenarios she would be 'forced' to participate in. 'Sky, your sacrifice will be remembered,' I mused, nodding solemnly at the puppy, who tilted her head in confusion.

Turning my attention back to Olivia, I mentioned, "You'll need a background when entering this world, as well as a hero name." Pausing for a moment, I added, "Considering your distinct features that stand out from the typical Asian appearance, let's say you're a hero who moved to Japan from overseas. We can keep it somewhat close to reality and say you're from England."

"Sure," she responded with a nonchalant shrug. "Also, I already have a hero name."

My curiosity piqued, I raised an eyebrow and asked, "And what would that be?"

"Blade Dancer," she proudly announced, nodding in satisfaction.

I shrugged, not finding anything inherently wrong with the name. "Not bad could be worse," I commented, giving her a playful smirk.

Her expression turned incredulous as she retorted, "It's way better than your Dr. Clogbottom. How could you come up with that name? Even saying it makes me cringe."

"Just because you're making fun of it, I might as well use it!" I replied, placing my hand on the book and gesturing for her to join me.

"Don't you dare. If you do, you'll be sleeping on the sofa for a month," she threatened, squinting her eyes at me while placing her free hand on the book.

"We'll see about that," I responded with a mischievous smile, turning to Index. "See you later, Index, and thanks for the help."

Olivia turned away from me and joined in, adding, "Yeah, thanks for everything, Index. See you in a few days."

{You're welcome,} Index replied, his voice echoing throughout the library. {Have a safe trip, and don't forget to have fun.}

We nodded in his direction, focusing our attention on the book. I took a deep breath and uttered the command, "Enter."

As the world around us underwent a mesmerizing transformation, engulfed in a swirling vortex of mana, a surge of excitement coursed through my veins. The mana's presence felt tangible, its density surpassing any previous encounters. Its different affinities pulsed with extraordinary power, painting a breathtaking spectacle before our eyes. The sheer infusion of mana was awe-inspiring, serving as a vivid reminder of the vast potential for my magical understanding and mastery to expand and evolve.

{The world of "My Hero Academia" has been selected.}

{Initializing [Background System].}

{Please provide your changes:}

"Time: one week prior to Toshinori Yagi's encounter with Izuku Midoriya. Olivia, a renowned hero known as 'Blade Dancer' from England, is relocating to Japan. Accompanied by her dog Sky, she has just arrived in Musutafu after a long flight. Meanwhile, I am to appear in close proximity to Kazuki Shigaraki."

{Minor adjustments required...}

{Implementing modifications... Complete.}

{Setting spatial and temporal coordinates to the specified time and locations.}

{Initiating user transfer. 3...2...1...}

{Best of luck!}

In an instant, a blinding burst of light enveloped us, and I found myself separated from Olivia, transported to an unfamiliar location within Japan.

As my surroundings gradually came into focus, the incessant beeping of medical equipment to my left captured my attention. Simultaneously an overwhelming surge of power emanating from the figure lying motionless in the bed struck me with undeniable intensity. It sent a surge of adrenaline through my veins, immediately putting me on high alert, yet an exhilarated grin spread across my face.

"Ah, now this promises to be truly exhilarating," I whispered to myself, anticipation fueling my excitement.